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Dragon Caves Academy : Beginning of a new Revolution [Started/Accepting]


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[quote name='Athena Tennousu' timestamp='1309097416' post='5311716']
Appearance: I'll draw you a picture later today. I know I don't have to but I was going to draw her anyway, and you gave me the idea to use her in this. (when I get off because my brother will be online and I can post it later or tomorrow)
For now, something like, she wears a skirt and black and white clothes. ^_^
[spoiler=This is how she will look like][IMG]http://i54.tinypic.com/1604m5e.jpg[/IMG][/spoiler]
[quote name='Athena Tennousu' timestamp='1309097416' post='5311716']
Bio: If you can think of something for me, I'll go along with it. If not I'll think of something because I can't right now.
Bio: She grew up in a small town without any family because they all don't like cute girls, simple as that. All of her family left her because they were a father, a father (yeah, I don't know how that happened either), and three brothers... that all like guys... anyway, she always saw dragons around and liked them but no one would let her have one because they thought she couldn't take care of it. Then, she left the town a few weeks ago and found a dragon egg in a small cave. she had been taking care of ever since. She found it odd that it was an orange color, because no one in the small town had a dragon that color but she didn't care. She has a dragon now and she loves it. ^^ The egg hatched sometime late last night and she doesn't know what to do now because she doesn't know how to take care of it. This is a school that will teach her how to take the best care of it ever!
[hr]I'll put it all into the app. now:

Name: Kuna Fujiyashi (I had to do it! I made the name up myself :P)
Age: 12 (I'm just making up a character here)
Gender: Female (^)

[spoiler=Bio:]She grew up in a small town without any family because they all don't like cute girls, simple as that. All of her family left her because they were a father, a father (yeah, I don't know how that happened either), and three brothers... that all like guys... anyway, she always saw dragons around and liked them but no one would let her have one because they thought she couldn't take care of it. Then, she left the town a few weeks ago and found a dragon egg in a small cave. she had been taking care of ever since. She found it odd that it was an orange color, because no one in the small town had a dragon that color but she didn't care. She has a dragon now and she loves it. ^^ The egg hatched sometime late last night and she doesn't know what to do now because she doesn't know how to take care of it. This is a school that will teach her how to take the best care of it ever![/spoiler]

Student or Teacher?: Student
Subject Teaching(If teacher, max. 2):
Dragon Breed(s)(Your starter Dragon if you're a student): Magi Dragon
Dragon growth stage: S1
Dragon Name: I didn't name it yet
Others: NA

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Name: Lucas Weaver
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Bio: Natural explorer Lucas was trekking through a mountain forest when a storm started brewing so he hid in the nearest cave. There he found a dark reddish colored dragon egg, there was no obvious way for a dragon of any kind to get through the small cave entrance and there was no other visible way or entering. He took it and returned to the lodge. There he kept it trying to hatch it. And now, two years later Lucas is going to learn how to tame and live with his new dragon hatchling.
Appearance: [spoiler=] [url=http://postimage.org/image/12781rexw/][img]http://s4.postimage.org/12781rexw/dude.jpg[/img][/url] [/spoiler]
Student or Teacher?: Student
Dragon Breed: Hellfire Wyvern
Dragon growth stage: S1 hatchling
Dragon Name: Abyssia
Others: Since Abyssia hasn't been raised by Hellfire Wyverns she isn't so aggressive as other wyverns.
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We still need a Breeding teacher, so

Name: Li Taira
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Bio: Okay. He's Chinese. He was in a specialized program for learning about Dragon Breeding when he went to a Dragon school, so he knows a lot about dragons. In fact while being around them for most of his life, he can understand them more than normal human. He can't talk to them quite as well as the other teachers, though, even though he knows quite a bit more about breeding.

He managed to breed one of every known breed only dragon. However, after that, a Vampire Dragon came out of nowhere and bit the the rest of the eggs he was carrying, for no reason, too. [b]How mean![/b] One of them transformed and the rest died. The rest of the dragons he had before ran away after being scared to death that any more of their children would die.

Appearance: [s]Dude, I'm Chinese.[/s] Okay, he has short, brown hair and brown eyes. He dresses like... Grr, it's hard to write it! I'm just going to draw him, too.
Student or Teacher?: Teacher
Subject Teaching(If teacher, max. 2): Breeding
Dragon Breed(s)(Your starter Dragon if you're a student): Geode Dragon, Two-Finned Bluna, Shallow Water Dragon, Vampire Dragon
Dragon growth stage: All Adult
Dragon Name:
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[quote name='Athena Tennousu' timestamp='1309256774' post='5316508']
So, in RPs, do you make another topic out of the OOC section, and then we strart? Or is it in this one and moved?

We create a thread in IC and do our stuff.

I'm doing just that.
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