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[PLEASE LOCK]♕Heaven S Soul Sagas♚ An Original RP Co-Host: *~Dark~Magician~Girl~*

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Posted~ N, I think I made a "Well excuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuse me princess" moment for Jikka. xD

My spitfire http://dragcave.wikia.com/wiki/Spitfires and the two hellfires http://dragcave.wikia.com/wiki/Hellfire_Wyvern are gonna be epic looking too! I hope I get atleast one female of the hellfires. Lol

My next goal is to get an ember http://dragcave.wikia.com/wiki/Ember_dragons in my next egg batch. Hopefully a male one. x3

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[quote name='MortalKombatSmoke' timestamp='1311186473' post='5372042']
N I know that Neol isn't the only plot I'm just saying so many things interfered with it so I'm trying to keep my own plot stable!

Anyway! Sorry, my sister kicked me off the computer to watch a T.V. show on Hulu.

All my plot does is add more detail to the main plot.

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N: Kyng explained in a post that meteor is too small to kill someone....

You guys can still call me Aisu. xD I'm not a b*tch like that.

Oh, oh! N, perfect opp for that Jikka moment ya want. Laila will correct Jikka on the dying thing and he can be all "Well excuse me princess!"

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