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[REQ] Death Note Vs. Code Geass Banner

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Hello, For the past month or so I have re-watched all of Code Geass and Death Note side-by-side together. I watched two episodes of code geass, then 2 of Death note, then 2 episodes of Code geass, then 1 episode of Death Note. Repeating this process allowed me to finish the anime's together. Now I'm going to do a special Non-biased review over the two anime's and I need a banner or just an image in general. I'm offering 800 points for anyone who can give me a nice, clean image comparing the two Anime's messages and/or the characters. This would be very helpful and I would prefer it would be someone who's seen/heard of the anime's. the Image should not favor one over the other. I am giving you full freedom to make anything but please no bigger than 650x650. thank you
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