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Code Geass Discussion Thread

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[quote name='♥Łövëły-Ċħän♥' timestamp='1308323122' post='5290017']
<-- <3 Anya!!!

Nuna's Nightmare spin off you mean?

And Lulu didnt die v.v final episode has meaning!
Please let us avoid a Lelouch is/isn't dead argument
[size="1"]although he is dead[/size]
Also of course the last episode had meaning! The world was at peace! It showed the final result and the final step of the Zero requiem. It was one of the most brilliant endings to an anime I've ever seen.

[quote name='Half Vamp Riku..!' timestamp='1308083635' post='5283291']
Yeah that's a very good comparison. Lelouch is very similer to Light

I wouldn't compare Lelouch to Light. Granted they are both smart and gained some kind of otherworldly power, but that's it. Light went mad with power, falling to the fate that was decided for him the moment he got the deathnote, as foreshadowed by Ryuk. Light gained a god complex that would lead him to his demise. Lelouch is much more strategic and much more faithful to his original plan. He actually did make a great world, he used himself and knew he would have to sacrifice his life the moment he destroyed Charles and Marianne's dreams. Although something tells me he knew from the beginning. Light however wanted to make a better world, but under his rule. Light, since the beginning actually, was a selfish boy that only saw things from one angle and had a major god complex. Lelouch, however, was a big picture kind of guy, he took in the feelings of everybody and made decisions that he knew were for the good of the world, all the while making the biggest sacrifice of all to seal it up. He originally did it for his sister, but he grew and learned that Nunally's happiness would come naturally, however the rest of the world would have to become peaceful first. It was about the world now, the people, not him, and not nunnaly.
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[quote name='MortalKombatSmoke' timestamp='1308334893' post='5290499']
[size="1"]although he is dead[/size]
Nope. Was the man driving the wagon missed? C.C was speaking to Lelouch at the end of the final episode, to the man who was driving the wagon. It can be interpreted a lot of different ways. Someone thought Lelouch gained a power similar to Marianne's power. However, C.C passed her immortality onto Lelouch like the Nun passed it to C.C.

I don't watch Deathnote, so I wouldn't know anything about any comparisons between Lelouch and "Light".
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[quote name='♥Łövëły-Ċħän♥' timestamp='1308350316' post='5291046']
Nope. Was the man driving the wagon missed? C.C was speaking to Lelouch at the end of the final episode, to the man who was driving the wagon. It can be interpreted a lot of different ways. Someone thought Lelouch gained a power similar to Marianne's power. However, C.C passed her immortality onto Lelouch like the Nun passed it to C.C.

I don't watch Deathnote, so I wouldn't know anything about any comparisons between Lelouch and "Light".
Please hear me out and read this entire post before you reply and sincerly think about this. Just please it is all I am asking.

1st of all: This theory has been passed on for ever and many people know its inconceivable and completely ruins the Shakespearean drama of the ending.
2nd of all: Just because C.C. said "Lelouch?" at the end of her sentence doesn't mean he was there. She spoke to him without actually speaking to him, as he is now a part of the collective unconscious.

Lastly please listen... What made Code Geass great? The idea of a young man rebelling against an empire? The hero we all know as Zero pushing the front lines into a huge empire in hopes to not only destroy it, but create a better world? The idea that someone exists who cares this much and is willing to give everything for humanity? The answer is all of the above. Code Geass is without a doubt one of the greatest animes I've ever seen It is easily on my top 5 list. Anyone who has seen it can agree that it is very emotional and very connecting to the story. Now as for the power theory, Lelouch wouldn't want it that way. Also if you are going to use the "What about Lelouch showing Nunnaly his memories? thats things only immortals can do!" Well thats not entirely true. It is very possible, within the extent of the series, that she touched C.C. and gained a temporary sense for Geass like Suzaku did. Also it could just be that she had a sudden realization, possibly granted by the collective unconscious. This is a classic Obito/Madara argument that can be solved with a few simple investigations.

If lelouch was alive, then what was the point of showing C.C. praying and saying, very depressingly might I add and heartfelt, "Lelouch, the price you are going to pay for using your Geass is a dear one..." and then begins to cry. She wouldn't do this if she knew he would live. However she might say that if she knew he would be cursed to be immortal, however she would not cry and would not be praying. And what about Lelouch's philosophy? the one that he followed and repeated throughout the entire series. "The only ones who should kill are those who are prepared to be killed." Would he completely ignore his philosophy just to save his life? Not the Lelouch I know. Plus if he stayed alive, wouldn't that be a huge risk that his plan was discovered and that he was actually alive all the time and ruined everything? That's a Light Yagami move, trying to make the world better then being like a god in the end. Lelouch knows better and has a stronger philosophy. To die for what is right became the most honorable thing in his eyes and he would have it no other way. Lelouch had to die, for if he didn't he would have betrayed his philosophy and everything he stood for. I believe he was noble enough to make the sacrifice that no ordinary man would make. That is what makes him great, that is what makes this anime amazing.
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I love Code Geass... can't exactly say why though. I guess it's easy to watch. I really kinda compare it to Neon Genesis Evangelion all the time.

