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[PLEASE LOCK]♕Heaven S Soul Sagas♚ An Original RP Co-Host: *~Dark~Magician~Girl~*

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Hey atleast you have somthing INTERESTING for you charcter at all! All Jikka has done so far

Rob an old man
beat up some scorpians
kill a few gaurds
kill some pirates and take there ship
steal a horse
meet you guys
go to this little town
feed his horse
get tobaco
drink beer
and nap agian!
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Aisu, hey, what happens if I click on those eggs in your siggy?

MKS, .-.

N, on a serious note, your's, Admiral's, and my second character are the only characters without sub-plots, so, I say we take revenge and go take over all of the kingdoms
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Blu: Those eggs are dragon eggs. And in order to nurture them and help them hatch and grow, they need to feed with clicks and visits. So each time you visit my eggs, it helps them grow up. As you can see in the far right, that one's close to completely hatching.

N: I agree with ya. Jikka being a leader of a country would be just anarchy. If people rioted with each other he'd be like, "Idgaf.. Lemme know when they're dead so I can loot their bodies." Lol.
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