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(IC) High School Life RP (PG-16)

The Sleeping Dude

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Alix looks at both Ludwig and Dominique. "I'm Alix, Dominique. And Ludwig, a question i've pondered a little bit..." She stuttered, wondering how to say it. It was awkward to say it, but she did. "Are you... Gay, Ludwig?" She spoke. Then she felt the text make the phone vibrate through her pants, she replied with this: "I'm gonna stay clean and fresh. No drugs, no booze, and I have my Motorized Scooter to make a quick escape if the Cops arrive. Got enough space for about four people to make an escape, and to hide behind the fence, to get as many people away from Jail."
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Ludwig was shocked by Alix's question, all that ran through his head was [i]"What!? How did she know!? What did I do? Wait... maybe she doesn't know! But I can trust her can't I? Oh I don't know! Maybe... OR maybe I can play it safe and tell her I'm straight, and tell her the truth later... There are people around, and I especially don't want this... Dominique... to find out. And if he took her away to tell her, it'd look suspicious! verdammt verdammt verdammt!"[/i] So he just decided to lie, "Umm I'm straight.. uhh... warum? I mean! Why?" he said nervously.
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Blaze woke up some time later, feeling refreshed. "That was nice..." He whispered. He looked around and noticed that most people had already left the gym. He didn't think he slept so long, but apparently he did. He ran a hand through his hair, and decided to leave. He went out of the gym, putting the earbuds from his iPhone into his ears, unable to decide on which song he would listen to. He eventually decided to listen to his playlist of U2, starting out with the song, "Pride (In the Name of Love)" and started to sing along. He was still debating whether to go to the party or not, and he eventually (by the end of the song) decided he was going to go, and scribbled down the address on a piece of paper.
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[color="#800080"]"Oh, hi Alex,"[/color] Dominique greeted, [color="#800080"]"Anyway, I overheard that there's this party going on somewhere... haven't found out where yet, couldn't stick around for details. Oh well, can't go to a party if you don't know where it is..."[/color]

Dominique shrugged her shoulders. She was [i]kinda[/i] looking forward to going to this party but... what could she do?

[color="#800080"]"So where were you going?"[/color] she asked.
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[color="#483D8B"]"Go wolves!!WHOOO!!"[/color] Cheri yelled doing a high kick before running off the floo. Some time later she received a text frm George. But instead of replying through text she decided to look for him. She told her team to go change and then leave before texting him back. 'Hey, yeah I jus gotta find my sis then head back home. As for the drugs, I'm not one for it. But I wouldn't mind trying it if you will.' She put her phone away then went to find Haruni.

Haruni had laughed at what Lucas said earlier, but couldn't say much else becaue of the loud crowd. When it was all over she faced Lucas and smiled, [color="#483D8B"]"I'll call you when I'm on my way to the movies. Text me the movie e're seeing. I don't care which"[/color] Haruni hesitatedand for a brief second looked like she as going to kiss Lucas on the cheek. In the end she just blushed and left. Sh didn't get far befre being snatched by Cheri.

[color="#483D8B"]"There you are. Come on, we've got plans tonight!"[/color] Haruni was confused. How did she find out about her date? Wait...she said 'we' meaning both of them. Haruni was dragged to the car, shoved in before Cheri rove off. If no one knew better then they would expect Haruni was being kidnapped.
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Fayt slides on his helmet and makes sure his items are secured in the storage compartment, then hops on his motorcycle and heads home. As he pulls into his driveway, he pulls out his keys and opens the garage, parking and removing his school items. He unlocks the door to his house, closes the garage, and heads inside. Taped to the wall is a sheet of paper with the following message: [i]Fayt, my boss is sending me on a one month business trip. Since I can't pull you away from your studies, I'm trusting you to be alright on your own. I'll make sure to send you money for groceries and any bills that may come. Love you, Mom.[/i] Fayt reads the note over, then gets a look of exasperation on his face. [b]"She left again. This is happening way too often to be a coincidence."[/b] He sets his stuff down and closes the door. He walks into his room, which contains a flatscreen, his PS, PS2 and PS3, as well as a desk for doing school work, a wardrobe, and his bed, and sits down on the floor. He looks up and stares at the ceiling, lost in thought.
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When Lukas recieved his kiss, he blushed, ever so slightly. He waved and left. [color="#00ff00"]"O.K.,see you tonight, at the movies!"[/color] He shouted, loud enough for both Cheri and Haruni to hear, though there wern't that many people still around them. He went home, and got ready for the movie. He went over all the movies in his head. SLudge III, The oozing. No, defenitely not. A Dawn Over the Sunset,which was a romance, maybe. Or, Near the Brink of Death, an action movie. Haruni could choose in between those two, depending on how she felt. He couldn't wait.

