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Yugioh: Fusion of Worlds: Fall of the Crimson Dragon [OOC/ Started/ Accepting]

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Name: Travis
Gender: Male
Apperence: Fisherman's vest with a white t-shirt underneath, messy blonde hair pulled under a beach hat, khaki shorts and sandals and tan skin.
Age: 20
Group {Signers, Other, Tara's sevant (groups may change)}: None
Deck: Crashing Tides
Duel Spirit: The Legendary Fisherman
Bio{optional}: The half-brother of the grand son of Mako Tsunami, Travis took in dueling as a sport of patience and using whatever you had. After failing to pay a loan on a thousand dollar Duel Disk he got, he was beaten to the curb. Now there's all this wonky stuff going on. Why did the world have to mess up?
D-Wheel: Broken down Turtle ride from a amusement park souped up to fuction as a D-Wheel.
Other: None

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[quote name='Rhykotsu' timestamp='1314923352' post='5485425']
Eh, Brionac is taken by the apparent Moon King or some shiz like that.

And there's OTHER GEMINI'S? D: So much for Rhy having his own archetype to keep and love and own.

Hey, maybe we should have our characters develop a feud or something.

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