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Yugioh: Fusion of Worlds: Fall of the Crimson Dragon [OOC/ Started/ Accepting]

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Simdoggy: Ilana already said her turn was over, so just have Jesse start his turn from your current post.

Also, BWing, you're needed on the IC since James and Jasmine are about to get challenged to a tag Duel as soon as Reina gets back.

Name: Professor Singlus
Gender: Male
Appearance: Professor Singlus has long red hair, reaching all the way down past his waist, and a black Duel Academy coat that he "borrowed" from the Principal's room once the Signers found out that he was the same mysterious figure that revived the Dark Signers and corrupted Rainbow Neos. He also has some slight scarring on the back of one of his hands, ostensibly from when he stole the Machine Emperors
Age: 20's, approximately
Group: Tara's servant
Xyz/Dark Synchro Monster: Dark Flat Top
Deck: Machine Imperial/Reactor
Duel Spirit: Machine Imperial Soldier Wisel Ein
Bio{optional}: After the return of the Emperors, Professor Singlus disappeared from the Academy with the Machine Emperor cards, the only hint of his betrayal being the few drops of his blood found on the shattered glass of the case that the Emperors were stored in
D-Wheel: To be revealed

Also, I'm going to be introducing two new characters in the form of Rai-Mei and Magicat, who are actually the different halves of Tara's Duel Spirit Ivy from the first RP. And obviously Singlus is accepted

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Funny, Wolfram's British so he kinda switches between English and Japanese, though I think "Fenrir" goes full-out English when he takes over. Then there's Luisa who has pretty much lived in Neo Domino her whole life but also knows English and Spanish since one of her parents is Hispanic.

... And then we have the resident Lombax Signer, who has picked up on a lot of languages during his travels and seems to switch languages without even thinking... or maybe he just [I]thinks[/I] he's always speaking English when in reality....

... ¡Aye, maldita sea!

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Drake = Dark Is Not Evil/The Lancer/Red Eyes Take Warning/Good Is Not Nice/Mr. Fixit/Sliding Scale of Anti-Heroes
Mark = An Ice Person/The Atoner/Mr. Fixit
Caleb = Bratty Half Pint/Tag Along Kid
Chris = Bratty Half Pint/Sixth Ranger Traitor
Tara = Big Bad/Dishing Out Dirt/Eyes of Madness/Peek A Bangs/Dark Is Evil
Singlus = Face Heel Turn/Heel Face Turn/Robot Buddy/My Little Panzer/Motion Capture Mecha/Combining Mecha/Humongous Mecha
Rayos = The Big Guy/Half-Human Hybrid

Also, should I call the Meklord Army Monsters Machine Imperials, or should I stick with more or less the TCG name and call them Mechlord/Mech Lord Army, OR should I take a third option and call them Mechlord/Mech Lord Imperial. I patently refuse to use their actual English name because it just looks dumb on paper... screen... whatever.

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Hmmm... let's see....

[color=#FF0000]Alexander Abernathy[/color] and [color=#4B0082]Umbris[/color]:
- [color=#FF0000]Bunny-Ears Lawyer[/color] (as a Professor at Duel Academy, given his bizarre appearance and fairly easy-going nature)
- Petting Zoo Person (Alex has been considered this by others at least once, again given his species. has even been confused for a solidified Duel Spirit. Umbris as well, but he is, of course, a Duel Spirit)
- [color=#FF0000]Trauma-Induced Amnesia[/color] (as a result of Alex's father's death many years ago [he's getting better])
- Psychic Link
- Heterosexual Life Partners
- Nakama (with the Signers and allies)
- [color=#FF0000]Badass Beard[/color] (well, more like a goatee, but just LOOK at it!)
- My Art My Memory (the DH Monsters he uses. Played straight at first in the previous RP, until it was subverted/averted/inverted when Umbris restores Alex's memories and reveals that he created the DH cards) [color=#FFFFFF]Also, his passion for playing piano[/color]
- [color=#FF0000]Slipknot Ponytail[/color]
- [color=#4B0082]Deadpan Snarker[/color] (as Neo-Spacian Umbra Panther, although Chrysalis Pantail had a few moments)