Jennifer left, relieved. She didn't have to sing the national anthem. She left, smiling. She arrived at home, and set out her stuff for the next day. She decided to practice her drums, along with singing, in case she had to play back up. She decided to challenge her self. She played The Trees by Rush. She had a non-drums version playing. She waited the right amount of beats , then cam in on the drums. She loved anysong that was challenging. She loved this song.It had an actual story, instead of. "Oh, I loved you, we got married, then you died, O-o-ooh."
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Fayt snaps back to reality, shaking off the lingering thoughts. Walking back to his stuff, he grabs out his school work and proceeds to finish it as quickly as possible. After about an hour of work, he finishes, sets the work back in his bag, and wanders over to his father's old study. Entering, he grabs a book off the shelf, and looks at it. The cover reads The Odyssey. Fayt walks over to a large armchair, opens to a bookmarked passage and starts to read. Reading the passage in which Odysseus and his crew pass by the six-headed monster Scylla and the whirlpool Charybdis, Fayt replaces Odysseus with himself, thereby changing the forms of Scylla and Charybdis into what they are in the embodiment of Fayt's mind, despair and loneliness. Closing the book, he sets it down and sighs. 'What an interesting first day this year. I just hope nothing too wild happens tonight over at that party. Then again, it would make for an interesting show. I'll make sure to watch what happens.' He gets up, and walks back out and into the kitchen, where he makes himself a small stir-fry from leftovers in the fridge.
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[center][size="7"][b]21:55 - Five minutes before the party starts.[/b][/size][/center]

Ken had everything set up. The pool was large and maintained, the garden was filled with buffet tables and the monumental beer pong stood magnificently in the center of the garden. Inside, rave music was blaring and the lights were slightly dimmed. There was a bouncer at the gate of the property and the footballers were there ahead of time, as well as a large number of the "populars". 'Day 1 of the last year. Better make it count." Ken said to himself as he began flirting with one of the popular girls.

George was in the car with Ludwig, driving to Cheri and Haruni's house. [color="#2F4F4F"]'So Ludmeister, you up for this?'[/color] George asked his "kumpel" to break the nerves. [color="#2F4F4F"]'It has been a long time since the last party, so I feel a bit nervous. But personally I can't wait to arrive at the girls' house so we can head out on the road.'[/color] George winked at his friend in a pally kind of way. [color="#2F4F4F"]'Best friends 'till the end bruv.' [/color]He quoted, as if it was a memory.

-A while later (OoC: MKS, feel free to post this aswell so you can continue the conversation and fill up your post)-

George and Ludwig arrived at the home of Cheri and Haruni. [color="#2F4F4F"]'Well, best go to the door bell.' [/color]George said as he tied his shoe laces and jogged up to the entrance. [color="#2F4F4F"]'C'mon Lud!'[/color] he said, which followed a ding-dong.
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"U-um Cheri what is going on? What are you doing? Haruni asked as Cheri as going through her wardrobe - which ment she was tossing everthing out. [color="#000080"]"What do you mean, 'what am I doing'? I'm finding you some clothes for tonight's party.[/color] Hruni blushed and looked down. [color="#000080"]"We-well actually....I have a date tonight..."[/color]

This mde Cheri pause, and tur around to face Haruni. Cheri wore a single off shoulder shirt, with a red bakini top underneith and some blue shorts.[color="#000080""A date!....You mean with that luser you were sitting next to?! Lucas? That guy is a total freak! I don't approve, and I'm not taking you to some date with that loser.][/color] Haruni didn't say anything andso Cheri continued to look for a descent outfit for Haruni. Now what was she suposed to do? She couldn't walk to the movies. It was almost 15 mils away! And it was geting darker outside.

