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English or shut up. We have no idea what you're talking about. <_<



7 8 9

4 5 6

1 2 3


are the 8 Positions of the Control Pad on the controller. For instance, 2 is down, 1 is Diagonal Left down, and 4 Is Back. The 4 Attack buttons: A,B,C and D represent Weak, Medium, Strong and drive repsectively. For instance, pressing 214A while playing as ragna will perform Hell's Fang, then pressing 214D will use the Additional Attack after performing Hell's Fang. Pressing 632D/C will perform his Inferno Divider, and then pressing 236C during Inferno Divider will perform Uppercut, then during uppercut pressing 236C again will perform Straight Punch, then during Straight Punch pressing 214D will perform the final move in the combo: Ax Kick. The combo system is relatively simple, once you learn it.


copypasta again.

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I made a topic in the Comments/Suggestions section. Check it out:



Well everything seems fine without these mods, well at least that's what I'm seeing so far :/


Would anyone be interested in an anime/manga-based baseball RP? And my anime-manga-based, I mean the overall tone and atmosphere should feel like an anime/manga. Anyways, just wondering. Yeah that's right Glitch, Imma advertise on here >:3

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Shut up Glitch... It's fine if you don't want to be in it but you don't have to put my hopes down by saying it's a bad idea >.> Anyways, I was just wondering. And yes, we are pros :D

Well, sorry. But I suggest changing the idea. The great idea that is not bad. IT F***CKING SUCKS!!! I HATE IT! I'M GONNA THROW-UP!

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Lambda's 2C is pretty much stupidly insane.

"Why do you keep brining up random s***?!?"

Is what Blu means to say.


I'm trying to start a discussion X_x

We've had two discussion so far today where you interrupted and talked about copy and pasted random stuff.

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Well, sorry. But I suggest changing the idea. The great idea that is not bad. IT F***CKING SUCKS!!! I HATE IT! I'M GONNA THROW-UP!


lol, calm down Glitch, I'll never advertise in here again, just don't go all Blitchy on all.


MARS, oh I see, but the way you're posting is pretty random. Like in the way when two people are talking about something and then you just walk up to them and begin talking about a totally different subject.

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