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Amazoness contest (closed)

Master Hyperion

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[align=center]Okay so here we go, this is my entry so first of all I'd like to say that before you say anything Shonen that I have asked Groudon and he has said my image is fine so get don't get on my case, next I'd like to say that originally I copied Grandmaster of the Six Samurai's effect which prevented multiple copies of the card to be on the field, but since the card text was getting really small I removed that part of the card's effect. However since the card is fairly hard to actually bring out since Amazons are hard to keep out due to the more recent cards plus the fact it cannot attack directly I felt it didn't matter.


Also I could not make a fair decision on her ATK and DEF so I hope that what I did choose was fair and fits with her level and card effect, obviously the main point is for her to be out with other Amazoness cards so that she can brutally screw your opponent by attacking all their monsters giving your other Amazoness cards access to your opponent's life points.




Zhang Fei, The Amazoness Leader

This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by removing from play 2 monsters on your side of the field that include "Amazoness" in their name, or are named "Amazon Archer". As long as there is a face-up monster that includes "Amazoness" in it's name, or is named "Amazon Archer" this card can attack every monster on your opponent's side of the field. This card cannot attack directly.[/align]

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