'Hey Boo, you can start making your way over. By time you get here we should be ready.' Cher texted, then handed Haruni some black shorts with a pink tye die tank-top.[color="#4B0082"]"I guess this will have to do. Hurry up and change.[/color] With that Cheri left the room. As soon as she did, the doorbell rung. Guess there was no need to text him. [color="#000080"]"Hurry up Haruni! They're here.[/color] Cheri opened the dor with a smile.[color="#000080"]"Hey boo, Ludwig. Haruni should be down in a secnd-Oh there she is."[/color] Cheri said as Haruni walked down the stairs dressed and ready. While she was upstairs she had texted Lucas.

It said 'You think e could go to the prty instead? Cheri's my only ride and she won't take me to the movies to see you. I'm really sorry Lucas...'
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Lukas was getting ready for his date, when he felt his phone vibbrate. [color="#00ff00"]"Alright, sweet!" [/color][color="#000000"]He took out his phone, and read the post. Oh well. He was still going with Haruni! He put on his bathibg suit, along witha tee shirt. [/color][color="#2e8b57"]"Okay, Mom, see you later. I'm going to a party. I know the rules. No drugs, or drinking. I know. See you later." [/color][color="#000000"]He went outside, and got in his car. He drove to Ken's house, and took out his phone. "At the party. I will wait iin the deep end, so you can find me. Cant wait 2 C U!>" He put p his phone, and got in the pool, looking for Haruni.[/color]

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Meanwhile, just outside the house in which the party was supposed to take place, Dominique and her brother Xavier had parked on a nearby street. Hopping out of his Mercedes S500, Xavier proceeded to fetch all the hard liquor he brought with them, followed by a keg of beer that was in the back seat.

[color="#800080"]"So what's with the keg of beer?"[/color] Dominique asked.

[color="#FF8C00"]"Improves both of our chances of getting in there,"[/color] Xavier answered as he rolled the keg to the party with his foot, as his hands were full, [color="#FF8C00"]"Trust me, I've been to these types of parties before."[/color]

Eventually, the two of them managed to get everything to the front step.
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Ludwig got home late and changed into a black T-shirt he had and some jeans. He put on some sneakers, no socks though cuz of the pool, and he went out to meet George. Ludwig was still excessively nervous about the party, you could tell as he got into George's car in the passenger seat, however George was his "kumpel" and tried to calm him down. [i]"Ludmiester?"[/i] "Uhh... Yeah... I guess!" He said putting on an almost false smile. Half of his brain wanted to smile, the other half was too nervous to consider it. Ludwig smiled finally at George when he said "Best friends 'till the end bruv." He smiled and nodded saying, "Ja Kumpel..." He was happy that he was going with George and that he would actually know some people, unlike last year of course. Once they got to the girl's place Ludwig followed along behind George without question.
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[color="#2F4F4F"]'Alright ladies, if we are all read lets move on out, we've got a party to rock! WOOH!'[/color] George said in a much more confident voice. He looked at Cheri's outfit, glamourous as usual. [color="#2F4F4F"]'Hey, you trying to look hot for me, or is it someone else your trying to impress?'[/color] George asked in a humourous manner. [color="#2F4F4F"]'Okay then...agh, dry throat. Better get a drink before we get there.'[/color] He then saw Haruni and asked [color="#2F4F4F"]'Are you coming along with us, Haruni? Also, how you doing? It's been a long time since I saw you last, in fact it was when me and your sis broke up. How your grades coming along? Oh, and do you have a date?'[/color]. He then caught his eye on something, and he said [color="#2F4F4F"]'Ooh, sprinklers! You mind?'[/color] as he ran into them and cooled off and drank a little, ridding him of his dry throat. It was very warm that evening so it made the pool idea a very good one. As George turned off the sprinkler he said [color="#2F4F4F"]'My car'll be fine, you guys ready?'[/color]