First, I guess the most obvious compairison is the mech-warfare.
Second is even though on the surface it's just a story of mech fighting and survival (In Geass' case Britannia, in Eva's case the Angles) the characters are explored thoroughly and the plot is pretty strong.
The pacing of their respective was also similar since you really couldn't miss an episode without being completley lost.
Both shows had seemingly never ending subtleties as it's almost possible to catch all the plot lines in one viewing.
Charles' Instrumentality-like thing was also just hilarious; plus, Lelouch "rejected" it.
And lastly, Lelouch went sorta emo like Shinji in R2.

I'm sure there's even more stuff between the two anime I haven't thought of yet!

And just to keep up with the thread: I like Lelouch a lot better than Light, mainly because Light gradually becomes more of an a****** throughout the show while lelouch goes through both ups and downs and eventually does practically the most beautiful thing imaginable (even though he killed a lot of people in the process, which sort of tarnishes the idea of creating a future. you could easily still see him as a demon; the entire show is kinda ambiguous[possibly another similarity to Eva], which makes the show that much better while there's almost no use arguing the fact that Light was a douchebag). And to finally finish my long-ass post, Lelouch is definitely dead, otherwise the ending would be horrendous.
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[quote name='CT3000' timestamp='1308366768' post='5291580']
I love Code Geass... can't exactly say why though. I guess it's easy to watch. I really kinda compare it to Neon Genesis Evangelion all the time.

First, I guess the most obvious compairison is the mech-warfare.
Second is even though on the surface it's just a story of mech fighting and survival (In Geass' case Britannia, in Eva's case the Angles) the characters are explored thoroughly and the plot is pretty strong.
The pacing of their respective was also similar since you really couldn't miss an episode without being completley lost.
Both shows had seemingly never ending subtleties as it's almost possible to catch all the plot lines in one viewing.
Charles' Instrumentality-like thing was also just hilarious; plus, Lelouch "rejected" it.
And lastly, Lelouch went sorta emo like Shinji in R2.

I'm sure there's even more stuff between the two anime I haven't thought of yet!

And just to keep up with the thread: I like Lelouch a lot better than Light, mainly because Light gradually becomes more of an a****** throughout the show while lelouch goes through both ups and downs and eventually does practically the most beautiful thing imaginable (even though he killed a lot of people in the process, which sort of tarnishes the idea of creating a future. you could easily still see him as a demon; the entire show is kinda ambiguous[possibly another similarity to Eva], which makes the show that much better while there's almost no use arguing the fact that Light was a douchebag). And to finally finish my long-ass post, Lelouch is definitely dead, otherwise the ending would be horrendous.
You took the words right out of my mouth man, +rep for that.
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[quote name='MortalKombatSmoke' timestamp='1308354472' post='5291172']
That's something else, the anime never points out that C.C. completed her contract with Lelouch.
That is a very fair point. I perhaps read too deep into the words spoken by Lelouch, "I understand what your Geass was, and I understand your true wish..." I thought the true contract was granting her true happiness, I believe he gave her that, so I assumed their contract was fufilled.
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[quote name='♥Łövëły-Ċħän♥' timestamp='1308624502' post='5299353']
That is a very fair point. I perhaps read too deep into the words spoken by Lelouch, "I understand what your Geass was, and I understand your true wish..." I thought the true contract was granting her true happiness, I believe he gave her that, so I assumed their contract was fufilled.
Yes but that doesn't mean she gave him immortality.
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Love Code Geass. It's one of my two favs, right next to TTGL.

Wow. A lot of words in this thread. Almost didn't want to read them all.

I'd have to agree with MKS on this. As much as I wish Lelouch was still alive, the ending was much better off with his death. Had much more meaning.

I'd go deeper into the subject, but it's been a while since I've watched it, and I can only remember most of the plot details, and none of the deeper meanings.

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Im sooooo tempted to put a shameless ad for my club here >_>

Lelouch is dead, Creator said so, They of course could bring him back for a cashgrab series later on

But one thing i do want to discuss is what do you guys think of the new manga and spin offs like Nightmare of nunnally, the manga adaption of code geass the books ect?
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