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Annnnnnnnnnnnnnd I just caused armageddon


Glitch, just so you know


Loophole says "The Blazing MARS" is banned.

I'm not "The Blazing MARS" so hence I'm not banned

lolgic, In theory I don't have any warnings either


And a Mod banning me over posting in a club would prove how damn retarded this forum is, I'm only trying to help =/


1) No you didn't. :D

2) The Blazing Mars' stench is still on you so you are still him by default.

3) If you were trying to help, then, help youself to the exit. <3

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Annnnnnnnnnnnnnd I just caused armageddon


Glitch, just so you know


Loophole says "The Blazing MARS" is banned.

I'm not "The Blazing MARS" so hence I'm not banned

lolgic, In theory I don't have any warnings either


And a Mod banning me over posting in a club would prove how damn retarded this forum is, I'm only trying to help =/


Really? Because he doesn't care about you enough to edit it so it's your new name then you aren't banned? With that same logic the member originally accepted isn't Shard either. I'm sending the report now you dumbass.

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Really? Because he doesn't care about you enough to edit it so it's your new name then you aren't banned? With that same logic the member originally accepted isn't Shard either. I'm sending the report now you dumbass.


Go ahead. I was only trying to state the fact that he could change it if he wanted to. YCM gets way to cranky over things. Think about your Blood Pressure and calm down.

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And some people (you) get way too damn stupid. Think about your I.Q. and read a book.


oh no i got insulted over the internet what ever shall i do now



Oh and why the hell is this place called gaming central when you never discuss games? I was banned for trying to discuss games, and you where all like "No wtf shut up about games" In a topic marked "Gaming Central" Not salty about it or anything, but honestly? All I was trying to do was generate valid discussion.

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I just wanted to show that your LOLgic is flawed.

I mean change the topic title or something if it's not about games :/


@FD: Fine.


It's just like every other club on this forum. Tangents fly like wild pigs.


We just decide to roll with it. It doesn't matter if it's off topic, just that it's active.

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Consoles + Handhelds You Own : Nintendo DS Lite, Nintendo Wii, Playstation 2, Gameboy Advance SP

Your Favorite Video Games (for which console) : Okami (Wii). Now dat is some smexy stuff.

Will You Be Active? : Vaguely, yes, I will. Hardly the social type but whatevers :3


This application form is near irrelevant anyway considering that the conversations in here are like nothing to do with it. So yeah.


Actual reason why I'm joining is probably 'cos it looks friendly, is full of loldn hipsters who I want to laugh at for no reason, and it's a nice comfy little abode. Abode is a cool word.

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