Mecha Love Posted June 22, 2011 Report Share Posted June 22, 2011 [center][IMG][/IMG][/center] [center][size="5"][color="#FF0000"][b]Legacy of the Signers ~ The Immortals Rise[/b][/color][/size][/center] "Once, there was a bright star. A star children would look up to and wish to, a star which brought hope to so many people. This Crimson Star was the Dragon Star, a God in the shape of a Dragon which was worshipped by an Incan tribe known as 'The People of the Stars'. The first signers, our ancestors, were part of this tribe. The Dragon Star, or nowadays known as the Crimson Dragon, could communicate with the People of the Stars, guiding and protecting them, as well as the rest of the world. Obviously it was too great a task to do it alone, so it created 9 dragons, each representing part of the Crimson Dragon. These were the signer dragons, the ones we now possess. They then went on to create another dragon each, the sub-signer dragons, all if which were less powerful versions of the signer dragons. So in total, there were 18 signer dragons, all of which selected a human to become its master and friend. These were known as the signers and sub signers. They protected the world from evil, and in 8000 BC, they saved the world from the Crimson Devil, Red Nova. At this dark time, the Crimson Dragon left the heavens and came to Earth, deciding it would aid its servants. It was long and tiring, lasting many years, but Red Nova was defeated. The world had been saved once again. Then, the Crimson Dragon communicated with the Star Dragon King, who was a signer with the mark I now possess, the head of the crimson dragon. It said 3 words, no more; "The Immortals Rise." After that, the Crimson Dragon returned to the heavens, reserving its strength for a battle which may come very soon, or not for generations. 5000 years passed, but the legacy of the signers lived on. The marks of the crimson dragon passed down generation to generation, as did the signer dragons. Then the day came. The Immortals Rose. Nine collosal monsters with abnormal amounts of power and unmatched strength forced a gateway from the netherworld to open and they were released into Nazca. They then selected nine humans to become dark signers, much like what the signer dragons did. The Crimson Dragon returned to Earth and the Nazca Battle began. Immortals vs Dragons, Signers vs Dark Signers. An epic battle of our ancestors, and our ancestors greatest challenge. The Legacy of the Signers." [color="#FF0000"][u]- by Yusei Fudo.[/u][/color] [spoiler= Rules] - All YCM rules apply. - My word is law. - Change a colour in your app (Red if Signer, Purple if Dark Signer, Blue if Sub-Signer, grey if neutral) - Don't let this die! - Have fun! [/spoiler] [spoiler= Extra Information] ~ Sub-Signers are the next generation of Signers (with turquoise 'dormant' marks). If a signer would die, or disappear, the turquoise mark would become red and the Sub-Signer Dragon will 'evolve' into the appropriate Signer Dragon. The Sub-Signer mark and dragon will then be passed on. ~ I doubt we'll use Shooting Quasar Dragon, but we may use one known as Cosmic Pulsar Dragon, which I have yet to make ~ Just PM me if you have any requests, ideas and problems. ~ We ARE in Incan times. ~ We ARE in Nazca. ~ There will be no Exceed (or xyz) monsters. They haven't been invented yet ~ Dark Synchros may be used. ~ Am I missing anything? [/spoiler] [spoiler= Application:] All the () go bye! [spoiler= Signers + Sub-Signers] [u]General Info:[/u] Name (This is Incan times, be suitable): Age (Signers [b]should[/b] be 15+ unless otherwise stated, Sub-Signers should be 14-): Biography (4+ lines): Personality (2+ lines): [u]Appearance:[/u] Picture: or Description (Eye colour, Hair colour, clothes, accessories.... Describe as much as possible!): [u]Dueling and Signer Information:[/u] Mark of the Dragon (Sub-Signer Marks are the same as the Signers, however their marks are turquoise): Signer/Sub-Signer Dragon (Corresponds with Mark): Deck: Duel Runner/Board (yes, they are gonna be used. Just no hi-tech runners): Duel Disk (Not too hi-tech): [/spoiler] [spoiler= Dark Signers] [u]General Info:[/u] Name (This is Incan times, be suitable): Age: Biography (4+ lines): Personality (2+ lines): [u]Appearance:[/u] Picture: or Description (Eye colour, Hair colour, clothes, accessories.... Describe as much as possible!): [u]Dueling and Dark- Signer Information:[/u] Mark of the Immortal (The mark is the same as the Nazca line that the Earthbound is based off. AKA= Earthbound Immortal Uru is the Spider Mark): Immortal (Corresponds with Mark): Deck: Duel Runner/Board (yes, they are gonna be used. Just no hi-tech runners): Duel Disk (Not too hi-tech): [/spoiler] [spoiler=Neutrals] [u]General Info:[/u] Name (This is Incan times, be suitable): Age: Biography (4+ lines): Personality (2+ lines): [u]Appearance:[/u] Picture: or Description (Eye colour, Hair colour, clothes, accessories.... Describe as much as possible!): [u]Dueling:[/u] Deck: Ace Card: Duel Runner/Board (yes, they are gonna be used. Just no hi-tech runners): Duel Disk (Not too hi-tech): [/spoiler] [spoiler= Accepted Apps] [spoiler= Elemental Dragon] General Info: Name: Kurai Chaora Age: 17 Biography: Kurai was born slightly later than her brother, but only by a few minutes. As a child, she became a dueling progidy, defeating many famous duelists. Kurai was popular and well known, learning many trades such as weaving, painting, healing and dancing which proves she was a talented girl. However, her favourite 'art' was dueling.She found