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See normally, I would actually warn Shard because he kept posting in the club, however you guys didn't do much to keep him out. If you don't want him here, ignor him and stop addressing him. It's human nature to respond when your being talked about.


So yea, drop it and get back on track talking about gaming.


Here, I'll even give you a jump start. Holiday line up. What cool games are coming out in the next month and a half and recently came out. And what games are you looking forward to get. If you already have a topic though, feel free to keep on that.


As said that was Glitch who came in a day late. Too lazy to smack him so I pretty much just ignored him.


There aren't any games that i'm even looking forward to. Nothing that really catches my interest is coming out. Maybe I'll ask for BF3 or Skyrim but that's just maybe.

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Nintendo is raping my wallet. :[

Nintendo is raping good games. :[



MW3 came out today. :D


I'm looking forward to Mario Kart 7 and Super Mario 3D Land for no reason =D


Also, since I have no reason to post this anywhere, there was a table at school, and a whole bunch of things including "LC" was written on it. :3

...someone has a personal stalker.


I'm so jelly. D:

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Why didn't you fill it with dirt? :D


Iseewatudidthar :P


No. I filled it with wet concrete. But don't worry. You'll find Jax through that portal over there. *points at portal.*


In the mean time, if anyone needs me, I'll be in another dimension trolling peeps. B)

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