Quiksilver Posted June 9, 2011 Report Share Posted June 9, 2011 [center][size="5"][font="Impact"]Mutant Watch[/font][/size] [b]What we have is not a gift. It is a curse.[/b][/center] [spoiler=Plot] Times change. Once, superhumans were revered by the public. The man who could lift cars, the woman who could fly...they were figures idolized by society, each and every person just wanting to be "special". They wanted those powers for themselves; they wanted to be the superhero. Loved by all, and hated by none, it seemed a grand life to live, that of the comic book superhero. Indeed, times have changed. It began with a gene. One simple gene. It started popping up around the start of the 21st century, and was first discovered by a gene therapy center in New York. It was named the "Mutant Gene" by scientists due to it's strange composition and the way it behaved, for it did not act like other genes. In test subjects who possesses the gene, it was known to create...strange effects. Sometimes this was as little as a strange shade of eye color. But in some the gene gave them great abilities; super strength, fire creation, and other extraordinary powers. Details, however, about the gene worked, how it did what it did, however, were sketchy, and the scientists involved were left to guess at what it was. Homo superior, some called it. The next step in human evolution. But, the percentage of people who said this would turn out to be a very small margin. In time, a discreet study, with the government's backing and the original scientists who had studied the gene at it's helm, was conducted on the population of America, from coast to coast, state to state. The numbers weren't exact, given it would be hard to catalogue every American, like the homeless, without arousing suspicion, but it was found that roughly 2% of all Americans possessed this gene. It did not favor any sort of group, racial or social, in particular. In fact, it seemed to create a group of it's own- Hispanics, Caucasians, Africans, Europeans- these superhumans were all different, except for this one little gene they shared. The scientists were baffled by this gene, and wanted to study it more before releasing it to the public, but they knew they would not be able to keep the secret for long. And, yes, they were correct; shortly after the study was conducted, news about the superhumans began to spread. And there was pandemonium. Mutants, as they began to be called, after the gene they shared, were feared by the general populace of America (which seemed to be the only place as of yet experiencing this gene, other strange effect it held). Mutants were reviled by most, with only a small margin actually able to empathize with them. And yet, can you truly blame the humans for being scared? If you found out your next door neighbor had the power to blow up your house, you'd be a little more wary of them, would you not? However, many of the mutants were people just like us; many did not know how to control the powers they possessed, and were scared as well. And yet, they found themselves social outcasts, unable to get help from anyone. Scared and defiant, some tried to stand up for themselves, and tried to tell the humans that mutants were not all bad. These responses were, for the most part, ignored. The fear of the American population took these arguments and tossed them aside as it grew, fed by the media and the government, who told them to be on the lookout for any "dangerous people who possessed mutations". The mutants took to banding together for support, creating what would be known mutant "safe havens". Others tried reasoning with the humans, trying to find a solution beneficial for both humans and mutants. They, for the most part, were rebuffed from all but a few; and, as such, a great majority of the mutants only began to feel anger and hate for the society than shunned them. Tension began to spread between the mutant and human communities, and there even talk of waging battle, despite peace groups on both sides trying to find common ground. Mutant rights groups, as they called themselves, began to threaten violence on those who opposed them. But it woul be the human society would, metaphorically, strike the first blow. A bill would be proposed, in 2011, named the Mutant Watch Act. It was proposed by Sen. Harry Longfield, of North Carolina, who said that due to the dangerous qualities of several mutants, all mutants across the U.S.A. should be registered and kept under surveillance (in the way of politicians, Longfield called it a check-in system, but everyone knew the truth), drawing support from a number of sides. As you might have expected, the mutant communities were not amused, and several pro-mutant groups became outraged, conducting criminal acts and shouting they would wage war if the law was passed. Tensions rose to an all-time high between the humans and mutants, and all the while another, more secretive, mutant program was underway. It was set up back in 2009. It's mission? To investigate the mutant phenomenon, and was secretly condoned by the American government. Military labs all across the country were opened to look into the issue, with young "willing" mutants as their test subjects. Note the quotations- many times the young mutants would have no say in their participation in the project. Most of the time, they were forced into it by their parents, most of whom were human and wished to get rid of their troublesome and, in some cases, frightening, mutant children. You are one such child. Volunteered into the program, you have spent the majority of your days poked and prodded by scientists and government officials. Your patience, and that of your fellow mutants, are quickly drawing to an end. And who am I, you may ask? My name is Laurie Brenner. I represent a group aimed at peace between humans and mutants, and I am a mutant just like you; I have the power to glimpse the threads of the future, to see what might come. However, time is fickle, and changes often, usually by one decision; I believe you would call it the butterfly effect. However, in the past couple of months, I have seen with increasing occurrence, you and your fellow mutants. This makes it seem to me that you will have an important part to play in the coming turbulent times of the future; in what role, I have no idea. That part it up to you. So. We're all waiting. The world is waiting on tetherhooks, waiting to see how this mutant situation plays out. The Mutant Watch Act's voting is coming closer and closer and by extension so is the fate of mutants everywhere. Our fate, and the fate of the world, rest in your hands. It's a cliche phrase, but accurate nonetheless. What side will you choose? Who will you choose to save? It's all up to you now. Welcome to Mutant Watch.[/spoiler] [spoiler=Mutations] Mutations are not superpowers. Please do not confuse the two. Instead, mutations refer to any kind of break from traditional human traits- this can go from a third nostril to the ability to cause earthquakes. However, since I have the strangest feeling you'll prefer the latter, I'll allow you to choose the "powers" you possess. However, I must lay down a couple rules you must follow when choosing- [b]1. Give your power some flaws.[/b] Just like everything else in life, your powers must have flaws. This technically falls under God-Modding, but I wish to reiterate the point here; you must have some kind of drawback to your mutation. [b]2. Be explicit.[/b] I don't want to see just "Can create and manipulate fire" in your app. Give detail. How is it generated? With which limb? How is power determined? Things like that. Just keep in mind the first rule when answering these questions. [b]3. No techniques or moves; just a power.[/b] I don't want to see Pokemon-esque moves, or whatever. No "Flowing Water Shield" or whatever. You just have your power, which you must use in a variety of different ways. Your powers will expand and gradually move into different categories as the RP goes on, but right now you can only have one- which is why I recommend choosing a power that can be used in several different ways. Don't try to say what your power will become later in the RP- I will decide that, though you will most definitely have a say. [/spoiler] [spoiler=Rules]All Advanced Rules apply. I believe we're all mature enough to know right from wrong and I also won't waste your time with some sort of silly thing you have to add to your app. However, if I spot something amiss, I'll be on it, and don't make your response be "But you didn't put it in the rules!". Use your head when participating in this RP. Thank you for your cooperation.[/spoiler] [spoiler=Application] Remove everything in brackets. [code][center][b]{NAME}[/b][/center] {Replace the {NAME} with your character's name. First and last name, please. Middle is optional} [b]AGE:[/b] {All of the members in the program, or at least in this part, are relatively young. So, ages 16-24 or so would be ideal.} [b]GENDER:[/b] {Male or Female. Unless you're one of those weird mutants who are both.} [b]APPEARANCE:[/b] - Height: {Your height, optimally presented in a feet'inches" form.} - Weight: {Shown in pounds please. Take your height and body shape into account when choosing this.} - Body Shape: {Describe your shape here. Is it petite, muscular, regular?} - Hair Style & Color: {Can generally be whatever you want. There are mutations that affect your hair, so this can be what you wish. I'll have to ask you to restrain yourself, however; little changes here and there to your hair are more welcome than having huge, anime-worthy locks.} - Eye Color: {Same as above.} - Complexion: {Your skin tone. Generally unlimited choices, as long as any oddities here are explained with your mutation. Little changes, as with Hair, are welcomed more than major changes.} [b]PERSONALITY:[/b] {A few words about how your character acts, thinks, does- and why. A paragraph is required.} [b]BIOGRAPHY:[/b] {All of your characters' history will be laid out here. What was your life up till joining the program (which should have happened only recently)? Remember to include such things as how his/her parents met, their place of birth, how she/he was raised, his/her dreams, expectations, etc. Also, how has your mutation affected your character's life? Remember to include that.} [center][b]Mutation[/b][/center] [b]POWER:[/b] {In simplest terms, this means explain your mutation. What effect does it do? A paragraph is wanted.} [b]TECHNICALITIES:[/b] How it's produced: {How does your person access (consciously or unconsciously) this power? What it affects: {Essentially, this means is your power mental, physical, or spiritual? Sometimes you can tell from the Power section, but I want to make sure.} Where does it come from: {Does your character produce it himself, or draw it from an external source? If the former, what are the limits to producing your powers?}[/code][/spoiler] [spoiler=Characters] [spoiler=Player Characters] [spoiler=Quiksilver] [center][b]Nicholas "Nick" Keating[/b][/center] [b]AGE:[/b] 17 [b]GENDER:[/b] Male [b]APPEARANCE:[/b] - Height: 6'2'' - Weight: 167 lbs. - Body Shape: Slim. - Hair Style & Color: Light brown curls, was blond when younger. Relatively short and fall down to the back of his neck. - Eye Color: Dark green. - Complexion: Pale. [b]PERSONALITY:[/b] Nick has had a hard life. And he's determined not to show it. Stoic and hiding his inner hurt under a facade of toughness, he tries to be as invulnerable as he can seem. Prone to sarcasm as a way of relive all he has to deal with, Nick nonetheless projects the aura of someone iron-strong and the one to guard your back no matter what. He tries to make this true, perhaps not wanting others to go through tough situations like he was forced too; he is determined to look out for those around him for this reason. The fact that he's still emotionally and mentally vulnerable on the inside and yet still wants to look out for others only adds credence to his hardiness. He has a mixed outlook on life, having gained the impression that life is tough, really tough for some, and that the only way to get what you want is to be the very best you can be. Luck and good fortune don't exist for him- in the end, it's all up to you, and you alone, and if you try to get that which you want you have to struggle for it. That's Nick's credo, and he lives everyday by it. [b]BIOGRAPHY:[/b] Nick was born in Baltimore, Maryland, to two ordinary suburban parents who seemed to have a normal, loving home environment. Or so it seemed; in truth, his parents were at each other's throats all the time. They divorced when Nick was 7, and he was kept by his mother while his father moved out of state, and then out of Nick's life; after the divorce was finalized, Nick's father remarried to a woman living in another state, moved in with her, and never looked back. The divorce had a deep emotional impact on Nick, though his mother and older sister helped it get through it. Nick therefore spent much of his adolescent years with his mother and sister, who worked extra hard to provide for herself and her children. He never had the best clothes, the best things, and wasn't particularly popular in school, but Nick and his small family loved each other very much, and that was enough for Nick. Life would proceed this way until Nick turned 15, for it was at this time that his mutant gene, which had been given to him by his father (another thing he would curse the old man for), began to manifest. At that time, his ability to manipulate gravity was not under