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How do you make a render

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Zoom in a lot (I've seen anywhere from 400x to 1200x).

Use the paths tool to trace around the part you want rendered.

Once you get back to the starting place, Ctrl+click on the beginning dot to connect them.

Click "Selection from path," this highlights your selection.

Then cut (ctrl+x), and paste on a new [u]transparent[/u] document and save as [b].png[/b].
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Here is how I do it.

Make sure that the layer you are rending is not [b]bold[/b] in the layers payne. (if it is you must create a new (transparent) layer and merge down)

Zoom in (I use 800x).

Use the lasso tool to trace around the part you want rendered.

Once you get back to the starting place, click on the beginning dot to connect them.

Ctrl+I to invert your selection, then delete.

Save as .png
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