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(Started) High School Life RP (PG-16) Co-Host: Kyng of Ice

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Username: 'raiN
Characters Name: Scott "Legacy" Brown
Gender: M, Straight
Age: 17
Birthday: 09-12-1993
Bio: Scott was born into a poorer neighborhood, and grew up around bad influences. Always surrounded by drugs, alcohol, violence, and all sorts of crime, Scott learned to adapt and fend for himself. His parents loved him, but couldn't always be there when needed. Scott's attitude developed around his environment, and he became a hard ass. He was happy most times, but prone to anger and a high temper, which resulted in many fights. Since he was a quick tempered one, the fights caused him to become a strong street fighter. While not exactly ripped, he was built, strong, and quick. His dad taught him some tricks on fighting. Considering where he grew up was populated by mostly African-American, he became strongly attached to bass heavy music, specifically Rap. He eventually became a part of a gang, not particularly drug oriented, but a rapping group. The gang itself was more violent in some situations than others, not afraid to lay down their reign on others. As Scott grew more into the gang, he also grew into a new nickname; Legacy. The reason they called him Legacy was for two reasons. One being that his dad also made a name for himself in the same area before Scott, meaning Scott was his dad's "legacy". The second, was because Scott made his permanent mark on anyone he battled, rap battle or fist fight. Scott eventually moved, keeping to his roots, though, and sticking to the name Legacy. He now attends Jiyumino as an incoming Junior. Intending to keep to his name, he intends to rise up quick in the school and it's system.

Personality: A quick tempered, sarcastic, hard ass. He's happy at most times, but he does end up with major anger in some situations. A skateboarder with the skateboarder attitude, he's a punk to most. He loves to pick fights as a hobby, and lives by the abbreviation "H.A.M." (Hard As a motherf***er). He smokes at times, especially in times of depression for him. He's friendly in his own way, but to others he can be a total a******.

Appearance: He wears beanies and flat brim caps a lot, skinny jeans and jackets a ton too. He wears a lot of skate and urban brands, such Supreme, Obey, Vans, Supra, etc. He's in good shape, stands about 6', has longer dark brown hair, greenish-blue eyes, and he's white but tan. His complexion is clear, and is what most would consider handsome.
Sociality: It's harder for him to make friends, but he accepts most. I really don't care, I just kinda want it to play out.
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