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3000 ATK with no effect. That's how it works.


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I swear, you kids these days. I come looking to see what sets of printed cardboard you young'uns have come up with, and this is the sort of crap that I, Wilford Brimley, see everywhere. Monarchs? What is this? Back in my day, card game enthusiasts were patriotic. We wouldn't support things that resemble the government of Britain, no sir. We were good Americans, and we didn't use any of these damn kings of armageddon either. It's just like these damn real kings, except that they rule vast legions of card game enthusiasts instead of large hordes of British people who are too busy drinking cups of tea to finally admit that they're really a communist nation that has been working with the Russian communists ever since the fall of the German communists back in the war.


These monsters that have magical extra powers are a load of crap, too. Back in my day, there was a grand total of three of them, two of which were some sort of giant moth thing that nobody used in the first place due to the fact that my generation was smart enough to realize that monsters were supposed to be a couple of numbers rather than an endless stream of text that tries to do what those green and purple cards already do, except worse. It's like the people who make these damn cards are trying to spread powers equally between these types of cards, which sound so close to communism to me that I'm surprised that the few remaining people with sense haven't burned the entire company down.


The end result is that you kids these days have stopped playing good cards like that one dragon or that purple soldier thing because you're too damn lazy to support your monsters with other stuff, so you want to have everything combined in a single card. I'm going to teach you kids a lesson by bringing back these uncomplicated cards that you kids refuse to use because you're too obsessed with how pretty those crystal things look. Now you'll see that it doesn't matter what it says on your damn monster, you're still going to lose to my classic ones that are so much stronger. Kids these days can't even do simple math to see which number is higher, because they're too busy shoplifting.



Monsters (21)


3 Black Luster Soldier

3 Blue-Eyes White Dragon


2 Catapult Turtle


3 Mother Grizzly

2 Phantom of Chaos

2 A Cat of Ill Omen

3 Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands

3 Beastking of the Swamps


Spells (14)


1 Ancient Rules

3 Advanced Ritual Art

3 Fusion Gate

2 Terraforming

1 Premature Burial

1 Non-Spellcasting Area

1 Heavy Storm

1 Giant Trunade

1 Burial from a Different Dimension


Traps (5)


1 Mirror Force

3 Chain Material

1 Call of the Haunted


Fusion Deck (12)


3 Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon

3 F.G.D.

3 Dragon Master Knight

3 Chimeratech Fortress Dragon

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... I agree. I hardly see you telling him to change his entire deck to a completely different theme as useful advice.


Now, King of the Swamp is cool. There are other fusion substitute monsters with higher ATKs however, namely 'Godess with the Third Eye'.


I like the idea behind this deck and it is well constructed, it brings back a lot of the old school monsters and there seems to be something very satisfying about launching a blue eyes from a turtle cannon at your opponent, the bigger and fancier the monster the more humorous it is to shoot them at your opponent.

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I used Beastking of the Swamp over the others because it's searchable by Mother Grizzly, in case my opponent is about to destroy me next turn and I have BLS and Fusion Gate but not Chain Material. It lets me make a last stand with DMK.

Oh so it does, I'm, surprised I missed that :P. Good call.

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Guest Chaos Pudding

use a compeditive deck like crystal beasts' date=' six samuri, or zombies


dragons suck



no way i use a dragon deck and i have not lost once with that deck


Which means what exactly?

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