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One Piece! The Race of 3! | 3 Crews, 3 Journies, 1 Dream | (Accepting Reserves for future Crew Member Spots/Not Started)

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nice, great job captains and everyone! You seem to be on quite alot so that's probably why, cause you're dependable in that you'll be online at the right time, but then again it'd also be good for your crew to get posts, anyway we'll make it so that all the crews get their last member at the same time, so it shouldn't matter to much.
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k so far here's the standings:

Big Bang Pirates:
2 Crew members, started 3rd member recruiting.

Dark Shield Pirates:
1 Crew Member on the verge of 2

Wolf Fang Pirates:
1 Crew member

we have plenty of time so for a first day that isnt to bad.
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Broken Hearts we have a delima in our crew.

I had put off working on my app because of my busy scheduale, but one I had finished all of the Devil Fruit user spots were taken up.
This is sad because, when you read my app you'll understand . . .

I believe someone asked for a . . . [spoiler=[b]CHARACTER[/b]]
[b]Username:[/b] Jake the Sage
[b]RP Name:[/b] Hermit of the South Blue, real name is unknown yet goes by 'Hermit'
[b]Age:[/b] 24
[b]Gender:[/b] Male
Once an optimist who viewed the world as nothing more than a giant oppertunity which he can make his name well known. Traveling the world his personality slowly began to change to a solemn one, reflecting the experiances he had. Now he is a no-nonsense person who doesn't mind being blunt; even so far that some might consider him rude and unfeeling towards others. He also has become increasingly greedy, not for material things, but for power and anything that would grant him more of it. When people get to know him he seems laid back, less solemn, but this overlies his cruelity and ambition; though his twisted sense of humor remains apparent.
His head is covered with thick shaggy brown hair, matted and untamed as the seas he sails, and covered by an worn fedora hat; the hat covering his eyes with the shadow it creates in even the most minimal of light. Covered in scars from head to toe one major sticks out amongst them all, a moon shaped scar which begins at the temple above his left eye and continues all the way to his jawbone; passing over his left eye. No one has ever seen his eyes, constantly covered by a pair of shades that seem to remain with him akin to the fedora.

His body, like his face, is concieled. A long black trenchcoat makes judging his relative muscle mass difficult, but from the size of his arms it could be guessed he is not the weakest even amongst the greatest. Underneath the trenchcoat is a nearly shredded black tunic with the symbol for "lock" on it, covered by a golden key which hangs around his neck. His hands, covered by fingerless gloves, each have another symbol written onto it; the left reading 'dou' and the right 'sei'.

His legs, covered by simple slacks which are just as raggad as the others, hangs loosely off his torso as a belt loops around to prevent it from falling off. His boots, unlike the other clothing he wears, seems to be relatively new and kept in a good condition. Thick for whatever purposes the bottoms are covered in equally thick metal plating.
The days back in Hermit's past were as benign as anyone could think of. No horrible parents or circumstances of his birth would ever believe those who knew him as a child to grow into the kind of man he is today. Many people call him "pure evil" and "the killer of innocents" but what do they truly know about him? Evil has been used to describe everyone from famous killers to the punk kid down the street by the daughter's cautious father. True many of those people could have been born evil, but it takes a certain kind of event turn someone into "pure evil" . . .

Being raised in the North Blue by his adoptive parents and living with his younger sister the boy who would become Hermit lived in relative bliss in his small port hometown. With his sister constantly becoming ill the entire family struggled to pay off her medication, even their young son worked until he bled; yet he did not complain knowing it was for his beloved sister. During a raid the man and woman who had taken them in were killed, leaving the surviving boy to take charge of not only his sister's health but in the market which he had inherited. For a while things began to return to a normal routine, one where his sister did not get sick and the buisness was beginning to steadily increase along with it's young owner's ambitions for recognition. However when his sister's ilness returned after the doctors stated that it had completely recceded, there was no money for an effective treatment despite how well the market had been doing. Sinking everything he had for payment was still not enough and it appeared that his sister would finally subbcum to the disease which had plauged her her entire life. However there was one group which was willing to fianance the treatments, a Pirate group which had recently made the boy's hometown their new found base. They offered to fully pay for everything, but of course they wanted something in return.

In order to pay for his sister's life saving treatments the boy had to do certain "part time jobs" and did so without hesitation; traveling with them to continue paying off the enormous debt he now owed to the men.For two years, from age 13 to 15, he worked diligently doing anything and everything the Pirate crew told him and did it well' accomplishing everything with a steadily growing expertise. The only thing driving the boy, who had become a man under the watch of the pirates, was the thought of his sister recovering and the time when he would be able to return to her side back home and return to the store he had left. Never coming close to his hometown, the base of the pirates, he was told over and over again that her medication caused her to be "weary all the time, best not bother her." This continued unbelievably for four more years, each passing year causing the teenager to get more and more pressing with his requests to hear from his sister. All the while he was told she was being given the best medical treatment in the world.

