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I'll just say this. There were four people on each two-person seat. I could smell the Teen Spirit. /nirvanareference.


Sooo, what's the game with the best graphics you've seen yet. :D

It's hard to say, seeing as you have to compare graphics for systems. I guess if I had to give an absolute ranking, it would look something like this:


1) God of War 3

2) Crysis 2

3) Killzone 3


But that's best graphics I've ever seen. Best quality picture-wise and most aesthetically pleasing would be:


1) Shadow of the Colossus

2) FF X

3) God of War 3



I never payed too much mind to graphics.


But...guys...BORDERLANDS 2!


Borderlands 2 eh? I'll probably get it. Though it's nothing to get too excited about. The first one was okay, but got boring too quickly. Just like most crappy RPS (Role-playing Shooters) *coughcoughfalloutcoughcough*, it will most likely generate mass quantities of hype, sell enough copies to make a huge profit for the producers so that they can one day continue this cycle, and then become a huge let down to many eager fans.


But who knows, maybe it can break free of this cycle? I doubt it though, as I've never seen that occur before.


so depressed -.-


Oh gosh no, not happening. Not on this topic. Try status update instead.

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Borderlands 2 eh? I'll probably get it. Though it's nothing to get too excited about. The first one was okay, but got boring too quickly. Just like most crappy RPS (Role-playing Shooters) *coughcoughfalloutcoughcough*, it will most likely generate mass quantities of hype, sell enough copies to make a huge profit for the producers so that they can one day continue this cycle, and then become a huge let down to many eager fans.


But who knows, maybe it can break free of this cycle? I doubt it though, as I've never seen that occur before.


You know you just insulted my favorite shooting game, right?

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what do you mean by graphics. i have known graphics as 2 meanings for video games. =/

The looks of in-game play.

What else is there?


Sooo, what's the game with the best graphics you've seen yet. :D

Nothing on the Wii, that's for sure. xD


I am thinking of removing Mohican asa co-owner due to lack of activity, maybe he can be one later.

Reasonable action?


Nexus was added to the list.

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As said there are two different ways to think of graphics.


1) How realistic a game looks. This category goes to battlefield 3 and what I've seen of it. It's more of a fact-based thing that this game looks the most realistic so far and not really a thing about opinion to be honest. It'll probably be pretty awesome yet I'm looking forward more to Bad Company 3. :3

2) The kind of style and look the game has. Now this is wear we can really get into opinion and what game just looks the best to us. I have no idea here. Never thought about it too much.

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Oh well damn. I'll just play a bit on my main. I'll still try and add you though.


mkay cool bro i forgot how much i leveled, i think it was like till 11 or 12 or something

soloing is easy enough but i never party played yet because i wanted to wait for you guys

i heard the bonuses are f***ed, as in they make you level like crazy

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