his control, and, in a fit of uncontrolled power, he crushed his mother when she tried to get him to stop. His sister fled from him in a fear of mutants-induced panic, disappearing into the night, and he would never see or hear from her again. Nick was sent to a juvenile detention center fairly quickly, most likely due to the fact he was a mutant. At juvie, perhaps realizing him for what he was, the other detainees treated him with open animosity and hate, and as a response Nick began to wall up his emotions, and be as tough as he could be. Nick stayed in the center for much longer than he probably should have, the local state government reluctant to release this dangerous mutant back into society. Nick, embittered and weary, had committed himself to this life (at least, until he could master his powers and break out; he hadn't completely given up hope yet) when a government official appeared one day and beckoned for Nick to come with him. Bewildered, Nick did so. He found himself in a top-secret government program to study the mutant phenomenon. Up until this point, Nick had no contact with any other mutants whatsoever, and meeting them here was with a reaction of kinship and relief. Finally, Nick had someone to relate too, someone he could connect with. Not that he did much of that, given his tight-lipped personality, but Nick certainly felt more comfortable among his fellow mutants. They seemed to give him strength; he always did his best to help them out whenever he could. This new kinship was tempered by a hate for the procedures he was forced through. Day in and day out, being studied and examined by scientists and forced to stay in one place (just like juvie, a place of bad memories for him) fostered a sense of rebellion within the embittered youth; one day, one day that perhaps would come along very soon, Nick wished to escape and make a better life for himself and his newfound friends. [center][b]Mutation[/b][/center] [b]POWER:[/b] Nick has gravitokinesis, that is, the ability to control, generate, and alter gravity. He can lessen its effects or increase its effects, though the more he tries to change it the more energy he expends. He can also change it's flow, making things "fall" a certain way, though this only affects a very small (as of yet) radius around him. With this power, he can do such things like fly (by changing gravity around him to fall upwards), or alter its flow to throw objects at his enemies. The main drawbacks of his power is it expends energy; it acts like a physical workout, draining his calories and straining his body, making him weak and sluggish. The more he changes gravity, the more energy he expends. As of now, his endurance for this task is limited, and he can only alter gravity so far before exhausting himself out. [b]TECHNICALITIES:[/b] How it's produced: He uses a innate power within his body to alter the laws of gravity around him. As such, it generally extends in a "orb" around his body, and going any farther would revert gravity back to it's original properties. What it affects: A mix of Mental and Physical. It is produced mentally but has physical effects. Where does it come from: Produces the alteration power himself. It draws directly from the energy stored up within his carbohydrates, tiring him out the more his power is used.[/spoiler] [spoiler=Naimo] [center][b]Ione Featherstone[/b][/center] [b]AGE:[/b] 16 [b]GENDER:[/b] Female [b]APPEARANCE:[/b] - Height: 5'9" - Weight: 154.3 pounds - Body Shape: Regular - Hair Style & Color: Waist-length straight brown-blonde hair that has been crudely cut at the tips - Eye Color: Very dark blue that looks more indigo - Complexion: Fair [b]PERSONALITY:[/b] Ione is incredibly sharp and learns extremely quickly; she is a bit of a jack of all trades, and her IQ is only just in the "above average" band. She does have a rather trusting nature and is extremely loyal to her friends; this can sometimes blind her to the darker side of each person, and she certainly hates bitching behind people's back if they are her friends. It is easy to tell if she doesn't like someone, as she often holds them at arm's length, and is unafraid to be nasty and gossipy about them. Ione can be a tad bit too sentimental, but she strives to control herself, albeit rather badly; as a result, she just becomes even more emotional at irrational moments, which can lead to embarassment, and a potential deeper insight into her character. Whilst she is rarely cynical, and often fairly optimistic, she does treat most political events with cynism, regardless of whether they are mutant-related or not. [b]BIOGRAPHY:[/b] Ione's parents were both mutants; they had met as exiles from society, and fearing that they would be killed any day soon, they married two months into their relationship. Fortunately, they both survived for the next ten or so years in one of the safe havens for mutants, and it was then that they gave birth to Ione. They knew that their daughter would be a mutant too, and they agreed to try and raise her in the most normal manner as possible. From a young age, Ione was unusually quick to develop; she easily grasped language and numbers, and she only fell over around four times before she was capable of walking. At first, her parents thought it was just a feature of Ione's, but when she was four, they found her hovering over her bed. Her father had the ability to fly, and they thought that meant that she too could fly. Thus, they divided their time between home schooling Ione (she was lead to believe this was normal) and encouraging her to keep developing her flying abilities. Three years later, when Ione was seven, her father had been shot dead after a human had caught him using his power. At that time, Ione's development had been so quick, her mother felt it was fine to break the truth to her. Interestingly, after her father died, Ione could no longer fly, which worried her mother, until she saw that her daughter could form glass shards, just like herself. Suddenly, her mother began to realise that her daughter could copy powers, but she felt that her power was not good for her daughter. Therefore, she asked another mutant to display their power in front of Ione, so that she could copy them; this move did not work, and her mother never really understood what it was that made Ione copy powers. For the next few years, Ione continued life as normal. However, several weeks before her sixteenth birthday, she noticed that her mother was starting to act a little wierd; she would keep disappearing for lengthy periods of time, and then reappear and claim she was doing some business with another mutant. Ione didn't find anything suspicious, and a week after her birthday, her mother lead her out of the safe haven and into an alleyway that was quite far from their home. Ione then began to grow suspicious, but by that time, the act had been done; a man turned up from the government, and knocked out Ione first. Her mother had formed a deal to betray her own daughter (her reason being that it was too stressful to raise Ione on her own) in return that she could become a free woman once more. The government had other ideas, and it was in that alleyway that her mother was killed. Since then, Ione has been part of the program, but she has been extremely careful to mislead the scientists into believing that her power is forming glass. Indeed, she has done the same to her fellow mutants, and she has often promised herself to reveal the truth if they ever escape. [center][b]Mutation[/b][/center] [b]POWER:[/b] Ione has no real power of her own - rather, she can copy other people's powers. This may seem straight-forward and a tad bit OPed for a RP character, but the mechanisms are most peculiar. To apply Psychology theory, it seems that she can only copy people's powers through Behaviourism (the theory that all behaviour is learnt); she must be in contact with the power's origins for a very long period of time, so if she sees one-off uses of people's powers, she can't use it. This is perhaps the reason why her current power is exactly like her mother's - that is, the ability to form glass at will and do whatever she wishes with them. Interestingly, Ione seems only capable of using one power at a time (refer to bio), and any powers she has previously adapted are completely forgotten. [b]TECHNICALITIES:[/b] How it's produced: When she has properly copied the behaviour, she can do things with it at will. Interestingly, she learns the basic mechanisms, and is then left to figure out on her own how to manipulate her power to make it even stronger than it currently is. What it affects: 50% mental, 50% physical. She has to see the behaviour first for a period of time before she can copy it, and physical in that she can produce that power after a while, so there must be something in her genes that gives her that ability. Where does it come from: Her power comes from others, so the majority of it is externally gained. Of course, once she starts using it for herself, she is just as prone to the downside of each power; it's also risky if she has to spend long periods of time with somebody who has a power she doesn't want, as she is exposed to the dangers of copying their power unwillingly.[/spoiler] [spoiler=TotalObelisk][center][b] Cheyrl Winter [/b] (prefers to be known by her last name)[/center] [b]AGE:[/b] 21 [b]GENDER:[/b] Female [b]APPEARANCE:[/b] - Height: 5’4 - Weight: 120 lbs - Body Shape: Slim, somewhat well-toned - Hair Style & Color: Bright Blue in colour (caused by mutation), short cut, above level with her jawline, and usually neat if a little untamed at the back of her neck. - Eye Color: Bright Blue (also caused by mutation (see bio)) - Complexion: Asian features but extremely pale skin, almost to the point of being white (also caused by mutation) [b]PERSONALITY:[/b] Winter has a very cold and distrustful nature, being nearly always suspicious of anyone she's never met and never trusting anyone unless she gets to know them more personally. After warming up to someone, however, Winter can be far more friendly and sometimes even childish or shy and once she grows to trust someone she will become very protective and loyal. She takes things very seriously and will refuse to give up unless given a good reason to. Winter prefers to settle things without violence but when given no other choice, she won’t hesitate to throw herself into battle and will thus attempt to end is as quickly as possible. She is usually polite, if a little bit stoic, and hardly ever curses, and especially never uses phrases like ‘hell’, ‘good heavens’ or ‘holy sh*t’. She flatly refuses to kill anyone, even if they deserve it as she sees all kinds of life as precious. Winter also doesn’t like being called anything other than ‘Winter’ and will get annoyed if anyone does so. [b]BIOGRAPHY:[/b] Winter’s family was originally of Asian descent but moved to America a few generations ago, leading Winter’s mother to marry an American man and eventually give birth to Winter herself. When she was born, it was immediately obvious of Winter’s mutation due to the colour of her skin, hair and eyes which where normally dark for someone of her heritage but instead where quite light in colour and, in the case of her hair, an unnatural pigment. Winter’s father was no doubt disturbed by this but her mother wasn't the least bit bothered by it and was in fact quite intrigued by it. This eventually led to an argument where her father wanted to get rid of her, fearing not only the potential dangers Winter herself presented but also what other people would think of them knowing that their daughter was a mutant, her mother on the other hand was far more sympathetic, arguing that Winter was still human and that point of view would only certify that mutants would go against mankind rather than coexist with them. Eventually Winter’s father left, leaving Winter and her mother alone. Although saddened by her ex-husband’s decision, Winter’s mother still put on a cheerful face while around her daughter and raised with the knowledge that although she was different it was nothing to be ashamed of, pointing out past examples of ethnic groups eventually gaining equal rights after previous being considered inferior. With this knowledge in hand Winter didn’t let the fact that mutants where feared get to her and managed to shrug off most of the taunts she received through her school years. Although Winter appeared radically different, no actual abilities began to surface until she began to enter puberty and woke up one morning to find herself frozen to her bed and her room covered in frost. After spending a few moments in a state of panic the ice holding her down eventually melted and she was able to free herself and wake up her mother to tell her what had just happened. Her mother was no doubt unnerved by this revelation, especially when it happened on other occasions getting gradually more frequent as time went on. Eventually her mother decided to help Winter to try and control her abilities. Although she had little success at first, due to lack of knowledge of how the ability even worked, her mother was eventually able to work out what caused Winter’s cryomancy and began to encourage her to take up some kind of sport of physical pastime that would help her keep a calm mind and with any luck gain better control over her abilities. Winter took her mother’s advice and, despite being turned down by most places due to her obvious mutation, was able to find a karate instructor willing to teach her. After about a week, the instructor