LIES! It was ALL LIES!!!

They had never truly meant to take care of his little sister. Instead during a celebration party in the nearby waters of his hometown the teenager, ensuring the entire crew was asleep, sailed back home. Arriving in his hometown after so long he learned, from a guilt stricken nurse, that the pirates he had been working for had paid them only to keep her alive and not to actually treat her; thus extending his servitude to them. He heard from the nurse herself that his baby sister had died two years ago, when he was 17, and had requested to see him up until the moment she passed. Just as devistating was the knowledge that the raid which had claimed his adoptive parents was caused by the very same Pirate Crew. It infuriated him so much all he could do was think about revenge . . .

Returning to the ship he remained silent for a couple days, having set the ship back out to sea to cover up what he had done; and more importantly what he discovered. He waited for the right moment to strike and, during a cold winters night, he would be granted his revenge on the men who'd stolen his family . . . his happiness away from him. During that night, when the wind bite at his nose, the teengaer snuck into the Captain's Quarters of his former employeers and made a lunge to kill them in their sleep. Yet, as fate would have it, he failed and was nearly beaten to death; the Captain had learned of the assassination attempt. The beating mixed with the loss of his entire family drove something deep within the man too far and, only a week after waking up and barely able to move properly, he got his revenge. At least . . . the Pirate crew was all killed. Having eaten the Ki Ki Fruit sometime in the past, weither knowingly or not is only known to the man, his furry took the form of a massive storm which ripped and tore through the waves like a savage beast towards the object of his hate. Killing everyone on board, yet leaving the ship intact, his revenge had been dealt; though the man had not known it was by his own doing.

Forgoing his hometown, no longer able to remain there in peace, he took the ship of his former crew and set sail . . . vanishing into the mist.
Only recently has he reemerged a fully grown man, the Hermit of the South Blue. Terror to those who would appose his Devil Fruit Powers.

[b]Proffession:[/b] Mercenary and/or Assassin
[b]Position on Crew:[/b] N/A
[b]Quirks/Habits:[/b] Hermit has a habit of every so often feeling the need to fight, weither it is against a living entity or not doesn't matter to him. He also has the habit of just up and disappearing/appearing at random times.


[b][i]Devil Fruit[/b][/i]

[*][b]Fruit Name:[/b] Ki Ki Fruit
[*][b]Outline:[/b] Having eaten the Ki Ki Fruit Hermit is able to completely control his life energy, or chi, at will. Either condensing it to a solid form like a sword or making explosions with it, it is incredibly versitile and dangerous.
[*][b]Weakness:[/b] Despite being very deadly to others, it is just as deadly to the person who ate it. Not only does it have the normal weaknesses of any other Devil Fruit, but it risks one's own life if overused; if Hermit uses more chi than he can spare he will instantly die. Also due to using his chi he needs to eat every so often to recharge.


[*][b]Weapon Type:[/b] Razor Wire
[*][b]Outline:[/b] Thin, almost invisible, wire that can slice through steel.
[*][b]Weakness:[/b] Generally unusable during instances with high wind

[b][i]Overall Fighting Style:[/b][/i]

[*][b]Outline:[/b] Hermit is seemingly a master at any range of combat, long, close or hand-to-hand. Due to his Devil Fruit power he is more deadly at close range than he is at long range.
[*][b]Weakness:[/b] Hermit cannot withstand long drawn out battles unless he can replenish his own chi.

Any thoughts on what to do? I really don't want to remove the Devil Fruit.
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hmmmmm.....s***, I forgot, I thought I was heaps organized forgot about that...

It's fine, we'll allow your crew to have 4 devil fruit users for now, in total the number of devil fruit for a crew will be 4 now. Sorry for the inconveniance everyone. If your character is already made I suggest everyone that you dont add a devil fruit to your character if his already made, because aty this point if almost everyone has a devil fruit itll be silly.

As for your characters devil fruit jake im slightly confused, would u be able to explain it a little more, basically what he can do with the energy and where is the enrgy from?
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As I said in the app it is his chi, his life force. So it comes from within him, her every piece of energy utilized into a weapon made of energy
For further referance look at DBZ and Naruto

As for WHAT he can do with it, that is pretty simple. He can make just about anything he can think of with his energy, like swords or guns, and have them work. Also he can shoot out balls of his energy, like DBZ, that will explode upon impact or after a certain ammount of time.

However the side effect is, he is literally using his own life in battle TO battle.
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