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The only OTK that should exist

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Rewards skilled play and foresight, not "loollo collect pies and win". More consistent and a hell of a lot faster than Demise/Dark Gaia/whatever the hell people play.


Monsters: 10


2x Destiny Hero Diamond Dude

3x Destiny Hero Plasma

1x Dark Magician of Chaos

1x Phantom of Chaos

1x Elemental Hero Stratos

1x D.D.M. - Different Dimension Master

1x Jinzo


Spells: 29


3x Reasoning

3x Monster Gate

3x Destiny Draw

3x Trade-In

2x Lightning Vortex

2x Reinforcement of the Army

2x Divine Sword - Phoenix Blade

1x Spell Reproduction

1x Magical Stone Excavation

1x Hand Collapse

1x E - Emergency Call

1x Warrior Returning Alive

1x Giant Trunade

1x Premature Burial

1x Brain Control

1x Card Destruction

1x Heavy Storm

1x Dimension Fusion


Traps: 1


1x Call of the Haunted

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Guest Chaos Pudding

I would actually drop Call for another Spell Reproduction. I find that Call just gets in the way most of the time. You have enough recursion.

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DMoC is an obvious call target. Viable.


Jinzo is obvious as well. Viable


PoC should be obvious too. Viable


DDM is probably the second best target. Viable.


Diamond Dude should be obvious for deck speed. Viable.


Stratos can be called to recruit/thin and find fodder for Trade-In/D-draw, thus increasing deck speed. Viable.


2 Spell Reproduction is last format, slow, and unnecessary; this is the new DDT... actually, this is a better and faster version of the new DDT.

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Guest Chaos Pudding

DMoC is an obvious call target. Viable.


Jinzo is obvious as well. Viable


PoC should be obvious too. Viable


DDM is probably the second best target. Viable.


Diamond Dude should be obvious for deck speed. Viable.


Stratos can be called to recruit/thin and find fodder for Trade-In/D-draw' date=' thus increasing deck speed. Viable.


2 Spell Reproduction is last format, slow, and unnecessary; this is the new DDT... actually, this is a better and faster version of the new DDT.



Well, I haven't run DDT since last list, so I guess I'll just leave it as is. Looks pretty solid, to be quite honest.

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Last format DDT ran slow cards like Return, Malicious, Dasher, etc.


This deck aims to streamline everything, such as running only two copies of Phoenix Blade, Diamond Dude, Lightning Vortex, one copy of Spell Reproduction (because whatever you grab "will" win you the game, not "might"), etc. It also aims to increase hand consistency and deck flow, like running a copy of E-Emergency Call, WRA, Hand Collapse, etc.


This deck will go off before turn 3.


Of course it's solid, more than solid, are you forgetting who made it?

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Manticore Exodia is more jank than either Demise and Dark Gaia though. And again, neither of these decks require any skill to play. Manticore is collect the pieces and win, if they have Crow, scoop; Dark Gaia is collect pieces and win; Demise is collect pieces and win.


This deck requires foresight, skilled play, and clear cognitive thinking.

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This is a great deck, if you bothered playtesting it you'd see it that way too. True, it's pretty much better than any of the decks that anyone naturally from these forums would post, but I don't see where you get off giving it a 6 compared to some backwards-ass deck I'd find on DGz. I think you should stick to your Dark Magician OTK decks or your netdecked Twilight Circle (Raida PCM) little kid. And from 2hvy himself:


"lol, way to reply when you know I couldn't. How much good did it do for your e-peen?


And you're not in the position to question one who's both more skilled and more knowledgable. Not to mention a better deck builder. When you don't understand a deck, it doesn't mean the deck's bad, it means you're bad.




lol @ MST

lol @ Scapegoat

lol @ SoRL

lol @ 41 cards


And if you think I netdecked him:




New DDT. 2hVy4GrVty. 4. 12/31 2:06PM.


You have no case."


By looking at what he said, I think you lost and shouldn't be a mod... you're awful.

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