her deck when she was 4 and running around outside her home, with her brother watching. Suddenly, she saw a shooting star which fell close by. Drawn by curiosity, she went to the landing sight to find a glowing deck and a mysterious duelist. This stranger was a shadow duelist, and when Kurai snatched up the glowing deck, the man challenged her to a shadow duel, which she had no choice but to accept.When it seemed she was about to lose, she heard a voice.'The Power of Light is within you my child. Diminish the shadows, show your beauty. Shine like never before! Light End!'As soon as this happened, Kurai drew Light End Fairy and tuned it with her Agent Saturn and created Light End Dragon. The shadows parted, and moved around the shadow duelist. In a single attack, he was consumed by the shadows. From this day, Kurai was much more confident, and had the spirit of the crimson dragon within her. Personality: Even though her name translates as 'Dark', Kurai is quite the opposite. Joyful and friendly, she's a social and popular individual with many close friends. However, her closest bond is with her brother, who she cares most about. He means the world to her, and she'd do anything to save him or help him, despite the differences between their personalities.However, Kurai can be rather flirty but is also quite shy at times. But when it is her time to shine, she will shine! Extra Information: Kurai has the ability to see spirits of duel monsters, and has been known to travel to the spirit world, though often against her will. Appearance: Kurai might well be the prettiest young woman in Peru. She has pale white skin and golden blonde hair. Her eyes are bright green and they appear to look right into peoples hearts.Kurai has a tether petite body and she wears a white robe with no sleeves and stops above her knees. The outline of the robe is golden, and her mark if the crimson dragon is shown on the back of it. Dueling and Signer Information: Mark of the Dragon: SpiritSigner/Sub-Signer Dragon: Light End Dragon Deck: Light Fairies Duel Runner/Board: She uses her normal duel disk, but Kurai can sprout angelic wings which she can use to fly, and duel at higher speeds. Duel Disk: Her Duel Disk is the same shape as the golden ring on Light End Dragons head. It floats in front of Kurai. She can throw her cards through it and they materialise onto the field. Her cards that she draws just appear in her hand, as if by magic. [/spoiler] [spoiler= Chaos Sonic] General Info: Name: Hikari Chaora (First name is Japanese for Light....making it like an oxymoron XD) Age: 17 Biography: From the Chaora tribe, came the boy known as Hikari Chaora, who people thought he'd make everything for these people a living hell. Fortunately for them...they predicted wrong. Hikari always kept to himself, until one day his twin sister was attacked by a few boys from another tribe. Protecting his sister, he challenged the lead boy of the group who attacked her to a duel. They began to duel, but Hikari was slowly losing...and if he lost, his sister wouldn't be with him anymore; as is custom in the Chaora tribe that if the Chaora duelist loses they lose a member of they're family. Cursing under his breath, Hikari really thought he was losing his sister forever. He felt like he was being swallowed by the darknes...but a strange voice called to him. This voice said to him, "This darkness...use it as your own. Take it and make it your ally and destroy those who shall get in your way." Within that moment, he summoned up Dark End Dragon and won the duel. Since then, he has been using the power of darkness to win his duels...though he has always known something terrible will happen soon. Personality: Even though his first name means Light, Hikari is anything but. He is somewhat shallow and doesn't get along with anyone, with the exception of his twin sister. Hikari can be sarcastic at sometimes, but only when he's tired of you talking to him or annoying the hell out of him. When he duels, he starts seeming a little dark and whenever he is about to summon his Signer Dragon, he starts laughing evilly(just not evil like the Dark Signers). Appearance: Eye colour: Steel Gray Hair color: Black spiked up, with a couple of white streaks Clothes: Hikari wears black tennis shoes, charcoal gray pants with a stud belt around his waist and a small chain coming from his left side, a black tank-top, a short sleeved gray hoodie, and a necklace which has a medallion of his Signer mark. Dueling and Signer Information: Mark of the Dragon: Soul of the Crimson Dragon Signer/Sub-Signer Dragon: Dark End Dragon Deck: Dark End Duel Runner/Board: Black Duel Runner with the symbol of his Mark on the front sides of the runner. Duel Disk: Duel Academia Duel Disk, with black outlining Theme: (Just for the heck of it) Hikari's Theme: Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep Final Mix OST - Hunter of the Dark(Vs. Red Eye) [/spoiler] [spoiler= Mercury] General Info: [b]Name:[/b] [color="#FF0000"]Plata Estrella[/color] (translates as Silver Star in Spanish) [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Biography:[/b] Originally born as Plata Supay of the Supay tribe of Supay not far from Cuzco, Plata lived a quiet life with his family. Not long after he was born, the chief of the tribe suddenly became alot nicer to the family, because he sensed something different about the baby. When he was 7, an Army advanced onto the Supay tribe with weapons and almost exterminated the Inti tribe except from Plata, and a few others. A few months later, Plata