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sidekicks new cn cartoon

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sidekicks new cn cartoon please discuss it

there anthor new cartoon called almost naked animals but i feel its not worth mentioning besides right now


by the way let me point out a few things that you might allready have notice ....

yes tevor voice is the same as the character of jude from six teens (both character act the same as well)

yes tevor is wearing a german kuart helmet (why i do not know but im loving it)

eric is wearing duncan's shirt but a different color

and he is voice by the same person who does cody voice in the "total drama" series

so please discuss sidekicks the new cn cartoon ........
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[quote name='Armadilloz' timestamp='1308008311' post='5281376']
Why do I get the feeling that every show now-a-days on CN is going to be by the same guy who made Sixteen?

im going to be completely honest with you

more or less same people behind / in both sixteen / "total drama" series is in this as well

Sidekick also features the voice stylings of - Christian Potenza (TD Chris) as Trevor Troublemeyer, Stephanie Anne Mills (TD Lindsay) as Vana Glama and Scott McCord (TD Owen and Trent) as Mr. Troublemeyer.

the same guy who voice jude will be on this show the guy who voice cody will be on here and the guy who voice chris will also be on here

they copy duncun logo

trevor is more or less a copy of the character jude

there more to mention but i will later on or i might let someone mention it i mean its no fun if i do all the work for you guys

but still what do you think of it ???
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And it's also gonna premiere next to some show called Almost Naked Animals. When I saw the commerical for the first time, I was like, WTFWATISTHISIDONTEVNOMFGLULZOVA9000. Seriously, CN has to stop wasting moeny on shows so people can watch them more. It's canceling lots of good shows, and bad shows which were already bad an were a waste of time in the first place, for shows even worser.

All I have to say to CN is: *facedesk*
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amitting not the best show around ive seen better (im a 90's guy so yeah ...) but this looks promising more or less a superheros in training show with a one of the kids dad has split personalitly

so he becomes maste xox (the show villian)

so this is like batman beyound but more kid like

i do not what people see in regular show its like the 2 main characters are more or less "stoners" doing "stoner stuff" why they put stuff like that on american tv
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[quote name='Taichi Masaki' timestamp='1308110148' post='5284274']
As long as Regular Show's around, I'll live with the crap that CN is putting out. Regular Show is the savior.

True true.....

About Sidekicks the show, CN already has Young Jusitce, which is already good. I think it's actually mediocre enough. But sidekicks, really. Focus on something like real heroes. Then it's academy of superheroes.

This show being added to CN implies CN is desperate to give any shows what kids want, same with Almost Naked Animals.
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  • 2 weeks later...
[quote name='ekikin' timestamp='1309634931' post='5328456']
Like most cartoons today, I'll stick around for the first two episodes before passing judgment. I thought Regular Show would bomb, but I was definitely wrong on that end.

im like that as well ...

ill watch some of it before i decide if i like it or not

granted sidekicks is not the best show they put on snice 2003 but beats alot other stuff they did put on the air lately
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