revealed his own mutant gene and offered to help Winter come to terms with her own abilities since he understood them more than her mother did. Winter spent a few enjoyable years, getting through college and learning about the nature of her powers and how to use them and was quite content with her life until she came home to find it bunt down with no signs of her mother anywhere. Winter was naturally distraught by this, especially when learning from the police that it was likely the work of anti-mutant protestors who had probably followed her home; however Winter remembered that her mother’s body hadn’t been found and so began to hold hope that she had somehow escaped before the protestors attacked and was still alive. However after about a week there was still no sign of her, even after the perpetrators where caught and charged with arson and attempted murder. Since her home was destroyed Winter had no place to go while she waited for her mother, spending the first couple of days in police custardy and the rest in a care home. After about a month she was visited by a man claiming to be an old friend of her mother and that he intended to take care of her while the search for her mother continued. Winter was doubtful at first but was eventually convinced to let him take care of her. As it turned out the man had deceived her and was in fact a representation of the mutant experiment program and had tricked Winter into willingly signing up for the program. Naturally Winter attempted to break out as soon as she learned this but was quickly and easily subdued and brought in for testing. [center][b]Mutation[/b][/center] [b]POWER:[/b] Cryomancy; the ability to create and shape ice in various forms. Winter uses this ability to create ice sculptures from both air and water or use it to freeze objects, however to use this ability Winter must be in skin contact with whatever she’s freezing and as soon as she breaks contact the sculpture will begin to melt, in addition her abilities are harder to use in higher temperatures. Added to this Winter is also capable of surviving in temperatures well below freezing without any visible problems, conversely she doesn’t deal well with warmer temperatures and shows signs of fatigue and dehydration in conditions where most people would feel fine if a little hot. This is most likely an extension of her cryomancy abilities. [b]TECHNICALITIES:[/b] How it's produced: Winter uses water particles, either from actual water sources of the air around her, to create ice sculptures whenever she needs to. What it affects: Winter’s abilities have no real physical strain on her but do require her to concentrate and be relatively calm while using them; as such she cannot use her abilities when she’s feeling strong emotions like anger or stress. Where does it come from: Winter is able to lower her external body temperature to almost absolute zero as well as posessing very minor aquakenesis abilities which is how she is able to both produce and shape ice however she wishes. Over time Winter has learned to use this ability on isolated parts of her body, usually her hands, to great effect.[/spoiler] [spoiler=Spartan919][center][b]Johnathon Matthew "Kit" Kitsboro[/b][/center] [b]AGE:[/b] 16 [b]GENDER:[/b] Male [b]APPEARANCE:[/b] - Height: 5'5" - Weight: 132 - Body Shape: Petite and slightly feminine - Hair Style & Color: Disheveled, shoulder-length dark brown hair that almost always covers his face; has small streaks of silver. - Eye Color: Sky blue - Complexion: Pale [b]PERSONALITY:[/b] Ever since he was a young child, Johnathon has been ridiculed and harassed. As such, he has withdrawn himself into a sphere of fear and timidity. He is quiet, rarely uttering words (more often than not he will utter small sounds: grunts, squeaks, small exclamations, etc.). Along with his quiet, Johnathon is extremely shy, also a side effect of his childhood ridicule. Whenever people are around, Johnathon can usually be found hiding either in the corner, or in the shadows, simply trying to avoid pain and suffering, and to stay out of other people's ways. Underneath the innocence, Johnathon possesses a strong sense of justice: he believes that no matter what, everybody has good in them somewhere. Along with this belief, Johnathon stands by all his beliefs relentlessly. He is surprisingly stubborn and determined, and will follow anything to the end, no matter what happens to him. Johnathon is strangely detached and uncaring when it comes to his own life (again courtesy of his childhood ridicule). Due to his sense of justice, and uncaring of his own life, Johnathon places the well-being of others above himself, and generally takes care of himself only after everyone else has been accounted for. [b]BIOGRAPHY:[/b] Johnathon, or "Kit" as he came to be known due to his timid nature, was born in Boise, Idaho, the relatively small capital of the relatively unknown state. He was born with silver streaks in his hair (due to the mutant gene, though the doctors didn't know), and was always ridiculed about it; his timid nature and naivety didn't help. Kit quickly learned to stay alone, as everyone he met just wanted to scorn him and spit at him. This want for loneliness quickly developed into big-time shyness. Kit's parents (his mother was the first one to give him the nickname; "my little kit," she would say) seemed almost like superheroes to him in his earlier years: they were always smiling, always cheering him up, and always encouraging him. He suffered through school, sitting in the back of the room during class and sitting, huddled, against the classroom door during recess in an attempt to dodge bullies; unfortunately, he was more often than not unsuccessful. Many days he would come home either bruised or dirty; he never told his parents what went on when he was at school, but they guessed, and did their best to help him. When Kit was only five years old, on the way to a grocery trip, on what was supposed to be a completely normal day, Kit's powers first emerged. He was clapping his hands in (not-too-well) time to a song his parents were listening to on the van's radio, when all of a sudden, when his hands met, there was an explosive gust of wind which violently rocked the car. His father, in the passenger seat, cried out in alarm; his mother, in the driver's seat, jerked the wheel in shock. Neither saw the larger, industrial van headed for them. The crash happened fast. Kit remembers a shattering of glass, a great crunching noise, and worst of all, the empty, glazed stares of his parents' heads, which were both twisted around on their bodies. He had screamed his head off (he had only suffered a broken leg, but he had never suffered serious injury before) until emergency crews arrived and pried him out of the van. The other driver emerged from his larger van unscathed; upon seeing him, Kit felt an unnatural anger, and a want to rush up and kick him. He tried to, but emergency crews, and his own broken leg, stopped him. Kit was taken first to the hospital, where his leg was set in a dark blue cast; Kit had thought the color seemed fitting, the color of his heart. They held him for a week, while officials settled matters about the funeral. He attended in a wheelchair, attended by nurses. It had rained, and Kit remembers crying as soon as he saw the caskets. The nurses had then handed him over to the overly old owner of an orphanage. When he reached the orphanage, he was quieter, and more timid, then he had ever been before. The gust of wind didn't occur again, and eventually faded out of Kit's mind. However, some older children had heard rumors about some wind, and began teasing him about it. Kit found that his world had taken a turn for the worse, much, much worse. Eleven years later, Kit had grown little. Any clothes he wore were large on him, no matter what size they were. Even though he had moved on to high school, and completely forgotten what exactly had caused the death of his parents, he was still constantly ridiculed, still constantly harassed. Only, this time, he couldn't retreat home to his loving, encouraging parents. At "home," it was so much worse than school, mainly because he had no way to escape the pain, no way to make it stop. The fear and timidity grew and grew, until one day, it happened again. A group of bullies had surrounded Kit, and were getting ready to "pound" on him, as Kit put it. One, the biggest, raised his fist, ready to drive it into Kit's chest; Kit, in fear, held up his hands and shoved them outwards towards the bullies. There was a violent gust of wind, and all of the larger children were blown backward. Kit was bewildered, but knew that something had just happened, along with one other small fact: he had hurt the bullies. He tried to repeat it as the bullies rose, but to no avail. They proceeded to beat him up quite well. His arm fractured, and he was covered in bruises. He never told anyone, afraid of what the consequences might be. The next day, a man in a suit, very official and government-looking, arrived, and told Kit that he was taking him away. Kit was afraid, and tried to refuse, but the man said that he knew Kit's secret, and could make sure that Kit had nowhere else to go. He had no choice but to accept. He was taken to a building, where inside was a rush of noise and action; Kit was confused, but soon found out that the place was a place to study the mutant gene. He also found out that he was not alone; there were others with strange powers. Even though they were like him, Kit avoided them, afraid of what they might do to him. He tried to refuse doing what the scientists wanted, but was unable to resist. The things they did to him, the things that happened to him, built a strong sense of fear of the place, and hatred, like what he felt towards bullies. Kit often dreams of a better life, where he is normal, and quite possibly, not afraid. [center][b]Mutation[/b][/center] [b]POWER:[/b] Kit is able to change what the air around him, and the wind, is doing (manipulate the air). The scientists cataloged it as "Aerokinesis," but Kit cares little for what it's called. That is, he possesses the power to influence both the strength, direction, and "shape" that air will take. At first, most of what he could do consisted of blasts of air, almost like shock waves, and concentrated bursts, or "beams," of air, much like an extremely violent gust of wind. However, the scientists, in their "endeavors," managed to increase his control over the air around him. Currently, he can do what has been stated above, and can create small "plates" of air, which he can use to lift himself into the air. Using his powers generally produces major headaches, the intensity of pain depending on the strength of the air he manipulates, or the difficulty of what he is trying to do. He has also become faint and fatigued, sore along his entire body, and has come close to unconsciousness, though the scientists have managed to keep him from fainting so far. [b]TECHNICALITIES:[/b] How it's produced: At first, it was just his emotions, causing his body (influenced by the mutant gene) to produce a certain energy, which "allowed" him to manipulate the air. Now, he is learning to control the energy (exerting his "will" over the energy), and has some control over it. However, it is still largely based on his emotions, and is still wildly out of control. What it affects: A mix of Mental and Physical. It is produced mentally (either by his will or his emotions), but is manifested physically. Where does it come from: The power to manipulate the air draws from Kit's entire body, every chemical, every nutrient, every cell; through an as-yet unknown process, he produces the energy, and accesses and utilizes that energy. As such, he is extremely susceptible to the effects listed above.