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BF3 is mostly for multiplayer. Gears of War 3 should have some pretty good multiplayer. Assassin's Creeds: Revelations should have multiplayer. The last two focus a bit more on their single player though.

I want Gears of War 3. Apparently, it's up to the fans of GoW to vote whether the Carmine in this one dies or lives by voting. The Carmines in the first two died without a vote. >.> PLEASE DON'T KILL CARMINE. HE IS SO COOL!




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I want Gears of War 3. Apparently, it's up to the fans of GoW to vote whether the Carmine in this one dies or lives by voting. The Carmines in the first two died without a vote. >.> PLEASE DON'T KILL CARMINE. HE IS SO COOL!

Wait, it is OUR choice? I wasn't into the GoW thing, but my friend got me into it and now I play it a lot.

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Nah, I'm just joking. The voting ended back in September of 2010. Carmine will be living I think.


Tears of joy are flowing freely :'D


lol, I have PS3, so I'll have to go to a friends to play Gears. And GoW is God of War. Just call Gears Gears, or things will get confusing.


Anyone on here have borderlands for PS3? I'm considering trying it one last time, but I need someone to play with, or it will get boring QUICK.

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