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OTK cards

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Card 1:
Name: Prevention of the Future
Type: Quick-play spell
Text: Look at the card on top of either player's Deck, then place it on the bottom of the Deck.

Card 2:
Name: Destructive Search
Type: Spell
Text: Declare one card name. If the selected card is in your opponent's Deck, send cards from the top of your opponent's Deck to the Graveyard until the selected card is sent to the Graveyard. You take damage equal to 100x the number of cards that were sent to your opponent's Graveyard by this effect. You may not activate any more Spell or Trap cards this turn.

So yeah, you put a card on the bottom of your opponent's Deck with Prevention of the Future, and then, with the knowledge of the bottom card on your opponent's Deck, Destructive Search will completely deplete your opponent's Deck. So what do you think?

Anyways, I need pictures for these cards. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
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Certainly an OTK... doubt it would be good for the game but is creative.

But it still depends on your opponent not running 2 or 3 of anything most of the time.

Here's an image for the second: http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/020/a/b/abb4c6b58fd87806f7ea969a6c57cd87-d37nyku.png
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