[/spoiler] [spoiler=GreyCat][center][b]Rayford (Call him Rafe) Shaw[/b][/center] [b]AGE:[/b] 19 [b]GENDER:[/b] Male [b]APPEARANCE:[/b] - Height: 5'8 - Weight: 139lbs - Body Shape: basically regular. Nothing all that spectacular about him or his build. - Hair Style & Color: Gold blond, styled in straight locks. - Eye Color: Pale Grey (get a slight glow as he uses his power) - Complexion: Ebony [b]PERSONALITY:[/b] Rafe tries to be unassuming and keep himself out of others way and life, but his powers draw him towards others in ways he can't avoid, so he ends up being the helpful quiet boy with a shy hesitant smile. Like his soul, the core of his personality is open and willing to interact with those around him, but he keeps that in check as much as possible. He dislikes crowds because of the confusion it causes him, and has an interesting view of people. He dislikes people on a whole, because of the many glimpses he has had into the darker side of life, but knows there are those few pure souls out there that still give hope to the human race. On a personal level, he has trouble trusting others, having been the victim of the deceptions of those he trusted. [b]BIOGRAPHY:[/b] Rafe's parents meet through online dating and hit it off. Both were office workers and they had a lot in common, and have had a fairly stable marriage. Both were Canadians and they met, married and lived in Vancouver. Both parents were greedy and soon started their own import/export company and shares in a small real estate firm, resulting in them being better off, somewhat. Rafe was born Steele, not Shaw, but changed his name a few months before ending up at the facility. While they loved Rafe, they weren't the best of parents and Rafe was often neglected when he was growing up, his parent frequently traveling and leaving him sitters or using him for tasks when they were in town. Throughout his life, his abilities popped up randomly, mostly as uncommon luck, though there were several somewhat isolated cases of it flaring to almost awakened level, on of the more memorable ones being when he was eight. A fire started from the cigarette of a less than diligent, as well as drunk, sitter and the house was soon engulfed. The sitter managed to get out with only a few burns, but little Rafe was still inside. His parents realized just how lucky he was when he managed to wander out with nothing more than smoky clothes, some ash in his hair and tear streaked eyes. Being the opportunistic and entrepreneuring parents they were, he was soon whisked off to stores and gas stations to play a little game called lotto, to the tracks to watch the horses race and to sporting events to see who would win. Of course, they got a better house in California, and a he got toys and games, so what was wrong with it? It wasn't until he turned thirteen and his powers awoke fully that he realized he was being used. It all came from the plane ticket to Vegas for a trip his parent's were planning that he touched and read it's soul, realizing how far in the red his parents were. He still went and helped them win, but he refused to co-operate with them after that, though his parents tended to win those arguments. He distanced himself when he was 17 and moved out of the house to a smaller apartment in a building they owned as well as their silence on his abilities (at the cost of three gambling events per month) and has set himself up a part time job assisting a private investigator, reasoning that he needed to do something good with his powers, to balance the karma. His employer is aware of his abilities, but is somewhat open minded about it, and agreed to keep it a secret (that and the fact that Raje has pushed his success rate up almost 50%.) Since then, he has made plans to take classes in criminal justice and forensic Science so he can be an accredited PI. He doesn't really like it (the souls of some of the things he has to associate with leave him feeling sickened), but he needs it. Of course, he doesn't want the stigma of his parent's history on him, so he had his name changed to Shaw a year ago, for not other reason than he liked the sound of Rafe Shaw, PI. A few days after applying to the universities of choice, a man came to visit his work place with his applications in hand and, smirking, he asked "What school would want mutant in it?" The man showed Rafe three documents, each one a letter telling of his powers; each one signed by his parents and his own boss. Faced with a choice of his abilities going public or joining the program, he made the hard (and only sensible) choice. The pain he felt in that pen's souls, from the countless others that were roped in, almost made him gag. It has been almost a year since the one he believed in and the two he trusted betrayed him. Several months of endless tests and examinations. Too many days of being subjected to the wills of those with the corrupt souls. While he has found some solace in relations with other mutants (what an ugly word) around him, he still has his goals, and he loathes those that have taken it from him. Of course, there isn't much he can do about it in his current situation. But, something tells him that may change soon. [center][b]Mutation[/b][/center] [b]POWER:[/b] Psychometry- He can read the history (or memory, depending on which term you prefer), present and, in rare cases, the future (or fate) of objects or people as well as the interconnect traces of their souls. It works best with contact, but proximity alone is often enough, much to his annoyance, especially in places where strong emotions linger. It allows him to collect information from the inanimate and, in other not so common cases, read the minds of those he touches. His ability gives him several traits such as inhumane accuracy, uncommon luck, high intuition and a few other traits. It even gives him some ability to predict probability (the future prediction part). His predictions range up to five minutes generally, as the future is a web of interactions between souls and intentions and he needs to read them all to make accurate predictions. He can also enhance features of the objects for his benefit such as strengths, weaknesses, properties etc. [b]TECHNICALITIES:[/b] How it's produced: His soul is often more open than the average persons and can read other souls, especially if they are open as well. His powers normally require contact, but some me As such, he can read the souls of objects to get the past and purpose they possess. His power tend to be a bit glitchy (he can't always read the souls and more powerful memories or events or intentions are more easy to understand) and he cannot read more than powerful thoughts or memories from people. He can also promote and enhance certain purposes (hardness, flexibility, etc) of the item's soul that are then manifested physically. What it affects: It is spiritual, as he reads and interacts with the souls of the object. There is some mental as his luck is sub-conscious soul reading. Where does it come from: His powers come from his soul, but are facilitated by the souls around him.[/spoiler] [spoiler=Shradow][center][b]Nathaniel Aiden[/b][/center] [b]AGE:[/b] 14 [b]GENDER:[/b] Male [b]APPEARANCE:[/b] - Height: 5'0" - Weight: 105 lbs - Body Shape: slim - Hair Style & Color: Worn down to just above shoulder length, black with a slight navy blue tinge - Eye Color: Cloudy blue - Complexion: Pale [b]PERSONALITY:[/b] Deep within the confines of Nathaniel's mind lies a timid boy who's not very sociable but very protective of those he cares about. However, this personality is so far hidden that it's nearly nonexistent. In order to escape the suffering from the experiments as much as possible, Nathaniel's true self closed itself off inside his own mind, leaving naught but an empty husk behind. He rarely speaks, and even when he does it's usually but a few words, and usually to himself. No matter the situation, he shows no emotion, leaving almost everything down to concentration for his power. His eyes lie blank, almost as if they're looking at nothing at all. Although, there are times when the instability of his mind will catch up to him, leaving him a crying mess on the ground [b]BIOGRAPHY:[/b] Both of Nathaniel's parents were very normal. They lived normal, average American lives, worked normal blue-collar jobs, and nothing really exceptional about them existed. At least on the surface. While Nathaniel's father was pure human, his mother was unknowingly a mutant. She didn't have any special powers or particular signs of the gene. In fact, the only sign was a subtle tinge of blue in her hair, which many people merely assumed to be artificially colored. They eventually met, and a couple years later were "blessed" with a baby boy. For the first few years of his life, Nathaniel lived it, like his parents, exceptionally normal. However, during his 7th year, the mutant gene he had obtained from his mother manifested in a exceptionally abnormal way. In the middle of the night, hearing crashing coming from his room, his parents rushed in to find many pieces of furniture floating precariously in the air, Nathaniel still sound asleep. Terrified of what might become of their child if his powers went public, they kept Nathaniel indoors almost constantly. They tried to help Nathaniel control his powers, and while he began to gain some semblence of discipline over them, there were always time when things went awry. Another few years passed, and more and more mutants began showing up and banding together. The government was cracking down. Despite everything, Nathaniel's parents still loved him and wished for nothing to happen to him. However, one day things changed. A neighbor who had somehow learned of Nathaniel's true nature had released information to a local group of scientists who were rumored to be conducting experiments on mutants. On that fateful day they stormed Nathaniel's house, and kidnapped him. His parents were left in tears. After that day the experiments began, with Nathaniel at age 12. Day in and day out Nathaniel was poked and prodded with various injections and experimental devices in order to somehow draw out his power in a controlled environment. Try after try yielded nothing up until now, and so the scientists left him in solitary confinement until another, more advanced experiment could be conducted, the past several lonely days only furthering the decay of Nathaniel's mind. [center][b]Mutation[/b][/center] [b]POWER:[/b] Nathaniel has the power of telekinesis, the power to move objects with his mind. In order for him to use his it on an object, he either has to have direct eye contact, such as lifting an object clearly in front of him, or have or vague sense of an unseen object, such as uprooting a tree by raising the underground roots. Due to the experiments done upon his mind, he has little control when he exerts his power too much. [b]TECHNICALITIES:[/b] How it's produced: Nathaniel uses electromagnetic pulses from his mind and sends them out towards objects, manipulating either the item's atoms directly or the gravity and/or air currents around an object to move it. What it affects: It affects his mental capacities. Should he overexert his power he could either become physically weak, be left unconscious, or even fall into a small, temporary coma shoud things become too serious. Where does it come from: Nathaniel utilizes all of his brain power, coupled with the mutation granting him free control over his brain's electromagnetic pulses. With enough concentration, how much depending on the extent he's using his power, Nathaniel can use it whenever he feels. However, his mind can be unstable at times and his powers can sometimes become just as unstable.[/spoiler] [spoiler=Hydra of Legend][center][b]Oliver "Oneiro" Stevenson[/b][/center] [b]AGE:[/b] 19 [b]GENDER:[/b] Technically genderless. Formerly male, and appears as such. [b]APPEARANCE:[/b] [i]- Height:[/i] Physical upright diameter is 7'3. His most common manifestation is 6'3. [i]- Weight:[/i] Physical body is 387.62 lbs exactly, with a variance of about 3% depending on how it's been since he absorbed nutrient. His manifestations, whenever they express actual weight, are variable and never exceed about 150 lbs and are frequently less than half that. [i]- Body Shape:[/i] Physical body is a tapered slab of crystalline material, smooth with only a few bulges and dips that suggest at the previous existence of limbs. It has no sharp edges and a wide, rounded base that is sloped as to prevent the structure from being knocked over. The tip of the spire is slightly nobbled and twisted, and has the tendency to slowly move in subtle directions over long periods of time. The silhouette may be best described as a stalactite with an oboe-like figure. Most common manifestation chooses a slender and sporty figure, cut with the new muscle of an enthusiastic teenager. Traces of fat, mostly from living a somewhat docile and upper class life compete with the results of dedicated work outs and numerous practice sessions, resulting in a healthy and sprightly sort of shape. [i]- Hair Style & Color:[/i] On the physical shape, none. The most common manifestation boasts shortish, bright unbleached blond hair cut casually. Since light won't reflect off of it, lighting priority is always given to the left side no matter how much or where directed light is actually in the area, making his left locks shine almost golden. His hair is always slightly mussed up, as if having just came out of a practice session or particularly difficult task; in periods of emotional turmoil, the hair tends to either darken or lighten to various extents. [i]- Eye Color:[/i] The physical shape has no eyes, though a pair of reddish blotches towards the front end might be the remains of them. The most common manifestation has a pair of dark forest-green irises, though the shade seems to drift the more Oneiro is distracted. If the manifestation is interrupted, the eyes are the first feature to disappear or distort, usually by turning into a far brighter shade of green or all the way to white. [i]- Complexion:[/i] The physical shape is colored an off-pinkish beige, with a thin outer shell of light indigo. Red is spider-webbed across the entire thing, though it becomes more obvious towards the top; the tip is dark pink, tending to scarlet. The most common manifestation has a common Caucasian complexion, fair though tanned slightly from years of outdoor sports. His face and hands occasionally gain a sickly greenish hue, due to that being the last he remembered them being like before he fully metamorphosised. [b]PERSONALITY:[/b] Oliver was originally a very optimistic child. Respected for both his excellent grades and skills in sports, he was popular enough in his school to become Student Body president. A man who got on well with just about everyone, even people who envied his popularity had to admit he was a good person, the first to laugh at himself and the first to rise to someone else's defense. His weakness was only a little more transparent at home. Oliver's crippling stress issues, including chronic migraine, led him to having a very short fuse when speaking to people close to him while at a bad time. When things piled up and started going against him, his thoughts would become very dark- he gained more than a