[color=#FFD700]Luisa[/color] and [color=#A52A2A]Wildheart[/color]
- Huge Guy, Tiny Girl (with Wildheart, him being almost 8 feet tall, while she is 5' 6")
- Knight in Shining Armor (Luisa considers Wildheart to be this: taken to a rather literal extreme with the Synchro Monster, Elemental HERO Wild-X-Calibur)
- [color=#A52A2A]Well Excuse Me Princess[/color] (there are these kinds of moments, such as when Luisa ran face-first into Mark's delivery truck)
- [color=#A52A2A]The Atoner[/color] (implied when his past as a servant of Supreme King Haou was mentioned)
- [color=#FFD700]Converse With the Unconscious[/color] (after Wulf's betrayal puts Wildheart in a coma and clinging to life)
- [color=#A52A2A]Impaled With Great Prejudice[/color] (by Wulf. He'll Get Better, trust me)

[color=#A9A9A9]Wolfram[/color]/[color=#696969]"Fenrir"[/color] and [color=#B22222]Wulf[/color]
- [color=#A9A9A9]The Atoner[/color] (for what he did as "Fenrir", as well as being under possession of Garlandolf)
- British Accent/[color=#696969]Mean Brit/Evil Brit[/color]
[color=#696969]- Precision F-Strike/Cluster F Bomb/Country Matters ("Fenrir" certainly doesn't hold back on the cursing, especially with the "C-Word")/ Sound Effect Bleep/Curse Cut Short/Narrative Profanity Filters (for when his cursing gets a little out of hand)[/color]
- [color=#696969]Carpet of Verility/Walking Shirtless Scene[/color]/[color=#696969]Does Not Like Shoes/No Shirt Long Jacket/Coat Cape[/color] (evident in the previous RP as "Fenrir". Sometimes uses the Coat Cape as Wolfram
- Split Personality [Makeover] (Wolfram and "Fenrir", as of this RP)/Enemy Within[color=#FFFFFF]/Split Personality Merge[/color]
- Animal Motif (Wolves)
- [color=#A52A2A]Knight Templar/Lawful-Chaotic Neutral-Evil[/color] (Wulf becomes this after his Face-Heel Turn/Moral Event Horizon) /[color=#B22222] Evil Albino (Only after his Face Heel Turn, coupled with Red Eyes Take Warning) / The Dog Bites Back[/color] (due to "Fenrir's" abuse, except he bites Wildheart instead) / [color=#B22222]Failure-to-Save Murder[/color] (since he felt that he was never able to save Wolfram from "Fenrir"/Garlandolf. The "Murder" part was pretty close when he Back Stabbed Wildheart) / [color=#B22222]Single Tear[/color]

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... did I go a little overboard with this? >__> <__<

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Okay, one more "little" discussion piece for now:

Invoking the Trope, "Hey, It's That Voice", what voice actor would be voicing your characters?

[color=#ff0000]Alexander Abernathy[/color]: Seriously, you'd think he was the reincarnation of an ancient Egyptian Pharoah, but he'd seem to be just as much at home being a horse-shaped pinata ([b]Dan Green[/b]).

[color=#4b0082]Umbris: [/color]Sounds like Riku took a Level in Snark-Ass ([b]David Galliger[/b])

[color=#ffd700]Luisa DeLane[/color]: Surprised that she hasn't gone gaga over a panda, nor shouted out "Nemesis Stabilizer!" ([b]Christina Valeria[/b])

[color=#a52a2a]Wildheart[/color]: It is within my estimates that [b]Jamieson Price[/b] would be voicing this HERO.
* Imagine if his Luisa's opponent's ever Rage Quit when Wildheard pulled off "GENESIS... EMERALD... TAGER... ... BUSTER!!!"

[color=#a9a9a9]Wolfram[/color]: TBD

[color=#b22222]Forsaken Wulf[/color]: He'd like to give you despair. ([b]George Newbern[/b])
* (I actually had Sephiroth in mind when designing Forsaken Wulf's [url="http://img43.imageshack.us/img43/5149/11858l.jpg"]armor[/url])

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