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Explain, bra. :D


I wanted to change the email that I was using on my YCM account to mine because the email was my grandpa's. So I changed the email, and YCM logged me out. I WTF'ed and logged back on. It told me that a validation message was sent to my grandpa's so YCM can accept my new email. So I went to AOL and tried to log in with grandpa's, but the thing was that my grandpa's email got erased, so I freaked out. D8

I have no choice but to make another YCM account

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Inorite?! 8D

I'm gonna vote for a hobo to be the President. That is what I want for my birthday present. And my own Hooters resturant.

-__- Oh, great.


Well, anyway. Speaking of voting, for jacob, that's for the roast thing rite? It wouldn't work. He's like 14, he wouldn't be able to make a comeback. Desu, on the other hand.

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Yeah, ehrm, Jax is 15.



Don't care.

Desu is like what, 15?

*does the math* Yea. But he's better at roasting than Jacob. I tested him on my status yesterday, he failed.


EDIT: ninja'd by desu.


I'm not saying you're the best choice, Desu, but between you and Desu, you're better.

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