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[quote name='Master of The Dark' timestamp='1313704907' post='5453532']
Can anyone help me make a Black/white Commander deck. With [spoiler= Vish Kal, Blood Arbiter] [url="http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=236487"]http://gatherer.wiza...iverseid=236487[/url] [/spoiler] As my commander. Im working on a couple of Creatures to put in to it. if possabile i want to make it a dragon Vampire deck.

The fact that 70% of the Dragons are Red....is a problem indeed

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[quote name='The suppression PLUTO' timestamp='1313725475' post='5454137']

The fact that 70% of the Dragons are Red....is a problem indeed
Not really, since this game has 12000+ cards, it would probarly be possible to find enough dragons.

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[quote name='~Purrloin~' timestamp='1313763306' post='5454949']
Not really, since this game has 12000+ cards, it would probarly be possible to find enough dragons.

It may have 12000 cards...but dragon is a rare specie and believe me they are mostly RED...
Actually the exact number of Dragon aviable for his Deck colors in the whole game is...10

There are
2 Pure Green Dragons
5 Pure Black Dragons
5 Pure Blue Dragons
6 Pure White Dragons
45 Pure Red Dragons

Will ceck Multicolor Numbers in a minute

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ok do i post my deck on here then right?

[spoiler=White Life Up/ Beat Down]Planeswalkers: 2
2 Ajani Goldmane

Creatures: 12
4 Ajani's Pridemate
2 Soul’s Attendant
2 Priests of Norn
2 Blinding Mage
2 Peace Strider

Sorcerys: 2
2 Solemn Offering

Instants: 4
2 Mighty Leap
2 Safe Passage

Enchantments: 12
4 Armored Ascension
4 Spirit Mantle
2 Honor of the Pure
2 Ajani’s Mantra

Artifacts: 8
4 Angel’s Feather
4 Swiftfoot Boots

Land: 20
20 Plains[/spoiler]

Hey Valox can I join your tourny too?

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[quote name='Master of The Dark' timestamp='1313871861' post='5457432']
ok do i post my deck on here then right?

[spoiler=White Life Up/ Beat Down]Planeswalkers: 2
2 Ajani Goldmane

Creatures: 12
4 Ajani's Pridemate
2 Soul’s Attendant
2 Priests of Norn
2 Blinding Mage
2 Peace Strider

Sorcerys: 2
2 Solemn Offering

Instants: 4
2 Mighty Leap
2 Safe Passage

Enchantments: 12
4 Armored Ascension
4 Spirit Mantle
2 Honor of the Pure
2 Ajani’s Mantra

Artifacts: 8
4 Angel’s Feather
4 Swiftfoot Boots

Land: 20
20 Plains[/spoiler]

Hey Valox can I join your tourny too?
Yes you do......................and is that the deck your submitting for my tourny?

If so, it's to big.

Deck Size: 40 Exact
Format: Extended
Max Land: 16
Can deck be mill?: No, have to many as is.

That's pretty much it.

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@ D.A. sorry forgot the deck size will change right now.
@ Valox ok wat r the limits on the deck we can use?

Planeswalkers: 2
2 Ajani Goldmane

Creatures: 8
4 Ajani's Pridemate
2 Soul’s Attendant
2 Peace Strider

Enchantments: 7
4 Spirit Mantle
Honor of the Pure
2 Ajani’s Mantra

Artifacts: 7
3 Angel’s Feather
4 Swiftfoot Boots

Land: 16
16 Plains

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Sorry guys but I'm gonna have to drop out. College work and job hunting has been keeping me busy and I just don't have the time. So whoever is matched with me, they win, and if you haven't started yet, just cross me off the list.

Sorry. :(

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[quote name='Blud' timestamp='1313904663' post='5458708']
Sorry guys but I'm gonna have to drop out. College work and job hunting has been keeping me busy and I just don't have the time. So whoever is matched with me, they win, and if you haven't started yet, just cross me off the list.

Sorry. :(
:\ I'm sorry to hear that.

Welp there's now yet again 1 spot open for my tourny.

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[quote name='Master of The Dark' timestamp='1313931699' post='5459035']
Welp I guess that means you should get your deck together and post it soon Noel.
4 Goblin Arsonist
4 Goblin Wardriver
4 Memnite
4 Perilous Myr
4 Signal Pest

4 Arc Trail
4 Incinerate
4 Kuldotha Rebirth
4 Shock
2 Goblin Grenade
2 Panic Spellbomb

16 Mountain
4 Contested War Zone

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[quote name='Master of The Dark' timestamp='1313931996' post='5459042']
@ Noel the deck size is 40 cards with 16 lands max.
Oh? Ok then, so:

4 Goblin Wardriver
4 Memnite
4 Signal Pest

4 Arc Trail
4 Kuldotha Rebirth
4 Incinerate

12 Mountain
4 Contested War Zone

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