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It was for the XBox. Original XBox.


Oblivion? I thought it was for 360.


...or am I behind on my games? I am a 90s person, ya know.


EDIT: HAHAHA! xD Hey guys. I updated my status to "Arguing with trolls is fun." and guess who commented? Shard, and he told me to "f*** off." xD I loled so hard!

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Only way people would forget this is if I made an alt. Ycm dwells too much on the past. Family!? Love!? What the f*** are you thinking? I don't 'love' anyone on this forum. Urgh. You win, I lost so many brain cells in this argument... What's my name again?

No it wouldn't help anything. If you made an Alt account, you wouldn't be on your account anymore. Your account wouldn't say banned. We would be in too much suspicion then. Then you would continue to act the way you do now and in the past. So, it would be that you have finally left AND that we have another idiot that acts the same way as you do. By that, we would deduce that this alt is you. And more reason to do so now since you posted it. And making another account is never the way to get. Mods know I.P. Addresses and for a forum, would getting a new one be alright? You want to us to repeal a banned that was issued in the PAST because you think it is stupid. You want reasons for us banning you, which the reasons for doing so were in the PAST. You dwell too much in the past as well. Grow the f*** up, stop caring about so much s*** that you even said you didn't care about. And if you don't know, YCM is a forum, a community, a group, a FAMILY. By love, I mean that we actually care for each other and we don't use the word "tolerate" for your caring about them. Now leave our family, we have some nice sex to get back to. And if you don't know. I ALWAYS win. ALWAYS. ALWAYS. ALFUCKINGWAYS. If you can't remember your name, how come you know what brain cells are? I hope that a penguin will come to your house, eat your toes off one by one, rape you. A pigeon will eat you lips and make out with you.
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Yeah, and we don't exist. *Shrugs.* And my comment was actually towards you. :3


Haha you're awesome.



God. I am so done with him.


At least he didn't comment overnight.


Guess I went to sleep at the right time.



Good 4:45 Morning people.




Why is the Sims so bloody addicting? DX


The Sims?


Maybe cause you enjoy playing God? idk :/

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Then send a PM. In the meantime get the f*ck out.


P.S. What I think he meant by warning is you'd be reported to the mods. Now get out before I do it.

Yes, that's what I meant. ^_^


Annnnnnnnnnnnnnd I just caused armageddon


Glitch, just so you know


Loophole says "The Blazing MARS" is banned.

I'm not "The Blazing MARS" so hence I'm not banned

lolgic, In theory I don't have any warnings either


And a Mod banning me over posting in a club would prove how damn retarded this forum is, I'm only trying to help =/


We banned you, you asked again, we denied you, NEVER come back.

I do see that Flame Dragon told you so.

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1) No you didn't. :D

2) The Blazing Mars' stench is still on you so you are still him by default.

3) If you were trying to help, then, help youself to the exit. <3

You make rudeness sound so nice. <3


Glitch, did someone send you a PM about the Idea for a VGM section in the front page? :D


Also, I said that already. BD

No, what do you mean?
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Really? Because he doesn't care about you enough to edit it so it's your new name then you aren't banned? With that same logic the member originally accepted isn't Shard either. I'm sending the report now you dumbass.

I wish I was here to say the exact same thing. XD



I was being nice?!

I said SOUND. :3


And what's this VGM thing, again?

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oh no i got insulted over the internet what ever shall i do now



Oh and why the hell is this place called gaming central when you never discuss games? I was banned for trying to discuss games, and you where all like "No wtf shut up about games" In a topic marked "Gaming Central" Not salty about it or anything, but honestly? All I was trying to do was generate valid discussion.

You were trying to start gaming topics?


Oh, then I'll have to unba-----



I remember now....


BD Cursey-San said this.

I never really got into that thing, but I might do it.


You guys never look at the first page anyway. 8D

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Your logic is the only think flawed Shard. I had something ready to post which really just repeated the stuff you kept denying but I don't need to degrade myself in fron of Drago.


Thank you Drago.


It's not blue, and I didn't even tamper with it.


I like how you're quoting things from where the argument started, Glitch. :)


That tells me how good of a thread host you are. ;D

I wasn't here to kill Mars so this is the only way...


I have to read the 6 pages to catch up, anyway. :D

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@Glitch: I look at it...;-;


@Bro: Psh, he's a great leader/host/owner. :3


I was there when it started.


I was like "oh boy another argument I'll join in cause it's late and I'm bored :D"


But now it looks like it's over so I'm just chillaxin in my chair that I made from rock and fine grain soil. You like?

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