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Oblivion is like this: Your in prison. A bit of story interacts with a tutorial mission. Mission finishes, plot twist and then- your free. You leave the sewers and your in the middle of a massive f***ing map that universally scales to your level and with 100+ side missions scattered between 9 8 massive cities, 112 caves, 96 forts, 87 ruins, 42 sub-citys/villages, and 200 unmarked regions spread across a prarie, a mountian range, a forest, a swamp, frozen desert, sub-tropic oasis over a map that to walk across from edge to edge would take you the entirety of 3-4 real world hours. (meh, maybe 2.5 if you tried) The strengh of the side missions comes from 4 major guilds of the region; The Fighters Guild (But who likes the, really?), The Mages Guide (Complete with a restricted district that only becomes avalible after enough progress and allows you make your own spells and enchantments), The Thief Guild (self-explanatory), and the Dark Brotherhood (does assassinations and stuff and doesn't afraid of anything). Which each have 10+ hours of their own missions and story arcs. However the main story is also strong presenting a series of 52 new Oblivion Gates to the map and an over-arching story that spans the entire map with solid enough plot and twists with a nice finale.


And THAT is Oblivion. Oh, and yes I am getting Skyrim.

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Didn't do too too well on the Desu.


Figured cause I'm not Desu. :3



All I want is to be unbanned, but no. It's a shame. It's a shame I have to

to argue here. I didn't want to start an argument, I just thought my ban was

unjustified. And of course, this argument will reflare up because desperado panda is gonna insult me. Apparently submitting a ban appeal meant absolute nil. Of course, I'm probably gonna be lucky if I only get warned for this, but whatever. Go on, justify my ban. tell me why I wouldn't change.


All you had to do was shut your mouth and this wouldn't have spiraled out of control.

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awkward time I walked in, eh?


Eh, it's like real-life where two people are having an argument that neither really gets what the other is saying.


Like having cheese with fruit, with chocolate and wine, thinking you having a pizza.


Then feeling sick, throwing up into a box full of The Legend of Zelda memorabilia, before drunkenly staggering onto the streets while you sing YMCA.


YMCA sounds like YCMA, or YCM Organization. Kewlness.


Where was I? Ah, yes, in the middle of a Shard argument.


Ignore them, the other co-leads liek to quarrel.


So, you have cheese with your fruit too? BD


@Raine: I WANT.

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awkward time I walked in, eh?


Eh, it's like real-life where two people are having an argument that neither really gets what the other is saying.


Like having cheese with fruit, with chocolate and wine, thinking you having a pizza.


Then feeling sick, throwing up into a box full of The Legend of Zelda memorabilia, before drunkenly staggering onto the streets while you sing YMCA.


YMCA sounds like YCMA, or YCM Organization. Kewlness.


Where was I? Ah, yes, in the middle of a Shard argument.

I never take the Shard arguments too seriously.



Guise, you are all bigger idiots than you were before with you really care for what Shard says. :/

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To be honest, cheese with grapes or whatever you have it with was a horrible idea. Never liked cheese except on pasta. Yay.


And I would never throw up on a box of LOZ memorabilia. nowai. godno. the thought is horrendous.


Oh, and the argument is just a bit weird. My advice:


- Let Shard make his club. Whoever joins joins.

- This club carries on as normal.

- We dance to the Macarena.

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To be honest, cheese with grapes or whatever you have it with was a horrible idea. Never liked cheese except on pasta. Yay.


And I would never throw up on a box of LOZ memorabilia. nowai. godno. the thought is horrendous.


Oh, and the argument is just a bit weird. My advice:


- Let Shard make his club. Whoever joins joins.

- This club carries on as normal.

- We dance to the Macarena.

I want to dance the potty dance. I was a pro when I was a child.

And good.

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Figured cause I'm not Desu. :3


Wasn't bad for a rookie.

To be honest, cheese with grapes or whatever you have it with was a horrible idea. Never liked cheese except on pasta. Yay.


And I would never throw up on a box of LOZ memorabilia. nowai. godno. the thought is horrendous.


Oh, and the argument is just a bit weird. My advice:


- Let Shard make his club. Whoever joins joins.

- This club carries on as normal.

- We dance to the Macarena.


I'm just so sad I won't be in it.

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To be honest, cheese with grapes or whatever you have it with was a horrible idea. Never liked cheese except on pasta. Yay.

Cheese is great with everything, imo.

Oh, and the argument is just a bit weird. My advice:


- Let Shard make his club. Whoever joins joins.

- This club carries on as normal.

- We dance to the Macarena.


Yes. It's best if we let the troll loose in the wild and do what he wants.


The Macarena? That's it? Dude, we need more music than that!


Hold on, I'll call DJ Osiris and he'll-


owait, he's not here anymore >_>

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To be honest, cheese with grapes or whatever you have it with was a horrible idea. Never liked cheese except on pasta. Yay.


And I would never throw up on a box of LOZ memorabilia. nowai. godno. the thought is horrendous.


Oh, and the argument is just a bit weird. My advice:


- Let Shard make his club. Whoever joins joins.

- This club carries on as normal.

- We dance to the Macarena.


You liek teh LoZ?


Psh, I love you. :D

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Justify my ban, it seems that you can't. Apparently my ban appeal is just full of hate comments.

It seems that you cannot look at yourself and think, why do I do such things? You seem to lack the ability to learn from your faults and understand why. We have no reason to do so because you would only look at yourself with great respect for doing so.
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Rairty is that douchebag kid other there. :D


Oh, am I not allowed to say that? D:


@Cursed: Psh, BD LoZ Broham #5

Yes you are, I admit I am douchey.

This place needs a radio station. Like the Video Game Station in the Music section. So we can rave to stuff other than the Macarena.

Sounds kinky. MAKE TEH LOGOH!
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