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Good gawd. How many of those Brony avis are there? :/


I'm so inactive here....so what has happened? And also, I need to know the best Wii Games cause my bro wants one or two for Christmas.

The best new Wii game would probably be Skyward Sword.

Older games would be:



Twilight Princess

Mario Kart

Metroid Prime Corruption

Super Mario Galaxy (either)


That's all I have.

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I'm so inactive here....so what has happened? And also, I need to know the best Wii Games cause my bro wants one or two for Christmas.


Well I don't play Skyward Sword as Brothar suggested


But like him I would suggest:


Brawl or Mario Kart


Maybe Super Mario Galaxy(1 or 2)

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I already have both Galaxies and I'm planning to get Brawl on my own.


Brawl is awesome.

I've played both Galaxies but I didn't finish either of them.

Pretty much sums up my gaming minus the whole money crisis.


I have the second Galaxy, but haven't beat it yet.

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