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Number 61: Volcasaurus

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[center]No.(ナンバーズ)61 ヴォルカザウルス
[quote]2 Level 5 monsters
[b]This card cannot be destroyed by battle, except with a "Number" monster.[/b] You can detach 1 Xyz Material to destroy 1 monster your opponent control and inflict damage to your opponent equal to the ATK or DEF of the destroyed monster, whichever is higher.[/quote]
ATK 2500/DEF 1000[/center]

Bolded is anime only of course
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[quote name='The supremacy SUN' timestamp='1308592603' post='5297788']
This >>>>>>> Adreus >>>>>>> Tiras

Damn, I want this to be released unnerfed

It'll be nerfed to the burn pile and we all know it. It will kill approximately trees for absolutely no reason other than to waste a good spot in PTSW.
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[quote name='D・モバホン' timestamp='1308592932' post='5297803']
It'll be needed to the burn pile. It will kill approximately 2 trees on it's own for absolutely no reason other than to waste a good spot in PHSW.
i doubt it'd be in PHSW,

though thank god there are no Level 5 Dinosaurs to my knowledge, but knowing Konami they'd release some, just to give them an excuse to put the requirements as "2 Level 5 Dinosaur monsters"
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[quote name='The Despair Uranus' timestamp='1308594522' post='5297914']

Now Dark World is tier 0


Funny how Dark World wasn't mentioned till now.

Also, in response to this quoted post, holy f***ing s***.
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[quote name='Manjoume Thunder' timestamp='1308592220' post='5297770']
btw, every number monster has this effect in the anime
Never knew that. Probably because I don't watch Zexal, yet...

Extra Deck is so tight as it is, that this card is already outclassed, heh.

Shame, since its really balanced.
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