Ken, after finishing flirting, noticed a beer keg coming up along with Dominique and her brother. [b]'Your in.' [/b]He said taking no notice of who they were.
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Cheri smirked at George, "When do I not look hot, boo? Though Ill admit I gave a bit more effort into my outfit choice fo the evening." She said before George began addressing Haruni.[color="#000080"]"Oh...I'm doing ok. My grades are fine thanks for asking. And uh, y-yeah I do have a date.."[/color] Haruni said the last part quietly still alittle embaressed about that. Cheri rolled her eyes, [color="#000080"]"Listen, that gy won't do you any good. Besides I doubt Ken would even let him 8n. You know Ken is only with the popular people."[/color]

[color="#000080"]"Anyway, let's get going."[/color] She grabbed George's arm and pulled him towards the car. Haruni simply sighed and followed behind, and got in the back seat. [color="#000080"]"I'm Haruni by the way. Its nice to met you."[/color] Haruni said to Ludwig holding out her hand to shake.
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Ludwig thought it was funny how George was acting with the sprinkler and how he was goggling over Haruni. Ludwig followed George into the car and sat back in the passenger seat. He turned his head to the greeting Haruni, he then said nervously, "H-Hallo... ich bin Ludwig, I-I mean!!! I-I am Ludwig." He then shook her hand and turned fast over to the front seat, "S-So l-lets go Kumpel." He said giving a long sigh.
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[color="#2F4F4F"]'Sweet! Let's do this!'[/color] George said as he sat in his Toyota, soaking the seat, and drove off to the party. It was quite quiet at this hour, in fact most were walking, or sneaking out from they're parents...

While they were driving up, Ken had gottne a girl drunk and told a bouncer to [b]'Keep an eye out' [/b]as he lead her upstairs. [b]'C'mon babe, let's go have some fun.'[/b]...

[color="#2F4F4F"]'Ok, here's the...place.'[/color] George hesitated as he took in the place of the party. He'd been round Ken's house before, but this time there were lights, banners, broken windows, tipped and trashed cars on the property, the whole deal. There were people outside just drinking, a group doing tug of war, a Tiajuana Carwash and a pot circle.[color="#2F4F4F"] 'Oh my god. We've entered the underworld of house parties.' [/color]George said as he parked in a safe distance away from the house, in fear his car would be trashed, which was something he couldn't afford. [color="#2F4F4F"]'Ok guys, let's go.'[/color] He said as he left the car.
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[color="#FF8C00"]"F***, everyone looks wasted already,"[/color] Xavier stated as he observed inside the house that the party was to take place, [color="#FF8C00"]"And we've only just brought the keg! Something tells me this is gonna be bad..."[/color]

[color="#800080"]"So about this keg... you sure you've got it under control?"[/color] Dominique asked.

[color="#FF8C00"]"Yeah, I've got it all under... actually,"[/color] Xavier handed everything in his hands to Dominique, [color="#FF8C00"]"No pressure."[/color]

Xavier then rolled the keg up to the front step, only to stand it up and lean on it as he rendezvoused with the bouncer.