and the other survivors were greeted by the director of New Domino City and decided to take them away from Inti to New Domino City. Frustrated by what had happened he decided to change his name to Plata Estrella, to eliminate the past, and live a new life. Whilst in New Domino City, he had a special deck made for him, the "Valkyrie Fairies". On a school trip to Nazca, he got to see the Nazca lines, which was then he inherited the Heart mark of the crimson dragon, and became a signer. [b]Personality:[/b] Before the army had eliminated the Inti tribe he was a fun, cheerful boy who was liked by everyone, but after the tribe was eliminated he had a change of heart and because angry inside, which was kept at bay by the power existing in his heart. [b]Appearance:[/b] [img][/img] the scar on his face was obtained during the attack by the Mecca Army. he printed the Heart mark on his shirt and wears it all the time [b]Dueling and Signer Information:[/b] [b]Mark of the Dragon:[/b] Heart of the Crimson Dragon [b]Signer/Sub-Signer Dragon:[/b] Life Stream Dragon/Power Tool Dragon [b]Deck:[/b] Valkyrie Fairies (need to PM deck) [b]Duel Runner/Board:[/b] pic below [b]Duel Disk:[/b] (with Duel Runner) [img][/img] [/spoiler] [spoiler= Reflex] General Info: Name: Acarisqui "Ascris" Atahualpa Age: 17 [spoiler=Biography:] Ascris was born in the city of Cusco. The Atahualpa's where nobles, though very unpopular with there extensive control of the capital, depicting themselves as the great generals of many victories, enslaving entire villages to mine and process turquoise and gold, then executing them when they came to the end of there useful lives, only to recycle there body parts to make flutes and drums to celebrate there falsified victories. The Atahualpa's though had made dangerous enemies with the other nobles, who overthrew them by offering freedom to there slaves in return for the Atahualpa's permanent removal. The capital was turned into one big bloodbath with the revolution, the city guards outnumbered and the Atahualpa's now fighting inside there palace for there own survival. Ascris was only six, yet his grandfather had given him a small but sharp spear to defend himself. The slaves entered the central chamber where ascris was hiding behind his mother's cushions. One slave approached, Acaris leaping out and managing to slice open the slave's eye before another caught him by the legs. Acaris was not murdered like the rest of his family by the liberated slaves. They handed him over to the high priest of Cusco as an sacrifice for the festival of the dead and a warning to the other nobles of the capital and of the empire. The sun began to set as they clamped Acaris to the sacrificial table, waiting for the sun to set behind the valley. It set, and his chest was ripped open. There and then, the rise of the earthbounds would begin. His heart was blackened by the evils of himself and his heritage so much that an god had spawned inside of him; Earthbound Immortal Wiraqocha Rasca. The heart rose from its dying host and rose above the city, beginning to adopt the form of an condor. To feed his form, he dragged the souls of all that looked upon him, therefore consuming most of Cusco. Rasca though took pity on the now heartless Ascris, lying cold on an slab of granite, who layed him to rest within a hidden tomb under the city of Cusco, layed with the treasures of the Atahualpa family and his body enchanted to never rot away and to grow to adjust to his age. Ascris though watched the world in the god realm, despising how the people who destroyed him prosper while he layed dead in the mortal realm. Wasca told him that the Earthbound Immortal Red Nova wanted the destruction of humanity as well, regarding them as filth and not worthy to bath in inti's light. Ascris, seeing his chance to punish the Inca empire, agreed to become a vessel to bring the immortals to life in the mortal plane. So, Rasca has began to awaken Ascris' body under the city of Cusco...[/spoiler] [spoiler=Personality:] Ascris is cold hearted, ignorant and very intimidating. He keeps calm until bad news arrives, which then his fury will rip apart anyone around him. He does respect the Dark signers for there sacrifice, yet he treats them as servants. Ascris though weakens with himself wishing to have a childhood and the ability to live a normal life, making him weak when facing the fates of children. Even with this, he has a dark sense of humor, torturing his opponents with descriptive images of peoples pain and misery, then blaming it on there greed and desire. [/spoiler] Appearance: [spoiler=Description] Ascris's skin is grey and dead, cold to the touch. His eyes are blackened by the magic of the Earthbound immortals. His long hair was once a deep brown, his split bangs now a deep grey as with the rest of his undead body. His body is marked with the deep violet lines of the dark signers, with the condor mark of the shadows deep within his back. His clothing is reminiscent of Atem's robes in the shadow RPG, now turned black and accented with violet stripes. The gold bands have been encrusted with turquoise and the crown is replaced with a cloth hood. The cape also has been given curved shoulder pads that resemble the dark magician. His chest is still opened from his death, which inside contains the very heart of Wiraqocha Rasca and himself combined. [/spoiler] Dueling and Dark- Signer Information: Mark of the Immortal: [color="#800080"]Condor[/color] Immortal: Earthbound Immortal Wiraqocha Rasca Deck: Magical Immortals (Focus on