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Escavalier Fire Re-type o.O


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[b][color="Red"][size="1"][font="Century Gothic"][center]Well! Recently i have not been able to come up with an idea for a card or find my sketchbook... so i decided to make a re-type of one of my favorite Unova Pokemon, i still plan on doing more but this is what i got for now. Also some details are that the arms/other brown parts were meant o be wood the arms specifically were supposed to be torch things. Anyways CnC would be appreciated. Also i have not done any Splices/Sprite recolors in over a year and a half so go easy on meh xD.


Shiny Version =D
And my minor description is the charred iron metal was replaced with Gold-Colored Titanium and the wood is now Cherry-Wood xD.

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I think there's a recent rule allowing you to rate with decent CnC.

I think it's a clever concept and very well executed but I would have preferred a little more editing. Perhaps some detail on the shell or on the end of Escavalier's arms.
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[font="Century Gothic"][size="1"][color="#8B0000"][center][b]Thanks for the feedback, and the very well executed segment =P. And as stated i plan on doing a bit more, a little bit earlier i had an idea to crack the shell and make it like fiery or just put a fiery design on the shell =P. Anyways once again thanks.

Shiny Version Added!
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I'd have to agree, its pretty epic looking, though because I have the real one stuck in my head it seems the top of its head isn't the right size, the flame should probably come up a little higher in the front of it, but it looks awesome... my thoughts are because, again, i have the real one in my head
it looks awesome
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[font="Century Gothic"][size="1.5"][color="#8B0000"][center][b]xD Thanks, and ya i took off its Spartan-Fro (xD).. it does make the head look a bit weird but thats also because i edited it a bit. Glad you like it ^^[/b][/center][/color][/size][/font]
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