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Elemental "HERO"s?

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I'm referencing how Some people want reprint packs for the new card text, and How I want the Omni Heros to not be Uber-expensive.
Also, I think konami said in one of their articles they'd be reprinting stuff, mostly HEROes?...
[quote]We plan to reprint most of these cards soon with the corrected names and texts. So everyone who wants to use the revised names can play with those updated cards, to avoid confusion.

But for now, until Masked HERO and Vision HERO cards start showing up, none of this will affect your gameplay at all.[/quote]
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[quote name='機皇神龍アステリスク' timestamp='1308439958' post='5293734']
In that case, can we rename Solemn Warning and PoD so they can be reprinted?

EDIT: As Commons. 4 teh lulz

There's only hope of that.

Konami isn't THAT dumb. Also, when it comes to money, they are rather intelligent.
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