Wiraqocha Rasca and the magician archetype, Including slight support for chaos) Duel Runner/Board: Ascris will use Astral projection to turbo duel, therefore not needing a duel runner. Duel Disk: Ascris uses a bladed, stone carved duel disk that is melded with his right hand. It's engraved with the violet markings of his earthbound immortal that extend from it to the entirety of his right arm, burning through his flesh. [/spoiler] [spoiler= Simdoggy] Name: K'ellu Quilla (Means Yellow Moon in Quechua) Kel is her nickname Age: 18 Biography: Kel was born into the little known Quilla tribe, though she was never the leader of it. One day during the last month of the year, a signer appoached her, and killed her, though she never found out who. She was reborn then because of her want of revenge on the signer, which turned into a want of revenge on all signers, after she realised that she didn't know who killed her. She had been using a Sun and Moon dragon deck even before then, but had it turned into her current Incan Power deck when she was revived by Chacu Challhua, and gained it. At that time, she returned into her town to find it destroyed, by the same signer who had killed her, and looking through the town, vowed to serve Chacu Challhua until she had served her purpose and finished the signers off for good. She had gained her two pieces of jewellery at that time too, as she found a box in her house that her parents had hidden from her, and opened it to find the ring and amulet that she wears, each combined giving her the power to survive even a defeat in a duel against a signer, so she could live on and serve her purpose to Chacu Challhua. At the same time she found out that her town had long supported the dark signers, which was the reason for the destruction of the town, and why the ring and amulet were made. Personality (2+ lines): Kel was formerly quite cheerful, though cocky and arrogant when dueling, and a believer of Yin-Yang, forming the basis of her deck's construction, and always enjoyed a good duel, however, since her transformation into a dark signer, she has become much more bitter and dark, though she still believes in the concept of yin-yang, and is much more withdrawn then she used to be, only returning to the way she used to be when she duels. Description: Kel wears the same dark signer robes as Carly but with purple instead of orange. Her eyes are golden, but with the typical black sclera in them. Her hair is long and golden as well, though it now has two silver streaks in it, at the front of the hair. She wears a silver amulet around her neck with a large topas in the centre of it, and a gold ring on her finger with a Black Sapphire in the top. Mark of the Immortal: Whale Mark Immortal: Earthbound Immortal Chacu Challhua Deck: Incan Power (Sun Dragon Inti and Moon Dragon Quilla (released synchro version) along with Chacu Challhua and Ancient Forest as the field spell) Duel Runner/Board (yes, they are gonna be used. Just no hi-tech runners): Her amulet allows her to fly along in the air, with some sort of dark power. Duel Disk (Not too hi-tech): Her ring allows her to just use a deck and graveyard holder, and the cards in her hand fly along in front of her. When she plays a card to the field, the card becomes the monster it is summoning, and returns to card form when either set on the field, or removed from the field. Spells and traps materialise the picture on the card when activated, but can return to being cards if they are reset. [/spoiler] [spoiler= AngryBird] General Info: Name: Iku Ukuru Age: 14 Biography: Iku was born Nazca but was sent to Neo Domino City while he was a child. Now he returned to his hometown. He then discovered a cave. He saw the Nazca Lines and finally the Crimson Dragon printed. He collapsed and waked up with his arm imrpinted with the head of the Crimson Dragon. He knew about the Signers but his imprinted sign was colored turqoise. He knew that he was selected by the Crimson Dragon to become the Sub-Signer and help the current Signers with the help of his Sub-Signer Dragon, Hardwired Internet Dragon. Personality: Iku is a simple, arrogant, playful, bright, mischief kid. Iku always likes to play jokes on people especially to his friends. Appearance: Picture: http://i571.photobuc...y/anime_kid.jpg Dueling and Signer Information: Mark of the Dragon : Head of the Crimson Dragon Sub-Signer Signer/Sub-Signer Dragon: Hardwired Internet Dragon [PM'd you the stats and stuff] Deck: My Nano Archetype Duel Runner/Board: Normal Duel Board Duel Disk: Normal Duel Disk [/spoiler] [spoiler= Simdoggy] Name: K'ellu Quilla (Means Yellow Moon in Quechua) Kel is her nickname Age: 18 Biography: Kel was born into the little known Quilla tribe, though she was never the leader of it. One day during the last month of the year, a signer appoached her, and killed her, though she never found out who. She was reborn then because of her want of revenge on the signer, which turned into a want of revenge on all signers, after she realised that she didn't know who killed her. She had been using a Sun and Moon dragon deck even before then, but had it turned into her current Incan Power deck when she was revived by Chacu Challhua, and gained it. At that time, she returned into her town to find it destroyed, by the same signer who had killed her, and looking through the town, vowed to serve Chacu Challhua until she had served her purpose and finished the signers off for good. She had gained her two pieces of jewellery at that time too, as she found a box in her house that her