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9 Roleplay

Who was the hero that fell?  

  1. 1. Who was the hero that fell?

    • Me
    • 9
    • One of the twins
    • or 7?

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You've seen the movie 9, right? Well this fan fic is when the machines come back to earth!


The application: YCM name:

Ragdoll's name (they don't have numbers anymore):

Ragdoll's appearance:

Ragdoll's special ability (only one):

Ragdoll's starting weapon (you can collect and customize weapons along the way):

Why you want to join:


My app: YCM name: The Twizzler

Ragdoll's name: Twizz

Ragdoll's appearance: made from black cloth with lots of stitches from injuries, wears mask of rusted metal. Looks tough, though usually happy. Perfectly contempt adventuring by himself or with a group. Shorter than usual.

Ragdoll's special ability: exceptional weapons maker

Ragdoll's starting weapon: A polearm like 7 uses, only double sided.

Why I want to join: I made the thread.



Plot: The machines are back. "Take cover!" "No, 9. We have to face them. There's no one here to-"


"HEY! I think me and my friends will be of some help."


"Where have you been all this time?"

"No time to explain, 7. Move!"

"How do you know me?"

"You'll know in time."

Suddenly there is a huge boom, and one hero is down.


Who is the hero? You shall see as we progress!

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Wait, you warned me? I was just helping this guy... So you don't have to do it....


Ragdoll's name (they don't have numbers anymore):Lukas

Ragdoll's appearance: He is made of a twine made from twines of steel. His hand has a hole in it.

Ragdoll's special ability (only one): Can move the Earth and bend it to his will

Ragdoll's starting weapon (you can collect and customize weapons along the way): A bow like object, that can fire any debris, also has a set of 10 arrows.

Why you want to join:

It looks fun, and very interesting. Also, I would like to co-host.

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