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This place needs a radio station. Like the Video Game Station in the Music section. So we can rave to stuff other than the Macarena.


You should talk to Glitch and Atman about that. I'm just here to kick ass and talk about videogames. And Shard's ass isn't worth it anymore.

Rairty is that douchebag kid other there. :D


Oh, am I not allowed to say that? D:


Nah, you can.

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It seems that you cannot look at yourself and think, why do I do such things? You seem to lack the ability to learn from your faults and understand why. We have no reason to do so because you would only look at yourself with great respect for doing so.

Who are you talking too? :/


@Cursed: I'll PM Glitch about it. :D



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Justify my ban, it seems that you can't. Apparently my ban appeal is just full of hate comments.


You keep bringing it up with smart-ass remarks and you'll never receive it.



Rarity is DD. You didn't know? :/


I had no clue. But now I know. Can I use it? Or is it only allowed by certain people? :/



Rairty is that douchebag kid other there. :D


Oh, am I not allowed to say that? D:


Haha that is funny.

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Smart ass remarks? I just want another chance because my ban appeal was basicially all hate mail.


The way you wrote those remarks doesn't exactly ask for another chance.


Best if you just stop before they change their mind about you.

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It seems you can't even bother to justify my ban. This really is stupid.

Why must I really even bother? I am actually being nice to you and saying truth behind every statement and you either do not understand them or you just don't care. This is why you are banned. Because you only seem to care about yourself without a single thought of the s*** you do. Why have you been banned from YCM so many times? Because you act so childish to the point where we cannot stand a single thing you do anymore. You only want straight forward answers. Which I find that stupid. Look at yourself, now back at ALL of your posts. Now back to the way we treat each other(besides you) on this forum. We actually act as a family and have reasons to love eachother. My reason to love them is because they do not try so hard to do something and they don't want anything in return, most of the time. You however get so many reasonable posts that would help you to become a better person on forums and you forget about them the second you are done reading them IF you even read them. You cannot learn from your mistakes and you keep making the same ones constantly. All you want are reasons as to why you are being hated. Well, why should we ever give them to you if you never even bother to take them into consideration? You're the weakest link of this forum and are the child no one wants. I cannot believe people can even stand you. I have pretty damn great tolerance for most things, you are not one of those things however. I am to the point where if you even post again, I will go completely douchey on your ass and make you cry from your mouth and bleed from your skull. If that is not possible, I shall make it possible to the extent where your insides will explode and your outsides with implode.
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The way you wrote those remarks doesn't exactly ask for another chance.


Best if you just stop before they change their mind about you.


I didn't mean to insult. I was trying to defend what little ground I had. Guys, Gals whatever. Let's just stop this annoying argument now. I just said I wanted another chance because my ban appeal was stupid.

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DD, you are my hero. :3




I didn't mean to insult. I was trying to defend what little ground I had. Guys, Gals whatever. Let's just stop this annoying argument now. I just said I wanted another chance because my ban appeal was stupid.


Now you're just being annoying. Stop posting and go make your club like you said you would. No one cares.

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I didn't mean to insult. I was trying to defend what little ground I had. Guys, Gals whatever. Let's just stop this annoying argument now. I just said I wanted another chance because my ban appeal was stupid.

You say it is stupid, and yet aren't you stupid? If so, they are on equal levels. If I appeal your ban, I would have to kill you.
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I cannot even tolerate Shard anymore and I deal with 7 years of so much s*** you wouldn't believe. I STILL TOLERATE THAT CRAP.


Try me. I've helped so many people throughout high school with problems. ;)


...and by "try me", that was rhetorical.





I ate his sperm.




Fixed based on what I read. xD

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Only way people would forget this is if I made an alt. Ycm dwells too much on the past. Family!? Love!? What the f*** are you thinking? I don't 'love' anyone on this forum. Urgh. You win, I lost so many brain cells in this argument... What's my name again?


lol You are so immature.

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Now can we just go back to whatever we were talking about? We don't need to waste any more time on the attention whore that is Shard.


Who's wasting time? I'm actually enjoying this.


But yeah. What was the topic again? We were talking about the Elder Scrolls?


Oh yeah, which reminds me...


*kicks Jax.*

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