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I love how we're STILL deviating from ANY sort of topic >>


Tho kinda staying true to our foundations.


  On 6/16/2011 at 12:02 AM, Enma Kozato said:

Yeah, people might actually join your club.

Nobody knows me and all...

I had an idea if we must remake *puts on glasses and lays out white chart on table*

You see, we obviously have deviated from the purpose of the club. Fake types are done and there's no point going on with them. Also remember that we were warned as such. So why not, if a remake is necessary, employ a clever front of a name that does not imply we are the FTK anymore, and make the club where we can discuss what we want legally.

Gentlemen, I present you with project Mirage.

*points to paper in cheesy manor*


Pirate lord =warrior nuff said
















Inventor and Alchemist are the only 2 real good types that were created.


Maybe Mad Puppet.

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He found out today he may have a split personality.


That might explain it.


Or he was just (still is) really weird.



I talk to him on MSN a lot.


He says Panama is part of Mexico Territory cause El did.







I miss El



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Im back. With COOKIES! Btw chase I'm contemplating changing my name to rainbow on my next name change xD.


And hey I thought infected was good type ._.

Did not fit under fiends there not demons and not under zombies, there not the living dead... What an odd sentence..


@ DL

Did you just say dues may be bipolar?... That would explain allot.


@ chase

El make hated you? And ... Why are you in Mexico?...


Also whoophotobucket is back up. And I am not a gfx whore D: (lol)

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El didn't hate you XD


He just always remembered the epic 'bacon vs. deer jerky' discussion.



And...Deus isn't a douche...he's just...weird.


Now EL'S a douche xD And proud :3



@Gefhx - Infected sounds more like a sub-type, honestly.


But it DOES look original :3

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@ DL

It was quite an old type of mine, made in the early periods of the FK, possibly earlier. Here ima fish up a link to the set on google...

[spoiler=Contains Infected-Type Set link]Woah i made this set in 09'




@ Chase

How about...

©lassic ®ainbows™


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@Chase - No one hated you.


Cept for DMG's semi-hate which spawned from rivalry which is why she once put your card in a double spoiler xD



@Gefhx - I remember those, actually :3



@Chase again - No idea >>


Well, Meta is more meta that it ever was thanks to Sycnhros and new cheap monsters....

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Ehh it's a bunch of prick's who think there better than us so made names in semi-bolder roman font and have made clubs it's just a fad-ish-thing, they change there names and have them in this semi-bolder font and it's something like YCM Dueling league =YDL. But it's just a fad it will probably die down in a month or so... I wrote that.. And it confused me o.O.

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