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Final Fantasy XIII-2


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I'm one of the people who actually liked Final Fantasy XIII, so naturally, I became excited when XIII-2 was announced. Also, they're trying to fix problems that made critics dislike the first XIII. [url="http://finalfantasy-xiii.net/2011/06/08/e3-2011-final-fantasy-xiii-2-multiple-endings-dlc-and-no-wii-u-support.html"]Link.[/url]

Anyone else excited?
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The apparent increase in making Serah a sex object has not been well received, which is stupid considering her crystalization.

I like XIII, though I haven't finished it, but I'm excited for the sequel. I'm very interested in the Fabula Nova Crystallis mythos, so I'm happy that they're expanding upon it. So far, Lightning looks like she'll continue to be awesome, and I'm glad Serah's actually doing something. I'm ambivalent on Noel, and I honestly think the whole idea of him being a way to introduced newcomers to XIII sub-series is stupid because I can't fathom why anyone would play this when they haven't played the original. I'm looking forward to what Hope, Snow, and Sazh are like in this game, and if Fang and Vanille will come back.

My only desire with this game is that it takes a few cues from XII and lets us change the members of our battling time at then when our team leader dies we can take control of another member in our team. People might argue that it might make the game easier, but I consider it an improvement and any complaints about that would just be proof that the Final Fantasy fandom/fan-dumb/hatedom/fan-dumb is looking for any reason to hate on the games.
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[quote name='Phantom Roxas' timestamp='1308366778' post='5291581']
I can't fathom why anyone would play this when they haven't played the original.

Becasue FF13 was a pitiful excuse for a Final Fantasy Game? So much so it still burns as I returned it the month after I bought it? And because FF has a habit of being exceptional games, they'd give this game a chance just because its SquarEnix? But if they fail this one... they're going to lose a lot of customers. Twice we'll have to had waste our money.
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