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[size="1.5"][font="Century Gothic"][color="#2E8B57"][center][b]Well I was bored waiting for comments on my threads in RC (like i usually am). So i made this in Gimp. Took around 40 Minutes for the base of the card, and for text/name/Image boxes took around 50 minutes due tot he fact i kept messing up >.<. .XCF is available if needed (Would need to upload it though). This is currently a Work in Progress. Posting it here for Opinion's/Cn'C. Everrything on it is was scratched by me. IT is still a WIP as i said, and i will be posting a updated version every-so-often. Currently i have only made a Spell Version >.<.

So anyways here it is:

Other Notes:
The larger empty box is for the image and the one below it is the text box. Still trying to figure out where Im Going to put the Set ID/Creator/That-number-in-the-left-hand-corner-of-all-cards.[/b][/center][/color][/font][/size]
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i like it, i liked it soo much in fact that i did this XD


No harm no foul, though i feel that with some work this would be great. I say space out the image slot and the text slot some more, make the text slot not a rectangle but a trapazoid and match the card, so the information can go between, really nice for only 90 minutes of work =D
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[size="1.5"][font="Century Gothic"][color="#2E8B57"][center]... >.< I lol'd. I knew it! that anti Rip sign does nothing D: xD. Just don't do that again >.<(Note To Self: Make Sign bigger.)

Anyways glad you like it, one of my idea's Was to put Set ID/Left-corner#/Creator in a trapazid box below the text box :P.[/center][/color][/font][/size]

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[font="Century Gothic"][color="#A0522D"][size="1.5"][center]Thanks for pointing that out, I'ma shrink it for the next version. And considering it's a custom card template, you don't need to know much. Just if it's visually appealling and HQ[/center][/size][/color][/font].
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