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3000 ATK with no effect. That's how it works.


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We wouldn't support things that resemble the government of Britain' date=' no sir. We were good Americans, and we didn't use any of these damn kings of armageddon either. It's just like these damn real kings, except that they rule vast legions of card game enthusiasts instead of large hordes of British people who are too busy drinking cups of tea to finally admit that they're really a communist nation that has been working with the Russian communists ever since the fall of the German communists back in the war.



I find this highly offense as im british you seem to think all we do is sit around and drink cups of tea. Well all u americans do i stand around shooting each other and eating burgers. Maybe for once crab helmet u can learn some respect instead of basing your assumptions on stereotypes. You may think that you americans are the most powerful nation in the world and you probably are but thats only cause the leaders of other countries cant stop brown nosing a texas egotistical leader. You think your governement is the best system and all countries should be like you well i object maybe you should keep to your own country instead of interfereing with other ones.


I hope that gets across my opinion. Anyway your deck is highly powerful i like it (all your decks seem to abuse chain material loop hole but thats ok cause it owns)

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... I'm fairly sure that Crab Helmet was joking.

He is acting posing as Wilford Brimley

Wilford Brimley

Note the Brimley in popular culture section.


I think he commented on a number of other countries in a previous thread, I'm Australian and I think we were mentioned. probably about our bad ass croc fighting habits :P


My point being, he wouldn't see it as funny unless he saw the views expressed by this exaggerated character as over the top. Epic stereotypes make for good comedy ^_^


Of course if he is being serious, which I highly doubt. Then holy crud there are so many things so very wrong with the statements. More on facts than anything culturally bias, though there are some culturally bias things in there obviously. Personally I'm going to laugh at the comments whether his serious or not, coz hell I find them pretty funny!

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