healthy amount of cynicism that he turned to in those times. Depressed thoughts would later turn to insanity as he approached his university days and the time of his metamorphosis, appearing in the shape of various mental disorders. His mind increasingly got away from him, leaving him gibbering senselessly or spouting wicked lies and swears at anyone that passed by him; he eventually would degenerate into little more than a hissing animal, occasionally yelling an incoherent word at a shadow he lashed out in his paranoia. In his days post metamorphosis, Oneiro is a lot more quiet and tries to exist out of sight, if not out of mind. In order to shake off the increasing feeling of senselessness, he tries to stick near to people at all times and eliminate the possibility of not being able to manifest. He loves being a passive listener and absorbing the details of other's lives, but hates giving up his own story- partially due to strange holes in his memory, and partially because he doesn't want to remember what he was like before his metamorphosis. He likes to cling onto emotions that he feels are particularly 'human', as if to assure himself that he isn't becoming a nonliving object, often to the confusion of others. He is poor at remembering names, having lost most of his interest in recalling dry facts as much as he prefers to learn less concrete things that he doesn't have stored away. Despite all this, he's somehow retained a notion of wit, and uses this as much as he possibly can. He doesn't quite recall exactly what the purpose of humor is, but its a more natural reaction to him now than it ever was before, so he keeps it. Being emotionally detached, however, tends to make it more difficult for him to know if a joke is uncalled for or not. Indeed, sometimes he'll target people specifically to make them feel bad, so he can observe what sort of emotions that will elicit, almost in the manner of a scientist. [b]BIOGRAPHY:[/b] Oliver was born to Henry and Ophelia Stevenson, the former having only recently finished his doctorate in English Literature at the time. Oliver grew up in Connecticut, in the household of a Yale University Professor, and was given high expectations even at a young age. Oliver grew up while getting straight As on every report card, and took up sports as a form of recreation from the straight academics. His father, naturally, approved and told him to do as he had always done- give everything he did a hundred and ten percent, because God favors only those who beat their own path. His former recreation being turned into yet another test of worth taught Oliver various lessons. While Henry was by no means a bad father, his impassioned speeches and lack of tolerance for losing instilled a sense of necessity. Oliver needed to strive to be perfect in everything, because that's the only way that life works. Time wasted was life wasted, and spending time dreaming was time not spent achieving things. Oliver's first medical issue came at age 10, when he developed insomnia. Though he was given medication for it, it rarely worked and Oliver eventually spent the time studying for school the next day, or by heading into his back yard to practice soccer shots. His body, though tired, adapted until he rarely slept four hours a night. The notion of sleeping in, or even getting a good night sleep began to lose meaning for him before he was even 12, leading him to taking on even more duties and challenges in order to fill in his spare time. Though his parents at first discourage his nightly excursions, they eventually stopped going to the doctor for help. After all, he was using the time wisely, so what was the issue? Things only started to fall apart when he was 15 and his parents separated after a particularly messy divorce. Though in emotional turmoil, he refused to let any of his grades fall, or indeed, let it intrude in his life in any way. He began to develop painful migraines, which worried doctors especially considering his apparent young age. He was given more medication and advised to get more sleep, advice he proceeded to ignore. When medication after medication failed to suppress his painful headaches, he was eventually given potent painkillers, which he took with perhaps more regularity than normal. His father becoming an increasingly reclusive, brooding man who snapped at the simplest provocation only fueled his need to succeed and make him proud, even if that goal was becoming increasingly impossible. Oliver could feel his life starting to crumble away, and tried to hold it together by trying to do more, even more, to become more than the normal person and surpass the masses. Year 18 of his life was the tipping point. In preparation for attending York next year, the various graduation ceremonies and last minutes of his graduating year and the final championship he would attend in high school soccer, Oliver had been forgoing sleep altogether. He his his mania as best he could from the people watching, but it began to bleed over -his migraines erupted during class, he snapped at people in public, he yelled and swore at his father without reservation- until it eventually hit a boiling point at his Valedictorian speech, in front of the student body. His exhaustion, meds and anxiety rolled over and crushed him, and he collapsed into a dead faint he wouldn't awaken from until weeks later. Though physically fit, Oliver wasn't the same when he woke up from his coma. As doctors had explained to him, not only had his brainwave patterns seemingly changed into bizarre contortion, but his skin had developed a certain leathery toughness that made it difficult to walk in. Unable to find any medical reasoning for these changes, he was discharged eventually and sent home. Oliver didn't attend Yale that semester, nor the next one. As the days passed, he found himself sleeping more and more often, and walking becoming increasingly difficult. There was no chance of him playing sports, and his ambition had become quashed. His father, who had started to awaken to what he had done to his son, tried all manner of things to rouse him again, but to little avail- Oliver was losing lucidity daily, jumping at nonexistent sounds and yelling at any and all visitors, content to drift in and out of sleep on his bed. Henry spared no expense in trying to find out what was wrong with his child, and eventually got a non-answer: Oliver's blood had tested positive for the Mutant Gene. For once without an idea about what to do, Henry appealed to all sources to help heal his child, both mutant-friendly and mutant-opposed, in finding a cure. None had any answers, and Oliver's condition only worsened, his skin producing fine, crystal-like fibers that had begun to coat him like fur. Oliver had ceased movement almost entirely and closed his eyes, now only communicating though rare verbal outbursts. Henry had himself started suffering from migraines, and feared he was going insane when he noticed his son recurring in every dream, every time melting into a jagged rock from his sickly state. Private doctors hired to attend to him at all times, the last symptom of Oliver's activated mutant genes happened suddenly and shockingly. His skin rippled and contorted, his bones collapsed in on themselves and his entire body reshaped itself like a bizarre sea creature, curling up into itself like a fleshy pocket. To all observers, he was dead; not even a human any more, the abomination became an obsession for Henry, who lashed out at any suggestions of assisted suicide for the poor creature. Henry's dreams had crystallized further as the creature had, images of his son screaming for his father to help him. Henry wept his eyes out each night, quit his job as a professor and chased off the media to attend to his son, but his efforts were all futile. The poor man had been driven mad by the time the government arrived to take possession of what had been Oliver, and he was committed to a nearby asylum. The object Oliver had become was a thick pillar of crystallized flesh, a unique organic substance covered in a thin layer of a silica-based shell. Amazingly, the thing was alive- brainwaves being clearly detected from it, and blood pushed through by a modified heart- despite having no source of nutrients. They later determined that the skin of the object could derive energy from almost any source, absorbing nutrient-rich and oxygen material from the ground and air, synthesizing food through sunlight and drinking water as it was covered with it. To mutant labs, it was a strange curiosity- a mutant who had become little more than a strange plant. As the year progressed, however, the true mysteries of the flesh-pillar started to rear their heads. An illusion appeared at the back of their heads, and in their dreams. An image of a child appeared, never speaking, quiet and observational, was fitted before all of them like an illusion- and then, shockingly, it was real. A teenager appeared by the rock, the same one that had once been Oliver, appeared with physical presence and form. It could touch and manipulate objects, if not well, and made attempts to speak. Whenever the scientists were too rough with it, however, or attempted to move it as it objected, it disappeared into thin air once more. They observed the brain wave patterns of the stone, and the mystery of the phantom child was solved. 'Oneiro', as he preferred to be called, was Oliver- or a dream of Oliver, projected from the minds of others so it could take on physical space. It fed on the dreams and thoughts of others, existing for the sake of existing, as human as anyone else- to the point where humans were forced to concede that it was a sapient, thinking subject in the same magnitude as all the other mutant subjects. [center][b]Mutation[/b][/center] [b]POWER:[/b] Oneiro's power is one of manifestation, attributing physical shape and form to notions that only exist in the mind. To be more specific, Oneiro can take a symbol from someone's mind -be it an image, or a memory, or a thought- and create a physical construct in the image of that symbol. If someone were to hold a particular memory with their family dear, for example, Oneiro could generate a picture for that event even if one didn't exist. Likewise, if one held a deep and visual terror of mice, then he could summon mice into existence by pulling that attribute from the person. Theoretically, he could replicate an entire person from a detailed enough mental account of that person. In practice, however, this is very limited. Oneiro's mind reading abilities are limited to sensing the visuals that cross them as they happen, most of which just being objects that they look at; only very strong thoughts or memories come across suddenly as pictures vivid enough to shape. Manifestations can exist only as long as the person whose' mind they sprung from pays them mind, and will disappear if they're forgotten about or ignored. Likewise, manifestations never have the same weight or functionality as they originally did- the bullet of a manifested gun, for example, would not be solid enough to pierce skin (though it might be able to cause pain)- being only semi-corporal. In many cases, the objects appear only as illusions to the person in question, and don't have any effect on the physical world around them. Oneiro can create illusionary objects with far less effort than corporeal ones. While active thoughts have few images that Oneiro can manifest, dreams are far more apt for his use. Everything dreamed is a vivid image, and thus can be summoned for use; the issue, however, is that dreamed items exist only until the dreamer wakes and forgets their dream. Oneiro is able to read the dreams of sleepers with ease, as dreams are structured in images rather than in thoughts. One major scruple of Oneiro's powers is that he is not able to use his own images in order to form items, because he is already using an image in order to manifest a body. Even this has to be through the mind of another- Oneiro's manifested body would disappear if it was ever left alone without a mind to project itself through. [b]TECHNICALITIES:[/b] [i]How it's produced:[/i] Oneiro is constantly using his power, as he otherwise has no bodily functions. Whenever a mind comes within five meters of his true body, he can manifest his bodily avatar through that mind's window. The manifestation, from that point on, can walk any distance from the main body so long as it's still within five meters of a conscious (or dreaming) mind. Oneiro can call one separate manifestation (as an object) other mind within that radius- that is, if there were two people in the room, he could manifest one image from one of their minds, if there were three he could manifest two, etc. [i]What it affects:[/i] Oneiro's mutations ride the line between physical and mental. In original application, the effect is mental- it synchronizes certain brainwave patterns with those nearby in order to draw from those minds and use them as part of a network. The physical element, however, comes into play when those brainwaves are capable of shaping the individual components of atoms in the area and form them into new, temporary molecules held into place only by those wave patterns. When the wave patterns disappear, the atoms instantly snap back into their previous positions. This has the effect of looking like physical objects are formed from nothing, when they are really materialized by atoms in the area being forced to a mold made by a brainwave pattern. [i]Where does it come from:[/i] The power originates in the core of Oneiro's crystalline body, from a brain-like organ. All the energy from the body, what would usually be used in keeping the human form body alive, is instead put towards this massive superorgan that can produce force a strange harmony of brainwave patterns. It does this through radiation waves expelled by breaking down absorbed nutrients of the body into raw energy, and releasing that energy outward. All wavelengths synchronized to its unique pattern function identically, so the main core is aware of everything happening around those minds at all times.