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I was gonna build a fun video game based deck on DN.

Probably not from the video game packs, just from cards that look somewhat like they involve video games.


Any suggestions?

Right now all I have is enemy controller. XD


Maybe Celfon and the Gadgets...


Oh yeah, and OMGOMGOMG It's Blu! :3

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No, those cards with the weird names.


OH, the Gradius Archtype. :D

That might work. Anything else?


And I fixed your emoticon. XD




Great, now you got me making one. >.>

I was thinking one day the people of GC would go and harass others on DN. :D
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Morphtronics sound cool. The Gradius/ B.E.S archetype also sounds cool since it's like Space Invaders. I'm thinking about Karakuris right now...these are all the closest to what you're looking for Glitch.

Karakuris look like video games?


Utopia kinda does...


Wait, what about Ancient Gears?

Gear City or whatever the field spell is looks like it, doesn't it?

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He made a DW deck based off of mine and thinks he knows how they work properly. He one a duel with them. A :/

I have a Dark World deck. :D


The one time I used it, it took me like 10 total turns to get a good hand.




To be honest.


Get with the new york timez man. 8D

The New York what? D:
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