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Shooters or Non-Shooters?

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I prefer Shooters or stuff that involves violence because, just...because. I personally think anything else is for pussies.


Metroid... for pussies, *hands NES and Metroid Cart*

YOU TRY f***ing 100% completion, WITHOUT THE MAP.

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Far Cry 2, Half Life, The Darkness, you could try those too

I have Far-cry 2. Got bored after the first half of the game. It didn't seem like the story was progressing at all. >.>


I've only played HL2...haven't played any of the "sequel episodes(?)" yet.

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I prefer Shooters or stuff that involves violence because, just...because. I personally think anything else is for pussies.

Another good Non-FPS... Castlevania. Those series of games are some of the hardest and most epic ever. So Play through the Original Castlevania, or any castlevania for that matter, and I dare you to tell me that's for pussies.

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Can't tell if troll or stupid.

Stupid troll?



Anyway, I hate the FPS genre. It really has littered the market and I just find them bland. Go around and kill stuff. Then go around and kill more stuff. Really, that's it for 90% of them. In general though "shooters" is a very open ended think. I mean the new Metroid games have been shooters only they have a lot more of a puzzle solving and platforming. Same goes for the RE and L4D franchises since they are survival horror. They are shooters but are nothing like an FPS like COD. TF2 is very special in the FPS genre being the only one that really has variance (it's hard not to with 9 classes, some even removing the "shooting" from shooters).


Really, it's the dime a dozen FPS that I hate (COD) because it really is the same basic crap and each game is a money grab.


Also, don't know how I let this thread slip by for so long, but since I find these type of threads stupid (it's more or less a comparison/what's your fav genre tread) I'm just going to lock this.

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