[/spoiler] [spoiler=SamathaTesla][center][b]Nicole “Niki” Minera[/b][/center] [b]AGE:[/b] 19 [b]GENDER:[/b] Female [b]APPEARANCE:[/b] - Height: 5’4” - Weight: 110 lbs - Body Shape: She looks very petite but she works out a lot and has whipcord muscles. - Hair Style & Color: Originally platinum blond but she’s dyed it to be black. It’s usually in a ponytail that almost reaches her shoulders. She almost always has a purple bow in her hair. - Eye Color: Greyish Blue - Complexion: Extremely pale. [b]PERSONALITY:[/b] She is stubborn, sullen, and prefers not to talk about her past with anyone. She treats everyone as a potential enemy, even those that would consider themselves to be close to her. She often makes sarcastic comments and generally seems to be a jerk but every once in a while she seems like a scared little girl. She doesn't get on well with the other mutants and has a bad habit of threatening others. She's been disciplined quite a few times but she still is a bit of a problem with the others. She will follow orders given to her, though not without complaint or a sarcastic quip. When she is alone though, she has a habit of breaking down and crying, but she does her best to make sure that she will never show this side to others. She is overly pessimistic and believes that most things will come to a bad end but she secretly hopes that things will end in a good way. Her personality is sometimes at odds with her behavior but she refuses to deal with it, rather she tries to bury it under work and through other activities. [b]BIOGRAPHY:[/b] Niki’s parents, Tayler and Joel Minera, met in Saudi Arabia during a study abroud program when they were both in college. They didn’t see each other again for roughly 4 years before being reunited in Michigan during a chance encounter at a flea market. They decided to start talking again and soon they got married. Niki was born 2 years after this. Niki was raised in a nice community of people closer to her parents’ ages rather than one with many younglings such as herself and as such soon became depressed due to a lack of friends. Her mother tried to console Niki at the time but Niki, being 11, was belligerent and did not wish to listen to her mother blaming her and her father as the reasons why she had no real friends outside of school. One year later signs of her power started to show. She would walk into a room and the lights would flicker very slightly for a few moments, or if she tried to watch the TV while sitting too close to it there would be a little bit of static overlaying the pictures on the screen. She couldn’t even use a phone unless all she wanted to hear was feedback noise and the faint words of the person she was trying to talk to. Her parents became increasingly worried, wondering if this was just a coincidence or if Niki had the mutant gene. They prayed that she didn’t because they didn’t think they could deal with her if she did. She tried to seek help from her parents who were becoming increasingly worried. At the age of 16 and as a sophomore in high school something terrible happened. One of the other girls in the school decided to get her friends together to attack Niki, the girl having hated her for all of freshman year. Niki, in reflex, unleashed the full force of her power upon them, shocking her attackers with enough volts to knock them out. Before she could even wonder about what she had done light bulbs started exploding above her in the bathroom where she was attacked. She fled to home but the news had already reach her parents. They knew for sure now that Niki was a mutant. Her mother pleaded half-heartedly with her father to not send her off but Niki knew what was going to happen. A few days later her parents packed her things and dropped her off at an American governement facility that they had heard about where parents could leave their kids for study. They even got some money out of it and were assured that they wouldn’t be harmed. Niki has never forgiven her parents for their abandonment of her and will often snap at anyone who even mentions them. Niki’s powers has caused her to stay aloof of her fellow peers given that she has the nasty habit of accidentally shocking anyone who gets too close due to ambient electrical energy. Her dream is to one day be able to control her powers enough so that she can be close to others without harming them. She puts on a tough and sarcastic act but she secretly hopes someone will see past that for who she really is. A kind, scared little girl that just wants a friend. [center][b]Mutation[/b][/center] [b]POWER:[/b] Her mutation is the ability to absorb and expell electrical energy from her entire body. She is passively absorbing electrical energy from around her whether it be static, alternating current or direct current. She can direct how to expell electricity from herself in several ways, some requiring lots of concentration. Any other way of expelling electricity is through body enhancement or by amplifying her passive electrical field. Her directed forms of electrical attacks can take multiple forms such as firing lightning bolts from her hands, purposely disrupting electrical equipment at a distance. She can also manipulate the electrical inputs that devices receive, creating false readings. She essentially has the ability of Electrokinesis. (most of the explanation of her power is under technicalities) [b]TECHNICALITIES:[/b] How it's produced: It’s produced in small amounts by herself but the majority of her electrical power at any one time is from the electricity she has absorbed from around herself previously or at that moment. She can store a significant amount of power but once that stored power runs out she is running off of any electrical current that is nearby or if there is none she can only use what her body produces. Continued use of her power weakens her and if she uses it for too long she falls unconscious. She can recover more quickly if reintroduced to a high electrical current. Her body stops absorbing electricity on its own when it reaches maximum charge but she can overcome this for a short period of time. If she does this she runs the risk of exhaustion, severe burns, and lapsing into a coma. What it affects: She cannot use electronics due to a passive magnetic and electrical field around her. For instance, if she even walks underneath a lamp on the street, the bulb will burst due to an increase in it’s electrical output. Also, it pretty much affects anything that conducts a current. Her power is controlled mentally but affects the world in physical ways. Interestingly though, her ambient electrical field is great for wiping computer memory due to it's negative effects on electrical equipment. [/spoiler][/spoiler] [spoiler=Non-Player Characters] [b]Laurie Brenner[/b]- Details unknown.[/spoiler][/spoiler] [center][url="http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/254096-mutant-watch-ic-started-not-accepting/"]IC Thread here[/url][/center] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
zzuxon Posted June 9, 2011 Report Share Posted June 9, 2011 [center][b]Edmond Garret Intriligator[/b][/center] [b]AGE:[/b] 23 [b]GENDER:[/b] Male [b]APPEARANCE:[/b] Height: 5 foot 4 inches Weight: 122 pounds Body Shape: Skinny Hair Style & Color: Short clean cut Blonde hair. Eye Color: Sky Blue Complexion: Very pale, a genetic defect unrelated to the mutant gene renders him unable to tan. [b]PERSONALITY:[/b] He is quirky an eccentric, but is in general a cheerful and considerate person. He has poor social skills He is very intelligent, and has a vast memory, but is somewhat naive, and can be too trusting. He is good with language and math, and is skilled at debate. He has a large Egotistical streak. He has difficulty respecting unintelligent people. He always expects people to keep their word. He considers himself very virtuous, and never swears. [b]BIOGRAPHY:[/b] He was diagnosed with aspergers systems, a mild form of autism. He had a fairly average childhood, born in Texas but grew up in Colorado for most of his life. His sister cruelly tormented him. His grades were always good, and he was accepted into a good university, where he quickly got a PHD in physics, and intended to become a physicist. His mutation manifested shortly afterward. He realized he was noticing more things, making more connections then normal. The cincher was when a glass of water flew across his kitchen into his hand.He volunteered to join the government study, as he wanted to learn more about his powers. [center][b]Mutation[/b][/center] [b]POWER:[/b] Edmond has a superhuman brain. As it stands, this gives him telekinesis and superhuman intelligence, with special expertise in genetic engineering, physics, mathematics, chemistry, and computer sciences. Later on, he'll gain the ability to manipulate a special psionic energy. He can use it to fire blasts of energy, or create Green Lantern like constructs. [b]TECHNICALITIES:[/b]How it's produced: It comes from Edmonds superhuman brain. What it affects: Mental Where does it come from: His brain. Some of his weaknesses include Mental strain caused by both his powers, and his physical body's physical weakness. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Quiksilver Posted June 9, 2011 Author Report Share Posted June 9, 2011 [b]zzuxon[/b]: Edmond doesn't cut it. His personality is too short and your writing style is odd and needs to be improved on. There are frequent spelling and grammar mistakes, and it just doesn't come up to par, I'm afraid. The bio doesn't make sense- how can he have a normal life when he is tormented cruelly? Also, please explain the mutation affects him- you make no mention of the social exile that comes with being a mutant and what you have seems like a footnote at best. You'll need to expand upon that, as well as the other parts of the character. It seems a bit...underdeveloped. The fact you also seem to have copied this character from the Pokedex Mysteries only reinforces my decision. Work on your word choice, writing style, and flesh out the character, and you might be able to get in. Until then, [b]not accepted[/b]. P.S. I failed to say this, so this is not your fault, but I don't want you to write down what powers you get later. That is going to be decided at a later time, after I see how your character develops and such. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but please change that as well. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spartan919 Posted June 9, 2011 Report Share Posted June 9, 2011 [center][b]Johnathon Matthew "Kit" Kitsboro[/b][/center] [b]AGE:[/b] 16 [b]GENDER:[/b] Male [b]APPEARANCE:[/b] - Height: 5'5" - Weight: 132 - Body Shape: Petite and slightly feminine - Hair Style & Color: Disheveled, shoulder-length dark brown hair that almost always covers his face; has small streaks of silver. - Eye Color: Sky blue - Complexion: Pale [b]PERSONALITY:[/b] Ever since he was a young child, Johnathon has been ridiculed and harassed. As such, he has withdrawn himself into a sphere of fear and timidity. He is quiet, rarely uttering words (more often than not he will utter small sounds: grunts, squeaks, small exclamations, etc.). Along with his quiet, Johnathon is extremely shy, also a side effect of his childhood ridicule. Whenever people are around, Johnathon can usually be found hiding either in the corner, or in the shadows, simply trying to avoid pain and suffering, and to stay out of other people's ways. Underneath the innocence, Johnathon possesses a strong sense of justice: he believes that no matter what, everybody has good in them somewhere. Along with this belief, Johnathon stands by all his beliefs relentlessly. He is surprisingly stubborn and determined, and will follow anything to the end, no matter what happens to him. Johnathon is strangely detached and uncaring when it comes to his own life (again courtesy of his childhood ridicule). Due to his sense of justice, and uncaring of his own life, Johnathon places the well-being of others above himself, and generally takes care of himself only after everyone else has been accounted for. [b]BIOGRAPHY:[/b] Johnathon, or "Kit" as he came to be known due to his timid nature, was born in Boise, Idaho, the relatively small capital of the relatively unknown state. He was born with silver streaks in his hair (due to the mutant gene, though the doctors didn't know), and was always ridiculed about it; his timid nature and naivety didn't help. Kit quickly learned to stay alone, as everyone he met just wanted to scorn him and spit at him. This want for loneliness quickly developed into big-time shyness. Kit's parents (his mother was the first one to give him the nickname; "my little kit," she would say) seemed almost like superheroes to him in his earlier years: they were always smiling, always cheering him up, and always encouraging him. He suffered through school, sitting in the back of the room during class and sitting, huddled, against the classroom door during recess in an attempt to