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Anime Card-Backing

L Cubic

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I think.. should be someone who make the HQ anime card-backing
for sometime you can use it in some occasion e.g wallpaper(?), signature(?), illustration in fiction, etc blah blah...

now I saw only LQ image..

DM Backing and other one(zexal?)
[img]http://i1086.photobucket.com/albums/j455/LayTheQuiz/AnimeBacking.jpg[/img] [img]http://i1086.photobucket.com/albums/j455/LayTheQuiz/Back-Anime-2.png[/img]

and you, what do you think? agree with me
I'm not be good at graphic or matter about this, I can only propose my idea...
I hope that's someone who can create it.. thnx
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