[color="#FF8C00"]"Some party in there, aye?"[/color] Xavier asked the bouncer rhetorically. [color="#FF8C00"]"Anyway, full keg of beer in case you need it, and a few more brews coming up, on one condition: we both come to stay for the party."[/color]

Breathing a sigh of relief as she found a place to put everything, Dominique laid the rest of the alcohol on top of the keg.
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Alix got there behind George. "This'll be awesome. Just so you know, if the Popo comes, get behind the fence and run for it when their back is turned. If your too drunk, i'm leaving you. Once I park my Scooter at the escape point, i'm gonna lounge beside the pool, and possibly take a dip."he told them. She went and parked her Scooter behind the fence. Then, she jumped over the fence into the pool. "Woot!" She yelled, all wet. She dived into the pool bottom, and came back up, getting out. She quickly calls one of the chairs, and lounges. She smiled, and pulled out her phone.
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Cheri hopped out the car as soon as the car had stopped. [color="#000080"]"There is no way I'm going anywhere alone in that place. Let's go, boo.[/color] Cheri said once again grabbing George's arm. Haruni had followed behind the group closer to Ludwig. She didn't like parties in the first place, and this place was scary. Empty drink bottles were all oer the place, and she could smell drugs on many of the kids. She hoped she could find Lucas in this angled mess of kids. [color="#000080"]"I don't see Ken anywhere. Do you suppose he found some unlucky girl already?[/color]
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[color="#2F4F4F"]'Could've' [/color]George replied. [color="#2F4F4F"]'You know his way, fill 'em up and take 'em out back. Disgusts me.'[/color] He said, as he approached the bouncer who was talking with Xavier about getting in. 'Look, mate, you ain't getting in...' He noticed Cheri's chest '...are you in a group?' George looked at Xavier, with a keg. He also noticed Dominique, who he recognized from the school. [color="#2F4F4F"]'Err, sure. We know these guys, right...Tim?' [/color]He said, putting his arm over xavier's shoulders. 'Alright, I'll let yous in.' the bouncer replied. George then patted Xavier on the back saying [color="#2F4F4F"]'Don't worry about it, so long as we can all get in, right?'[/color] As they walked inside the bouncer once again was eye balling Cheri, goggling over her ass in her shorts. George noticed this, and instinctively sucker punched the bouncer straight in the eyes. [color="#2F4F4F"]'Don't you dare eyeball my girl ever again! Got it!' [/color]Suddenly, a footballer noticed this, and yelled 'GE-OGRE IS BACK! ONI STYLE IT! YEAH!' And suddnley, the lounge area became a fight zone. [color="#2F4F4F"]'Crap! C'mon guys!'[/color] He said as he got the group and lead them upstairs and away from the breaking chairs and smashing funiture. Suddenly, George realised where they were. [color="#2F4F4F"]'Ok, cover your ears, look forwards and not in the doors and follow me to the stairs at the back, we'll just chill outside.'[/color] George lead the group out of the fire of where they were and lead them back downstairs and outside by the pool. In the very large back garden there were weed circles and pool dancing and raving music at a loud frequency. He then noticedAlix was there, so he knew he was in the "safe" area [color="#2F4F4F"]'Well, you guys have fun, I'm going to try some of...that...stuff.' [/color]George said as he left the group and sat in the weed circle. He was nervous Cheri wasn't with him, but he was anxious to try since he believe it's better to try it and walk away than never try at all. The circle spread out a bit, accepting George. The "leader" said 'Welcome, bretheren, yould you like some magic flower?' [color="#2F4F4F"]'Erm, it's my first time, so is there a special way you-?' [/color]Then a girl said 'Inhale it, deeply. [color="#2F4F4F"]'Like smoking? No way!' [/color]Then she leaned towards him suggestively. 'Then how about I breathe it in your mouth and itll be like making out, only you'll get the buzz.' George felt awkward by this, now wanting Cheri there even more.

