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Guest Mr. Striker

Size: A common signature size please.

[spoiler=Render I want you using]20100303121055!PhoenixWright.png






How much I'm willing to pay: Up to 1000 points. I may pay more if it is extraordinary.

Color: Mess around with it, but I do want to see it flow with the render you chose.

Text: Find a good place for this on the signature- Mr. Striker


If the person who accepts this request minds, can you make an avatar with the render you didn't use? I'll pay up to 500 points for it. Same colors as the signature, but no text.

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Guest Mr. Striker

Glad you used both renders, but it doesn't look like something I would put in my sig right now. I'll pay you 500 points for it in case I do wear it.

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