parents had hidden from her, and opened it to find the ring and amulet that she wears, each combined giving her the power to survive even a defeat in a duel against a signer, so she could live on and serve her purpose to Chacu Challhua. At the same time she found out that her town had long supported the dark signers, which was the reason for the destruction of the town, and why the ring and amulet were made. Personality (2+ lines): Kel was formerly quite cheerful, though cocky and arrogant when dueling, and a believer of Yin-Yang, forming the basis of her deck's construction, and always enjoyed a good duel, however, since her transformation into a dark signer, she has become much more bitter and dark, though she still believes in the concept of yin-yang, and is much more withdrawn then she used to be, only returning to the way she used to be when she duels. Description: Kel wears the same dark signer robes as Carly but with purple instead of orange. Her eyes are golden, but with the typical black sclera in them. Her hair is long and golden as well, though it now has two silver streaks in it, at the front of the hair. She wears a silver amulet around her neck with a large topas in the centre of it, and a gold ring on her finger with a Black Sapphire in the top. Mark of the Immortal: Whale Mark Immortal: Earthbound Immortal Chacu Challhua Deck: Incan Power (Sun Dragon Inti and Moon Dragon Quilla (released synchro version) along with Chacu Challhua and Ancient Forest as the field spell) Duel Runner/Board (yes, they are gonna be used. Just no hi-tech runners): Her amulet allows her to fly along in the air, with some sort of dark power. Duel Disk (Not too hi-tech): Her ring allows her to just use a deck and graveyard holder, and the cards in her hand fly along in front of her. When she plays a card to the field, the card becomes the monster it is summoning, and returns to card form when either set on the field, or removed from the field. Spells and traps materialise the picture on the card when activated, but can return to being cards if they are reset. [/spoiler] [spoiler=Insanious] General Info: Name: Beeleaceka Ereoesee (Translates as Black Rose in Nahuatl) Age: 17 Biography: [color="#FF0000"]Beeleaceka[/color](Nickname: Bee) had an odd Incan Life. Her parents were very... Diferent. They worshiped different gods, and sacrificed most of their children to them. Bee had 3 Brothers and 5 Sisters. She is an only child. At the age of 10, Bee found out what had happened to her siblings, and got scared. Her mother had been preparing for a sacrifice recently, and Bee did not want to die. She ran away from the house, and into a woods far away. She lived in the woods for about 4 years, making friends with all the animals their, and helping the plants grow. One day, she saw a bright red star shining in the sky, even though it was daylight. Then, she heard a voice in her head, one she couldn't shake out. [i][b]You have been chosen. Help me, Help your friends, Help the world. Be bestowed with my power, Black Rose![/b][/i] Bee fainted. After about a week, she woke up. She was dressed in a cloak, which she didnt recall having, and was in a bed. After she asked a few servants what was happening, she understood. She was Bee, the Black Rose, chosen by the Crimson Dragon to fight the Immortals. Although, she may not be up to the challenge. Personality: Bee is a confident girl, not holding back anything. She can be very ignorant, often with no regards to other peoples feelings. When she meets a boy she likes, she turns instantly shy, trying not to show her feelings for that boy. Although she has only fallen in love once, she knows what it feels like when a person rejects you, and does not want to go through Appearance: Description: Bee has big, blue eyes, and light blonde hair. She likes to wear a dark brown dress, but also wears the signer uniform (Basicaly the cloak). She has, small, white earings made from a special metal she found in the forest. It is in the shape of a rose, and is made by what looks like an expert. Dueling and Signer Information: Mark of the Dragon: Tail Signer/Sub-Signer Dragon: Black Rose Dragon Deck: Plants, with a hint of warrior. Duel Runner/Board: [IMG][/IMG] But a bit longer. Duel Disk: [IMG][/IMG] Yes, a diahdank. [/spoiler] [spoiler= No. Card Master] General Info: Name: Luca Inti Age: 17 Biography (4+ lines): Luca Inti is one of the ancestors of Lucas Walsh one of the greatest dueling legends of the modern time. He is a member of the Inti tribe, a great tribe among the people of that time. His family were all great warriors who fought in many battles recorded for years to come. Once a person from a rivaling tribe challenged Luca's father to ownership of the tribe in a deadly duel. In the end his father was killed. He ran away from the tribe and survived on his own for 6 years. When he was 15 he was filled with rage and new what he had to do. He went back to the tribe and dueled the man who killed his father. He knew only one of them could survive. During the battle while he was filled with rage he heard something, a voice, Use the rage, the rage creates the power, master your new ability, achieve burning soul. At that moment he brought forth Red Nova Dragon and killed the man and he took back control of his tribe. Years later when he had already found his love and had a child he decided to test himself so he traveled to Nazca and that's when it all began... Personality: Luca is a bold strong man who most people are scared of. During battles he is always trying to think