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MistValleyTengu... kinda.

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Deck List:
Monsters [19]

1x BW Gale the Whirlwind
1x BW Zephyrus
1x Dandylion
3x Genex A Birdman
2x Genex Blastfan
1x Glow-Up
3x Mist Valley Falcon
1x Plaguespreader
2x Raiza
3x Tengu
1x Spore

Spells [14]

1x Book of Moon
1x Dark Hole
3x Divine Wind of Mist Valley
1x Foolish Burial
1x Giant Trunade
1x Monster Reborn
2x MST
1x Swords
3x Upstart

Traps [7]

1x Icarus Attack
1x Mirror Force
1x Phoenix Wing Wind Blast
1x Judgment
2x Warning
1x Torrential

Extra [15]

2x Arcanite Magician
1x Armory Arm
1x BRD
1x BW Armed Wing
1x Brionac
1x Gaia Knight
1x Mist Wurm
1x Orient Dragon
1x Scrap Archfiend
1x Scrap Dragon
1x Stardust
2x Hyper Librarian
1x Trishula[/center]

Absolutely love this deck, but there's always room for improvement. Fire away!
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[quote name='Cursed Reaction' timestamp='1308671374' post='5300418']
If you're running 4 Blackwings, Simorgh and Valley Falcon - why no Icarus Attack?

Trickies aren't good unless you run Glow-Up as well as Dandylion and Spore.
EDIT: Negged 2 Trickies, 1 Quickdraw.

Added 2 Icarus Attack, 1 Glow-Up.
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Neg'd Vayu, Sirocco, Simorgh and 1 Icarus Attack.

Added a 3rd Birdman, MV Soldier, Plaguespreader and a Terraforming.

2 IAs always seemed to clog for me, I'd always draw them when they weren't needed. Vayu and Sirocco were too situational. Simorgh just wasn't consistent. 3rd Birdman is obvious. Soldier gives me another Divine Wind option for Synchros. Plaguespreader is obvious. Terraforming gives me a better chance to get Divine Wind.
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