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Which YCM Member would you go out on a date with?


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[quote name='★Wishing Star★' timestamp='1308645429' post='5299904']
[font="Times New Roman"][size="1"][s]Miki[/s][/size][/font]

*Fiendish pedo Lolicon face*

I'm extremely tempted to say 'Star'.
I'm also very tempted to say [InsertNameOfFemaleRperWhoRPsWithMeALot], but I also wouldn't.

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Rather than attempt to name the [b]0[/b] female members on this forum, why don't I turn homosexual for this thread and suggest a twelve- or thirteen-person large orgy? I'm sure it'll be quite a ways more on topic than the rest of these posts that blatantly assume the gender of people on the internet when they've done nothing to prove themselves as females in any regard, except maybe Opalmoon, but I still have my skepticism.

So, I present the [i]orgy of awesome people[/i].

Dark x Rainbow Dash x Nexev x Crab Helmet x HORUS x Smeargle x Eury x Lily x Fenrir x Clair (?)

Assuming Clair is a female, our ratio would be 9:1:0, which is [i]really[/i] bad, but assuming Clair is male, our ratio would be 10:0:0, which is... even worse.

You know, this is completely assuming that Crab Hemet, Lily, and Fenrir are all male, opposite of what the forum currently thinks.
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[quote name='Dark' timestamp='1308675104' post='5300522']
Rather than attempt to name the [b]0[/b] female members on this forum, why don't I turn homosexual for this thread and suggest a twelve- or thirteen-person large orgy? I'm sure it'll be quite a ways more on topic than the rest of these posts that blatantly assume the gender of people on the internet when they've done nothing to prove themselves as females in any regard, except maybe Opalmoon, but I still have my skepticism.

So, I present the [i]orgy of awesome people[/i].

Dark x Rainbow Dash x Nexev x Crab Helmet x HORUS x Smeargle x Eury x Lily x Fenrir x Clair (?)

Assuming Clair is a female, our ratio would be 9:1:0, which is [i]really[/i] bad, but assuming Clair is male, our ratio would be 10:0:0, which is... even worse.

You know, this is completely assuming that Crab Hemet, Lily, and Fenrir are all male, opposite of what the forum currently thinks.

Judging by every Skype conversation that involves this I'm a female as well.


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Since this all hypothetical makebelieve... I can therefore say whatever the hell I like without reprecussion ;)

Er, I get the feeling talking to them that either Lovely Chan or Clair Chan would be great fun to go on a date with.

Yin seems really down to earth and cool too.

So yeah, any of those. I'm aware at least 2 of 3 have bf's but hey... it's all just speculation to draw nothing from. Respect the ladies.

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