of strategy's though he occasionally loses his temper though that allows him to achieve burning soul. He is usually a nice person to talk to though if you are his enemy he will kill you within seconds. Appearance: Description: He has long blond hair and shining blue eyes. He has many scars on his body some have been there since birth. He has dark leather baggy clothing made from animal skin. He is extremely muscly and has got a massive scar from a mysterious animal which goes right up his face Dueling and Signer Information: Mark of the Dragon: Wings Signer/Sub-Signer Dragon: Red Dragon Archfiend Deck: Legendary Flame Duel Runner/Board: A Duel Runner that is made of stone and moves forward due to the powerful flames being pushed out the back which are created from his own mark. Duel Disk: Just a general duel disk though it is made of stone [/spoiler] [spoiler= Trimage] General Info Name: Azul Age: 16 Biography: Azul was born dead, and right before his body was going to be abandoned Asslla Piscu revived him in order to be its ultimate servant. He grew up distant from others always hearing his master talking to him and teaching him dueling so that when the time comes he would be able to accomplish his mission. Eventually he met a man that gave him a strange card and it gave him a strange vibe but he still put it in his deck unaware of just how powerful it was. Personality: Azul is very cold to everyone especially to anyone who tries to claim that they understand him especially because they don't. He almost never shows emotions and if he does it is probably anger and someone is going to die. Appearance --Description-- Gender: Male Eye Color: Orange Hair Color: There is a large orange horns of hair on the sides of his head like on Blue-Eyes white dragon, his bangs are like Jaden's but black, his hair is styled so their are spikes at the back of his head which are also black Skin Color: Marble White Clothes: He wears a coat like Kalin in Crash Town, the rest of his outfit is like Kalin when he was a dark signer bit not a longer shirt and looser, and orange instead of that blueish color. Dueling and Dark- Signer Information Mark of the Immortal: Hummingbird Immortal: Aslla piscu Deck: Fortune Valkyrie Duel Runner/Board: A pitch black Horse with black feathered wings and a horn on its head Duel Disk: A duel disk shaped and colored like Aslla piscu [/spoiler] [spoiler= Techi] General Info: Name: [color="#800080"]Taka Aru[/color] Age: 18 Biography: Taka Aru was a child who got by mostly by stealing little bits of food from very mean merchants. His favorite food always used to be corn and when the farmer's were taxed, you can bet Taka would be taking some too. In no time, Taka was described as the creepy boy who awaited the night to leave his web and eat his captured prey. It wasn't long before Taka had many friends who he stole food for as well, themselves being alone with no parent to feed them. Everything between his childhood and now is a mystery Personality: Taka used to have been the talkative hero of the run-aways in his village. Being quite and dark is the only traits that he still holds today. He doesn't talk much to those he doesn't consider worth his time or to those he'd consider his 'Prey'. Picture:[IMG][/IMG] This was Taka as a kid. Taka no longer has a sword and he wears only dark leather combat clothes. Dueling and Dark- Signer Information: Mark of the Immortal: The Spider Mark Immortal: Earthbound Immortal Uru Deck: Dark Realms Duel Runner/Board: Taka is afraid of moving to fast. Duel Disk : a tablet etched from a black stone with purple lines all through it. [/spoiler] [spoiler= No. Card Master] General Info: Name: Jacu Capac Age: 34 Biography: Jacu served under a the Capac tribe for years. He was meant to be the next leader though he couldn't until he defeated the leader of another tribe because that was the laws of his tribe. He killed the leader of the Inti Tribe(Luca's Father). He then took control of both Tribes and lived happily for many years. Soon enough he was murdered by Luca. His body was chucked in the lake though he was brought back when he landed on land in Nazca right next to the whale sign. Then he looked on his arm and he had a whale mark on it. He realized that he was chosen as a dark signer and it was his job to kill every signer in his path and the revenge on the person who killed him. Personality (2+ lines): He can get aggressive at times though when he is talking with his own people(His Tribe and now the other Dark Signers) he is mostly friendly. During duels he always calculates strategy's in his head of how he can win. After died he no longer gives anyone mercy. He will kill anyone in his path to get what he wants most, revenge. Appearance: Description: He has long black hair and dark eyes which nobody sees because his hair covers it. He is also extremely muscly and has many scars over his body. He has the of the whale on his arm. He wheres clothes made from dead animals. Dueling and Dark- Signer Information: Mark of the Immortal: Whale Mark Immortal: Earthbound Immortal Chacu Challhua Deck: Crysrtal Deck (Beasts, Warrior's (Custom), Mutations (Custom)) Duel Runner/Board: He has a duel runner made of crystals and it moves by the power of his mark Duel Disk: Just a general duel disk made of crystals [/spoiler] [/spoiler] [spoiler= Reserves] Stardust = Me Black-winged dragon= Axon. [/spoiler] [/spoiler] [/spoiler] [spoiler= Signer Dragons/Sub-Signer Dragons] Ok, if you want a dragon, PM me the stats and effects of the AM, Cosmic and Majestic forms (Request of CL). This is not required until you are planning to use them. AM is not necessary. [spoiler= Head of the Crimson Dragon] [IMG][/IMG] Stardust Dragon --> Majestic Star Dragon --> Shooting Star Dragon (Accel) [/spoiler] [spoiler= Wings of the Crimson Dragon] [IMG][/IMG] Red Dragon Archfiend --> Majestic Red Dragon --> Red Nova Dragon (Double Tune) [/spoiler] [spoiler= Tail of the Crimson Dragon] [IMG][/IMG] Black-Winged Dragon --> Majestic Black Dragon --> Black-Hole Dragon (Double Tune) [/spoiler] [spoiler= Claw of the Crimson Dragon] [IMG][/IMG] Black Rose Dragon --> Majestic Rose Dragon --> Rose Comet Dragon (Double Tune) [/spoiler] [spoiler= Claw of the Crimson Dragon] [IMG][/IMG] Ancient Fairy Dragon --> Majestic Fairy Dragon --> Ancient Nebula Dragon (Accel) [/spoiler] [spoiler= Heart of the Crimson Dragon] [IMG][/IMG] Life Stream Dragon --> Majestic Life Dragon--> Gamma Life Dragon (Accel) [/spoiler] [spoiler= Soul of the Crimson Dragon] [IMG][/IMG] Dark End Dragon --> Majestic Dark Dragon --> Shining Dark Dragon (Double Tune) [/spoiler] [spoiler= Spirit of the Crimson Dragon] [IMG][/IMG] Light End Dragon --> Majestic Light Dragon --> Over Shine Dragon (Accel) [/spoiler] [spoiler= Body of the Crimson Dragon ((Custom Dragon))] [IMG][/IMG] Fire Ruby Dragon --> Majestic Ruby Dragon --> Burning Sun Dragon (Accel) [img][/img] [/spoiler] [spoiler= Sub-Signer Dragons] If you want a sub signer dragon, pm me what sub-signer mark it has, and also the card with all its effects and stats. I will then add them to the list below (request of CL). I need these ASAP, preferably before the RP starts. Head: Wings: Tail: Claw: Claw: Heart: Soul: Spirit: Body: [/spoiler] [/spoiler] [spoiler= The Immortals] I have added two more Immortals. If you wish to change their effects, like the others, PM me and we can arrange the change to your liking. I'd need these edits ASAP. Earthbound Immortal Aslla piscu- Hummingbird Earthbound Immortal Ccapac Apu - The Giant (or Spaceman) Earthbound Immortal Ccarayhua- Lizard Earthbound Immortal Chacu Challhua- Whale Earthbound Immortal Cusillu- Monkey Earthbound Immortal Uru - The Spider Earthbound Immortal Wiraqocha Rasca- Condor (To be had by the Dark Signer Leader) [spoiler= Earthbound Immortal Ccoshobar- Dog] [img][/img] There can only be 1 face-up "Earthbound Immortal" monster on the field. If there is no face-up Field Spell Card on the field, destroy this card. Your opponent cannot select this card as an attack target. This card can attack your opponent directly. When this card attacks, you may halve the Battle Damage inflicted to your opponent, to Special Summon 1 Dark monster from your Graveyard to the Field. Its effect(s) are negated. ((Images and name from the Internet)) [/spoiler] [spoiler= Earthbound Immortal Kullku Chhutu Piscu- Flamingo ((Long Neck Bird))] [img][/img] There can only be 1 face-up "Earthbound Immortal" monster on the field. If there is no face-up Field Spell Card on the field, destroy this card. Your opponent cannot select this card as an attack target. This card can attack your opponent directly. Each time a monster is Special Summoned, halve its ATK until the End Phase. While this card is face-up on the Field, all monsters you control are treated as "Earthbound" monsters. ((Images and name are from the Internet)) [/spoiler] [/spoiler] [spoiler= Future Series] Legacy of the Signers: The Machine Apocolypse. Legacy of the Signers: Enter the Spirit World (No signers in this one, only sub-signers!) Legacy of the Signers: Rise of the Dark Dragon Legacy of the Signers: The Crimson End Legacy of the Signers: ? If this would die, I'll go onto the next series. If you want to help with any, PM me (again). [/spoiler] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Premier Alexander Romanov Posted June 22, 2011 Report Share Posted June 22, 2011 I don't like this idea of Signer Dragons being made for us. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mecha Love Posted June 22, 2011 Author Report Share Posted June 22, 2011 Ok, do you want to make sub-signers? You being generally RPers.And cosmic/majestic/AM Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
â—‡ Void â—‡ Posted June 22, 2011 Report Share Posted June 22, 2011 Reserve me Earthbound Immortal Wiraqocha Rasca and the corrosponding mark for my character. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mecha Love Posted June 22, 2011 Author Report Share Posted June 22, 2011 Done. CL, I've now edited the whole signer thing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Super Chaos Sonic Posted June 22, 2011 Report Share Posted June 22, 2011 Alright, with Archfiend and Stardust out for reserve...I'll take a different one. Always wanted to make a dark-like reserve me Dark End Dragon(though I won't be on much the rest of this week...but rest assured I will create the app) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mecha Love Posted June 22, 2011 Author Report Share Posted June 22, 2011 Reserved. It's ok. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