Ken zipped up his trousers and closed the door, leaving the unfortunate girl behind. [b]'One done, Cheri to go.' [/b]he said as he then noticed the noise downstairs. 'Hmm, Ge-ogre's here.' he walked downstairs, noticing the incapacitated bouncer. [b]'Sh*t! Takeo, cover the door, will ya?'[/b] Then he walked to the window overlooking the back graden, noticing Cheri there. So he walked up to her and placed his hand on her back, asking [b]'Where's your boyfriend?' [/b]reffering to George, although then he noticed he was backing away from a stoner who was coming at him suggestively. [b]'Well, if your not busy...'[/b] He began lowering his hand...
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Alix turned off her phone. She smiled, but then frowned at the sight of Weed. "I'm going inside." She walked towards her Scooter, and made all the precautions. Making sure that the Motor was off, the Handbag was safe, and the Phone was tucked in the Handbag. "I'm not getting Drunk. Not getting High. Not getting Knocked Up, or anything. I'm a flipping Freshman, for God's Sake! I must make sure none of this happens. It could destroy my Reputation! I'm getting inside, and just enjoying the Chips, Dip, and-WOAH!" All those thoughts rushed in her hesd until she bumped into Ken.

(Kyng, picture the Appearance of Alix in a Bikini.)
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Ken almost reached Cheri's buttcheek as he was push by Ken. [b]'Woah! Watch your step you...'[/b] He then looked at her in a bikini, seeing so much.[b] '...beautiful creature. My name is Ken, may I ask your's?'[/b] He literally ignored Cheri and was entranced by Alix's curves and attractive body, though he tried to look like he wasn't gawking at her. [b]'Oh, and I'm head of the football team and, well, host of this party. And now your here, I think this whole party just got a little better.'[/b] He signalled something with his hand, and 2 bear cans were thrown his way. [b]'C'mon, loosen up and have some fun! I need a hot chick for the Chicken Fight anyways, we'd win for sure!'[/b]
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"One, i'm a Freshman-aged girl in Junior Year Class. Two, I am the one who knows the escape route. I shouldn't get Drunk or High. I could keep you out of Jail" She thinks and goes wide-eyed. "And don't try knocking me up. I just came here to enjoy the party." She then tries to walk away, trying to keep herself from getting enveloped in the nightmare, which could possibly get her a ticket to the slammer. She knew he called her a hot chick, but he was a Senior, for sure. She was a Freshman. Though he was the Football Star, she didn't want to get knocked up. Well, not until she was married.

<div><br></div><div>(Kyng, try to stop her.)</div>
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Cheri resisted the urge to roll her eyes at the bouncer, but whatever got them in was fine with her she supposed. Though it was only for Alix, and two other people she had yet to learn the names of. She didn't know that the bouncer was still watching her until George had punched him for doing so. Then he was suddenly leading her upstairs, and while Cheri was disgusted by what was going on, she wasn't really bothered by it. Haruni on the other had, was feeling very uncomfortable and out of place. She had never been to a party like this, in fact she had never been to a party period. Unless you count birthday parties. They eventually made it to the bac, where the pool was, and instantly Haruni began looking around. Lucas said he would be in this area, at the deep end. She looked in that direction and smiled when she spotted him. She walked over and sat on the edge of the pool next to him, and dipped her feet in the water. [color="#483D8B"]"Hello, Lucas. I didn't think I'd ever find you in this crowd."[/color]

Cheri had simply stood there when George left to go try weed. She was contemplating on whether she should go or not. Though before she could make the decision Ken came over placing a hand on her back. [color="#483D8B"]"If you're reffering to George he's over there."[/color] She nodded her head towards the weed circle, which was starting to look like a much better place than being with Ken. She then started to feel his hand lower, but before it got to it's desired destination some girl - she remembered from being at the door - bumped into him. Ken's gaze was suddenly taken from her and onto the gir. When Ken tried to hit on her, Cheri hit him over the head after Alex's reply. [color="#483D8B"]"You touch her and I sware I will make your life a living hell. The girl is a freshman, and the last thing she needs is some hormone driven idiot chasing after her pants."[/color] Cheri may not have been the one to stand up for people, but there were some things even she couldn't stand for.

Cheri then left to join George, pushing the girl - probaby a little rougher than was necessary - that was closest to him away and sitting next by him. [color="#483D8B"]"So where were we?"[/color]
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