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Puzzles!?! PRIZES!!!


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Can anyone solve these puzzles I created? I will post others once made. Prize: Solve 5 for 2 Reps.

(I'm not too good with Yugioh, so they might be easy)


Puzzle 1: Cystal Blue


Challenger: 3400


Field: Light Effigy DEF

Spells: CB Topaz Tiger

CB Amethyst Cat

CB Ruby Carbuncle

CB Sapphire Pegasus


Hand: Sword and Shield

Crystal ??? (summons 1 cb from spell or trap zone)

Blue Eyes White Dragon

Mystical Space Typhoon


Opponent: 3400


Field: EH Air Neos ATK

Chamberlain of SS DEF

Six Samurai Irou DEF


Spells: Swords of Revealing Light





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My next puzzle:


Challenger: 1700


Field: Cyberdark Dragon (ATK) with equip Blue Eyes White Dragon

Ultimate Tyranno (ATK)

Valykiron the Magna Warrior (ATK)

Relinquished (ATK)


Hand: Shooting Star Bow- Ceal

Big Shield Gardna

Legendary Sword

Horn of the Unicorn


Spells: BEWD equip

Cathedral of Nobles (Up)


Traps: Ojama Trio (Down)

Windstorm of Etaqua (Down)


Them: 21900


Field: BEUD (ATK)


Hand: Kuriboh



I will use Kuriboh on your 1st Direct Attack.



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Crystal Eyes: Answer


1) MST Swords of Revealing Light

2) Sword and Shield

3) Summon Blue Eyes with Light Effigy tribute

4) Use Crystal card to Summon Ruby, then Sp. Summon others

5) Attack Air Neos with BEWD (2400)

6) Attack Chamberlain with Ruby Carbuncle

7) Attack Irou with Sapphire

8] Attack directly with Topaz Tiger (800)

9) Attack directly with Amethyst Cat


Tomorrow I will post the answer to the other puzzle



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Ok then:


You: 2100


Field: Cyber Dragon x3


Spell/Traps: Attack Reflector Unit

Dimenson Fusion

Overload Fusion

Call of the Haunted (Down)



Hand: Cyber Barrier Dragon

The Cheerful Coffin

Batteryman C

Cyber Stein

Battle Footballer

Cyber Dark Keel

Final Flame


Graveyard: Jinzo


Fusion Deck: 2 C.E.D

2 C.T.D

1 Chimeratech


Them: 19700


Removed: Thousand Eyes Idol x3

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puzzle 2 answer:


1. Absorb BEUD with Relinquished

2. Activate Ojama Trio

3. Activate Windstorm of Etaqua (Ojamas turn to Attack Position)

4. Equip Tyranno with Horn of the Unicorn

5. Summon Big Shield Gardna

6. Tyranno must attack all Ojama tokens. 4000 damage each (including 300 for them being destroyed) (9900)

6. Big Shield Gardna attacks directly. Kuriboh negates damage

7. Relinquished attacks (5400)

8. Cyberdark Dragon attacks (1400)

9. Valkyrion attacks (0)


i think that's right, though a real player wouldn't waste kuriboh on gardna's attack....

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Ok then:


You: 2100


Field: Cyber Dragon x3


Spell/Traps: Attack Reflector Unit

Dimenson Fusion

Overload Fusion

Call of the Haunted (Down)



Hand: Cyber Barrier Dragon

The Cheerful Coffin

Batteryman C

Cyber Stein

Battle Footballer

Cyber Dark Keel

Final Flame


Graveyard: Jinzo


Fusion Deck: 2 C.E.D

2 C.T.D

1 Chimeratech


Them: 19700


Removed: Thousand Eyes Idol x3



1) Play Polymerization to fuse 2 Cyber Dragons (2800ATK)

2) Play the Cheerful Coffin (discard CBD, Stein and Keel)

3) Play Call of the Haunted (Jinzo, Jinzo will negate Call of the Haunted, but remain if COTH is gone) (2400ATK)

4) Play Overload Fusion, remove 2 Cyber, and all Machine for Chimeratech) (4000ATK)

5) Summon Batteryman C (0ATK), increasing all by 500ATK

6) Play Dimension Fusion (100LP) and Summon 1 Cyber (2100) (They summon all Idols in ATK)

7) Attack twice with CTD (11300)

8) Attack with Jinzo (8400)

9) Attack with Cybers (600)

10) Play Final Flame (0)

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One point' date=' Browarod! Are you a great duelist (unlike me)?



haha! well, i like to think i am. but i've only ever dueled my family irl, so i'm not entirely sure how i stack up....

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My next Puzzle: Cloud Wars


You: 450


Field:Neo Spacian Air Hummingbird (Attack mode)

The following Cloudians: Smoke Ball, Ghost Fog, Poison Cloud and Acid Cloud (All Defense)


Spell/Traps: 3x Natural Disaster


Hand: Mystical Space Typhoon

Fog Control

Enemy Controller

Cloudian Nimbusman

Back to Square 1

Premature Burial

Unshaven Angler


E- Hero Blade Edge


Them: 8300


Field: Superalloy Beast Raptinus (Defense)

Superalloy Beast Raptinus (Defense with 2x Black Pendant)

Seismic Crasher (Summoned with Release from Stone)


Spell/Traps (Others): Ultimate Offering


Their Hand: 1 card (Hungry Burger)

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You activate Air Hummingbird


You then sacrifice Ghost Fog, Acid Cloud and Poison Cloud to Summon Nimbusman (2500)


Next, use M.S.T on Release From Stone


Then play Fissure


After, play Enemy Controller (Sacrifice Smoke Ball to control 3200 Raptinus)


Use Back to Square One to discard Bladedge and return Air Hummingbird.


Play Premature (150) and Summon Bladedge


Attack with Nimbusman (5700)

Attack with Bladedge (3200)

Attack with Raptinus (0)

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You activate Air Hummingbird


You then sacrifice Ghost Fog' date=' Acid Cloud and Poison Cloud to Summon Nimbusman (2500)


Next, use M.S.T on Release From Stone


Then play Fissure


After, play Enemy Controller (Sacrifice Smoke Ball to control 3200 Raptinus)


Use Back to Square One to discard Bladedge and return Air Hummingbird.


Play Premature (150) and Summon Bladedge


Attack with Nimbusman (5700)

Attack with Bladedge (3200)

Attack with Raptinus (0)



OH, ok. I get it now. I didn't want to use BtSO on my own monster, so I was trying to use it on one of my opponent's. That's what I was doing wrong >_<

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Can anyone solve these puzzles I created? I will post others once made. Prize: Solve 5 for 2 Reps.

(I'm not too good with Yugioh' date=' so they might be easy)


Puzzle 1: Cystal Blue


Challenger: 3400


Field: Light Effigy DEF

Spells: CB Topaz Tiger

CB Amethyst Cat

CB Ruby Carbuncle

CB Sapphire Pegasus


Hand: Sword and Shield

Crystal ??? (summons 1 cb from spell or trap zone)

Blue Eyes White Dragon

Mystical Space Typhoon


Opponent: 3400


Field: EH Air Neos ATK

Chamberlain of SS DEF

Six Samurai Irou DEF


Spells: Swords of Revealing Light






i no its

1)tribute light efigy for blueyse

2)Crystal ??? on carby (carbuncle)

3)carby effct

4)mysispace typoo on swords ...

5)then sword + shield then all atck (im not gonna say hoo atack take to long to type

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