EndlessOcean Posted June 22, 2011 Report Share Posted June 22, 2011 General Info: Name: Beeleaceka Ereoesee (Translates as Black Rose in Nahuatl) Age: 17 Biography: [color="#FF0000"]Beeleaceka[/color](Nickname: Bee) had an odd Incan Life. Her parents were very... Diferent. They worshiped different gods, and sacrificed most of their children to them. Bee had 3 Brothers and 5 Sisters. She is an only child. At the age of 10, Bee found out what had happened to her siblings, and got scared. Her mother had been preparing for a sacrifice recently, and Bee did not want to die. She ran away from the house(?), and into a woods far away. She lived in the woods for about 4 years, making friends with all the animals their, and helping the plants grow. One day, she saw a bright red star shining in the sky, even though it was daylight. Then, she heard a voice in her head, one she couldn't shake out. [i][b]You have been chosen. Help me, Help your friends, Help the world. Be bestowed with my power, Black Rose![/b][/i] Bee fainted. After about a week, she woke up. She was dressed in a cloak, which she didnt recall having, and was in a bed. After she asked a few servants what was happening, she understood. She was Bee, the Black Rose, chosen by the Crimson Dragon to fight the Immortals. Although, she may not be up to the challenge. Personality: Bee is a confident girl, not holding back anything. She can be very ignorant, often with no regards to other peoples feelings. When she meets a boy she likes, she turns instantly shy, trying not to show her feelings for that boy. Although she has only fallen in love once, she knows what it feels like when a person rejects you, and does not want to go through Appearance: Description (Eye colour, Hair colour, clothes, accessories.... Describe as much as possible!): Bee has big, blue eyes, and light blonde hair. She likes to wear a dark brown dress, but also wears the signer uniform (Basicaly the cloak). She has, small, white earings made from a special metal she found in the forest. It is in the shape of a rose, and is made by what looks like an expert. Dueling and Signer Information: Mark of the Dragon: Tail Signer/Sub-Signer Dragon: Black Rose Dragon Deck: Plants, with a hint of warrior. Duel Runner/Board: [IMG][/IMG] But a bit longer. Duel Disk: [IMG][/IMG] Yes, a diahdank. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Premier Alexander Romanov Posted June 22, 2011 Report Share Posted June 22, 2011 What about neutrals? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mecha Love Posted June 22, 2011 Author Report Share Posted June 22, 2011 Accepted. Good point CL, I'll make an app for neutrals.It has been added! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Reinforce Posted June 22, 2011 Report Share Posted June 22, 2011 Reserve Chacu Chalhua and corresponding dark signer please Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mecha Love Posted June 22, 2011 Author Report Share Posted June 22, 2011 Ok. Reserved.Trying to remember these earthbound names is impossible Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Reinforce Posted June 22, 2011 Report Share Posted June 22, 2011 I can remember Chacu Chalhua because he is one of my favourtes, but no others, cept maybe Ccapac Apu Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~British Soul~ Posted June 22, 2011 Report Share Posted June 22, 2011 can i reserve Life Stream Dragon Plz if it hasn't been taken? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mecha Love Posted June 22, 2011 Author Report Share Posted June 22, 2011 LOL Simdoggy. Mercury, sure. Remember it includes power tool though Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~British Soul~ Posted June 22, 2011 Report Share Posted June 22, 2011 yea i know that Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mecha Love Posted June 22, 2011 Author Report Share Posted June 22, 2011 LOL, ok. This is coming well.Insanious is a co host Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
EndlessOcean Posted June 22, 2011 Report Share Posted June 22, 2011 Thank you, thank you, no autographs please! Anyway, hopefully, we will have some more apps soon, as as far as know, i have the only accepted app. Did i just use the word "As" 3 times in one sentence? As far as i know, no one else has ever been bothered to do that, as it would take to long, and as it would just be stupid. 1,123 Posts! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mecha Love Posted June 22, 2011 Author Report Share Posted June 22, 2011 LOL. I'll be going offline to sleep. However, keep posting apps and reserves! =D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
EndlessOcean Posted June 22, 2011 Report Share Posted June 22, 2011 I'll Be here for a while, so can i accept them? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Techi☺ Posted June 22, 2011 Report Share Posted June 22, 2011 I'd like to reserve the soul of the Crimson Dragon... I hope you don't mind if I use and ancestor of Kaden Takamaru from my academy rp series... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Super Chaos Sonic Posted June 22, 2011 Report Share Posted June 22, 2011 Sorry Techi...but I already reserved that Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
EndlessOcean Posted June 22, 2011 Report Share Posted June 22, 2011 Seems fine to me, but Dark-Ends already reserved. EDIT: Ninj'd. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Techi☺ Posted June 22, 2011 Report Share Posted June 22, 2011 [quote name='Chaos Sonic' timestamp='1308779370' post='5303687'] Sorry Techi...but I already reserved that [/quote] b****! Can I get the wings then? and I'm still wondering if I could use Kaden Takamaru's ancestor and then Kaden later on... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Super Chaos Sonic Posted June 22, 2011 Report Share Posted June 22, 2011 If you mean Wings for Sub signer(since main signer Wings is reserved) then I think you can. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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