dodge bullies; unfortunately, he was more often than not unsuccessful. Many days he would come home either bruised or dirty; he never told his parents what went on when he was at school, but they guessed, and did their best to help him. When Kit was only five years old, on the way to a grocery trip, on what was supposed to be a completely normal day, Kit's powers first emerged. He was clapping his hands in (not-too-well) time to a song his parents were listening to on the van's radio, when all of a sudden, when his hands met, there was an explosive gust of wind which violently rocked the car. His father, in the passenger seat, cried out in alarm; his mother, in the driver's seat, jerked the wheel in shock. Neither saw the larger, industrial van headed for them. The crash happened fast. Kit remembers a shattering of glass, a great crunching noise, and worst of all, the empty, glazed stares of his parents' heads, which were both twisted around on their bodies. He had screamed his head off (he had only suffered a broken leg, but he had never suffered serious injury before) until emergency crews arrived and pried him out of the van. The other driver emerged from his larger van unscathed; upon seeing him, Kit felt an unnatural anger, and a want to rush up and kick him. He tried to, but emergency crews, and his own broken leg, stopped him. Kit was taken first to the hospital, where his leg was set in a dark blue cast; Kit had thought the color seemed fitting, the color of his heart. They held him for a week, while officials settled matters about the funeral. He attended in a wheelchair, attended by nurses. It had rained, and Kit remembers crying as soon as he saw the caskets. The nurses had then handed him over to the overly old owner of an orphanage. When he reached the orphanage, he was quieter, and more timid, then he had ever been before. The gust of wind didn't occur again, and eventually faded out of Kit's mind. However, some older children had heard rumors about some wind, and began teasing him about it. Kit found that his world had taken a turn for the worse, much, much worse. Eleven years later, Kit had grown little. Any clothes he wore were large on him, no matter what size they were. Even though he had moved on to high school, and completely forgotten what exactly had caused the death of his parents, he was still constantly ridiculed, still constantly harassed. Only, this time, he couldn't retreat home to his loving, encouraging parents. At "home," it was so much worse than school, mainly because he had no way to escape the pain, no way to make it stop. The fear and timidity grew and grew, until one day, it happened again. A group of bullies had surrounded Kit, and were getting ready to "pound" on him, as Kit put it. One, the biggest, raised his fist, ready to drive it into Kit's chest; Kit, in fear, held up his hands and shoved them outwards towards the bullies. There was a violent gust of wind, and all of the larger children were blown backward. Kit was bewildered, but knew that something had just happened, along with one other small fact: he had hurt the bullies. He tried to repeat it as the bullies rose, but to no avail. They proceeded to beat him up quite well. His arm fractured, and he was covered in bruises. He never told anyone, afraid of what the consequences might be. The next day, a man in a suit, very official and government-looking, arrived, and told Kit that he was taking him away. Kit was afraid, and tried to refuse, but the man said that he knew Kit's secret, and could make sure that Kit had nowhere else to go. He had no choice but to accept. He was taken to a building, where inside was a rush of noise and action; Kit was confused, but soon found out that the place was a place to study the mutant gene. He also found out that he was not alone; there were others with strange powers. Even though they were like him, Kit avoided them, afraid of what they might do to him. He tried to refuse doing what the scientists wanted, but was unable to resist. The things they did to him, the things that happened to him, built a strong sense of fear of the place, and hatred, like what he felt towards bullies. Kit often dreams of a better life, where he is normal, and quite possibly, not afraid. [center][b]Mutation[/b][/center] [b]POWER:[/b] Kit is able to change what the air around him, and the wind, is doing (manipulate the air). The scientists cataloged it as "Aerokinesis," but Kit cares little for what it's called. That is, he possesses the power to influence both the strength, direction, and "shape" that air will take. At first, most of what he could do consisted of blasts of air, almost like shock waves, and concentrated bursts, or "beams," of air, much like an extremely violent gust of wind. However, the scientists, in their "endeavors," managed to increase his control over the air around him. Currently, he can do what has been stated above, and can create small "plates" of air, which he can use to lift himself into the air. Using his powers generally produces major headaches, the intensity of pain depending on the strength of the air he manipulates, or the difficulty of what he is trying to do. He has also become faint and fatigued, sore along his entire body, and has come close to unconsciousness, though the scientists have managed to keep him from fainting so far. [b]TECHNICALITIES:[/b] How it's produced: At first, it was just his emotions, causing his body (influenced by the mutant gene) to produce a certain energy, which "allowed" him to manipulate the air. Now, he is learning to control the energy (exerting his "will" over the energy), and has some control over it. However, it is still largely based on his emotions, and is still wildly out of control. What it affects: A mix of Mental and Physical. It is produced mentally (either by his will or his emotions), but is manifested physically. Where does it come from: The power to manipulate the air draws from Kit's entire body, every chemical, every nutrient, every cell; through an as-yet unknown process, he produces the energy, and accesses and utilizes that energy. As such, he is extremely susceptible to the effects listed above. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Reinforce Posted June 9, 2011 Report Share Posted June 9, 2011 reserve please Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Naimo Posted June 9, 2011 Report Share Posted June 9, 2011 [center][b]Ione Featherstone[/b][/center] [b]AGE:[/b] 16 [b]GENDER:[/b] Female [b]APPEARANCE:[/b] - Height: 5'9" - Weight: 154.3 pounds - Body Shape: Regular - Hair Style & Color: Waist-length straight brown-blonde hair that has been crudely cut at the tips - Eye Color: Very dark blue that looks more indigo - Complexion: Fair [b]PERSONALITY:[/b] Ione is incredibly sharp and learns extremely quickly; she is a bit of a jack of all trades, and her IQ is only just in the "above average" band. She does have a rather trusting nature and is extremely loyal to her friends; this can sometimes blind her to the darker side of each person, and she certainly hates bitching behind people's back if they are her friends. It is easy to tell if she doesn't like someone, as she often holds them at arm's length, and is unafraid to be nasty and gossipy about them. Ione can be a tad bit too sentimental, but she strives to control herself, albeit rather badly; as a result, she just becomes even more emotional at irrational moments, which can lead to embarassment, and a potential deeper insight into her character. Whilst she is rarely cynical, and often fairly optimistic, she does treat most political events with cynism, regardless of whether they are mutant-related or not. [b]BIOGRAPHY:[/b] Ione's parents were both mutants; they had met as exiles from society, and fearing that they would be killed any day soon, they married two months into their relationship. Fortunately, they both survived for the next ten or so years in one of the safe havens for mutants, and it was then that they gave birth to Ione. They knew that their daughter would be a mutant too, and they agreed to try and raise her in the most normal manner as possible. From a young age, Ione was unusually quick to develop; she easily grasped language and numbers, and she only fell over around four times before she was capable of walking. At first, her parents thought it was just a feature of Ione's, but when she was four, they found her hovering over her bed. Her father had the ability to fly, and they thought that meant that she too could fly. Thus, they divided their time between home schooling Ione (she was lead to believe this was normal) and encouraging her to keep developing her flying abilities. Three years later, when Ione was seven, her father had been shot dead after a human had caught him using his power. At that time, Ione's development had been so quick, her mother felt it was fine to break the truth to her. Interestingly, after her father died, Ione could no longer fly, which worried her mother, until she saw that her daughter could form glass shards, just like herself. Suddenly, her mother began to realise that her daughter could copy powers, but she felt that her power was not good for her daughter. Therefore, she asked another mutant to display their power in front of Ione, so that she could copy them; this move did not work, and her mother never really understood what it was that made Ione copy powers. For the next few years, Ione continued life as normal. However, several weeks before her sixteenth birthday, she noticed that her mother was starting to act a little wierd; she would keep disappearing for lengthy periods of time, and then reappear and claim she was doing some business with another mutant. Ione didn't find anything suspicious, and a week after her birthday, her mother lead her out of the safe haven and into an alleyway that was quite far from their home. Ione then began to grow suspicious, but by that time, the act had been done; a man turned up from the government, and knocked out Ione first. Her mother had formed a deal to betray her own daughter (her reason being that it was too stressful to raise Ione on her own) in return that she could become a free woman once more. The government had other ideas, and it was in that alleyway that her mother was killed. Since then, Ione has been part of the program, but she has been extremely careful to mislead the scientists into believing that her power is forming glass. Indeed, she has done the same to her fellow mutants, and she has often promised herself to reveal the truth if they ever escape. [center][b]Mutation[/b][/center] [b]POWER:[/b] Ione has no real power of her own - rather, she can copy other people's powers. This may seem straight-forward and a tad bit OPed for a RP character, but the mechanisms are most peculiar. To apply Psychology theory, it seems that she can only copy people's powers through Behaviourism (the theory that all behaviour is learnt); she must be in contact with the power's origins for a very long period of time, so if she sees one-off uses of people's powers, she can't use it. This is perhaps the reason why her current power is exactly like her mother's - that is, the ability to form glass at will and do whatever she wishes with them. Interestingly, Ione seems only capable of using one power at a time (refer to bio), and any powers she has previously adapted are completely forgotten. [b]TECHNICALITIES:[/b] How it's produced: When she has properly copied the behaviour, she can do things with it at will. Interestingly, she learns the basic mechanisms, and is then left to figure out on her own how to manipulate her power to make it even stronger than it currently is. What it affects: 50% mental, 50% physical. She has to see the behaviour first for a period of time before she can copy it, and physical in that she can produce that power after a while, so there must be something in her genes that gives her that ability. Where does it come from: Her power comes from others, so the majority of it is externally gained. Of course, once she starts using it for herself, she is just as prone to the downside of each power; it's also risky if she has to spend long periods of time with somebody who has a power she doesn't want, as she is exposed to the dangers of copying their power unwillingly. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TotalObelisk Posted June 9, 2011 Report Share Posted June 9, 2011 [center][b] Cheyrl Winter [/b] (prefers to be known by her last name)[/center] [b]AGE:[/b] 21 [b]GENDER:[/b] Female [b]APPEARANCE:[/b] - Height: 5’4 - Weight: 120 lbs - Body Shape: Slim, somewhat well-toned - Hair Style & Color: Bright Blue in colour (caused by mutation), short cut, above level with her jawline, and usually neat if a little untamed at the back of her neck. - Eye Color: Bright Blue (also caused by mutation (see bio)) - Complexion: Asian features but extremely pale skin, almost to the point of being white (also caused by mutation) [b]PERSONALITY:[/b] Winter has a very cold and distrustful nature, being nearly always suspicious of anyone she's never met and never trusting anyone unless she gets to know them more personally. After warming up to someone, however, Winter can be far more friendly and sometimes even childish or shy and once she grows to trust someone she will become very protective and loyal. She takes things very seriously and will refuse to give up unless given a good reason to. Winter prefers to settle things without violence but when given no other choice, she won’t hesitate to throw herself into battle and will thus attempt to end is as quickly as possible. She is usually polite, if a little bit stoic, and hardly ever curses, and especially never uses phrases like ‘hell’, ‘good heavens’ or ‘holy sh*t’. She flatly refuses to kill anyone, even if they deserve it as she sees all kinds of life as precious. Winter also doesn’t like being called anything other than ‘Winter’ and will get annoyed if anyone does so. [b]BIOGRAPHY:[/b] Winter’s family was originally of Asian descent but moved to America a few generations ago, leading Winter’s mother to marry an American man and eventually give birth to Winter herself. When she was born, it was immediately obvious of Winter’s mutation due to the colour of her skin, hair and eyes which where normally dark for someone of her heritage but instead where quite light in colour and, in the case of her hair, an unnatural pigment. Winter’s father was no doubt disturbed by this but her mother wasn't the least bit bothered by it and was in fact quite intrigued by it. This eventually led to an argument where her father wanted to get rid of her, fearing not only the potential dangers Winter herself presented but also what other people would think of them knowing that their daughter was a mutant, her mother on the other hand was far more sympathetic, arguing that Winter was still human and that point of view would only certify that mutants would go against mankind rather than coexist with them. Eventually Winter’s father left, leaving Winter and her mother alone. Although saddened by her ex-husband’s decision, Winter’s mother still put on a cheerful face while around her daughter and raised with the knowledge that although she was different it was nothing to be ashamed of, pointing out past examples of ethnic groups eventually gaining equal rights after previous being considered inferior. With this knowledge in hand Winter didn’t let the fact that mutants where feared get to her and managed to shrug off most of the taunts she received through her school years. Although Winter appeared radically different, no actual abilities began to surface until she began to enter puberty and woke up one morning to find herself frozen to her bed and her room covered in frost. After spending a few moments in a state of panic the ice holding her down eventually melted and she was able to free herself and wake up her mother to tell her what had just happened. Her mother was no doubt unnerved by this revelation, especially when it happened on other occasions getting gradually more frequent as time went on. Eventually her mother decided to help Winter to try and control her abilities. Although she had little success at first, due to lack of knowledge of how the ability even worked, her mother was eventually able to work out what caused Winter’s cryomancy and began to encourage her to take up some kind of sport of physical pastime that would help her keep a calm mind and with any luck gain better control over her abilities. Winter took her mother’s advice and, despite being turned down by most places due to her obvious mutation, was able to find a karate instructor willing to teach her. After about a week, the instructor revealed his own mutant gene and offered to help Winter come to terms with her own abilities since he understood them more than her mother did. Winter spent a few enjoyable years, getting through college and learning about the nature of her powers and how to use them and was quite content with her life until she came home to find it bunt down with no signs of her mother anywhere. Winter was naturally distraught by this, especially when learning from the police that it was likely the work of anti-mutant protestors who had probably followed her home; however Winter remembered that her mother’s body hadn’t been found and so began to hold hope that she had somehow escaped before the protestors attacked and was still alive. However after about a week there was still no sign of her, even after the perpetrators where caught and charged with arson and attempted murder. Since her home was destroyed Winter had no place to go while she waited for her mother, spending the first couple of days in police custardy and the rest in a care home. After about a month she was visited by a man claiming to be an old friend of her mother and that he intended to take care of her while the search for her mother continued. Winter was doubtful at first but was eventually convinced to let him take care of her. As it turned out the man had deceived her and was in fact a representation of the mutant experiment program and had tricked Winter into willingly signing up for the program. Naturally Winter attempted to break out as soon as she learned this but was quickly and easily subdued and brought in for testing. [center][b]Mutation[/b][/center] [b]POWER:[/b] Cryomancy; the ability to create and shape ice in various forms. Winter uses this ability to create ice sculptures from both air and water or use it to freeze objects, however to use this ability Winter must be in skin contact with whatever she’s freezing and as soon as she breaks contact the sculpture will begin to melt, in addition her abilities are harder to use in higher temperatures. Added to this Winter is also capable of surviving in temperatures well below freezing without any visible problems, conversely she doesn’t deal well with warmer temperatures and shows signs of fatigue and dehydration in conditions where most people would feel fine if a little hot. This is most likely an extension of her cryomancy abilities. [b]TECHNICALITIES:[/b] How it's produced: Winter uses water particles, either from actual water sources of the air around her, to create ice sculptures whenever she needs to. What it affects: Winter’s abilities have no real physical strain on her but do require her to concentrate and be relatively calm while using them; as such she cannot use her abilities when she’s feeling strong emotions like anger or stress. Where does it come from: Winter is able to lower her external body temperature to almost absolute zero as well as posessing very minor aquakenesis abilities which is how she is able to both produce and shape ice however she wishes. Over time Winter has learned to use this ability on isolated parts of her body, usually her hands, to great effect. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Quiksilver Posted June 9, 2011 Author Report Share Posted June 9, 2011 [b]Spartan919:[/b] Kit seems like a good character. I'd definitely like to see how he would react to dangerous situations; heavens knows I'll try my best to include lots of those. However, the power seems a bit OPed at the moment. Not much, but if you could remove the part about vacuums and vortexes, I'd be much obliged. In the future, I'd be more than eager to look into adding that to Kit's repertoire, but as of yet, I'd rather do without them. That's really my only complaint, but until then, [b]not accepted[/b]. [b]Naimo:[/b] Ione seems...interesting. I'd also like to point out that, even if two mutants mate, it is not certain that their child is a mutant; the trait is recessive in most people. Some people may just be carriers, like Nick's father. You don't have to change anything, I'd just like to point it out. Also, these safe havens tend to be well-guarded, with each mutant looking out for each other. A lone human managing to carry a gun in and kill one of the mutants, without any apparent retribution, is very, very, rare. However, this is but another nitpick, and the rest of the application is exceptional (I was originally planning to not accept characters with a "copy" power, given they tend to be OPed, but I like how you constructed the power, so I'll take it) I'll [b]accept[/b] Ione Featherstone. [b]TotalObelisk:[/b] I'm intrigued by the karate teacher. I might do something with him later. The idea of a mutant hiding among humans is not a new one to me, but...something about him intrigues me. Anyways, very good app, but I must ask; did you mean "Cheryl" when you said "Cheyrl"? Either one is fine, I just want to make sure. At first the power worried me, given how it's a bit vague, but it turns out it is nicely balanced. You are [b]accepted[/b]. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jeroukoo Posted June 10, 2011 Report Share Posted June 10, 2011 [spoiler=Reserve] [center][b]Jason Nitrus[/b][/center] {Replace the {NAME} with your character's name. First and last name, please. Middle is optional} [b]AGE:[/b] 18 [b]GENDER:[/b] Male [b]APPEARANCE:[/b] - Height: 6'0" - Weight: 220 lbs. - Body Shape: Muscular - Hair Style & Color: A curly, black haired flat top. - Eye Color: Brown eyes - Complexion: A tanner Asian skin tone. [b]PERSONALITY:[/b] Jason used to be a giant jerk who got angry really easily, but that was back in elementary school. Eventually, he became friends with a slow and lazy kid (all of his friends moved, and he had very few friends BECAUSE of his old personality) and he led him to see things in life as not that big of a deal, and it could be solved without violence. The change was rough at first, he was at first more merciful, then he did less insults. Several years later, Jason is now a calm and happy person. Without that lazy kid, he probably would be a typical hot-headed jock who knows no better than to punch someone who gives him a dirty look. Anyway, Jason tries to avoid bad relationships with people and tries to be as friendly as possible, but just flat out avoids his enemies. He could be called a people pleaser, in fact he is a people pleaser, and is very submissive when it comes to decisions regarding practically anything. Around new people, he is somewhat shy but could be the first to ignite conversation. He is also always polite around superiors and adults. When asked order, Jason generally follows them and gives his all. [b]BIOGRAPHY:[/b] Jason was born into a middle class family in Annapolis, Maryland. His grandfather was of Korean descent and moved to America to avoid the conflict with the war. His grandfather was of the South Korean military in his younger years, but left and got another job. The war scared him into thinking that he might be drafted again, so he quickly moved to Richmond, VA. There his father was born and joined the American military, continuing his ancestors way of military life. Jason was born with few abnormalities and seemed regular in every way. When in school, he was a very intelligent individual but got nowhere past the honors courses in school. {All of your characters' history will be laid out here. What was your life up till joining the program (which should have happened only recently)? Remember to include such things as how his/her parents met, their place of birth, how she/he was raised, his/her dreams, expectations, etc. Also, how has your mutation affected your character's life? Remember to include that.} [center][b]Mutation[/b][/center] [b]POWER:[/b] {In simplest terms, this means explain your mutation. What effect does it do? A paragraph is wanted.} [b]TECHNICALITIES:[/b] How it's produced: {How does your person access (consciously or unconsciously) this power? What it affects: {Essentially, this means is your power mental, physical, or spiritual? Sometimes you can tell from the Power section, but I want to make sure.} Where does it come from: {Does your character produce it himself, or draw it from an external source? If the former, what are the limits to producing your powers?} [/spoiler] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GreyCat Posted June 10, 2011 Report Share Posted June 10, 2011 [center][b]Rayford (Call him Rafe) Shaw[/b][/center] [b]AGE:[/b] 19 [b]GENDER:[/b] Male [b]APPEARANCE:[/b] - Height: 5'8 - Weight: 139lbs - Body Shape: basically regular. Nothing all that spectacular about him or his build. - Hair Style & Color: Gold blond, styled in straight locks. - Eye Color: Pale Grey (get a slight glow as he uses his power) - Complexion: Ebony [b]PERSONALITY:[/b] Rafe tries to be unassuming and keep himself out of others way and life, but his powers draw him towards others in ways he can't avoid, so he ends up being the helpful quiet boy with a shy hesitant smile. Like his soul, the core of his personality is open and willing to interact with those around him, but he keeps that in check as much as possible. He dislikes crowds because of the confusion it causes him, and has an interesting view of people. He dislikes people on a whole, because of the many glimpses he has had into the darker side of life, but knows there are those few pure souls out there that still give hope to the human race. On a personal level, he has trouble trusting others, having been the victim of the deceptions of those he trusted. [b]BIOGRAPHY:[/b] Rafe's parents meet through online dating and hit it off. Both were office workers and they had a lot in common, and have had a fairly stable marriage. Both were Canadians and they met, married and lived in Vancouver. Both parents were greedy and soon started their own import/export company and shares in a small real estate firm, resulting in them being better off, somewhat. Rafe was born Steele, not Shaw, but changed his name a few months before ending up at the facility. While they loved Rafe, they weren't the best of parents and Rafe was often neglected when he was growing up, his parent frequently traveling and leaving him sitters or using him for tasks when they were in town. Throughout his life, his abilities popped up randomly, mostly as uncommon luck, though there were several somewhat isolated cases of it flaring to almost awakened level, on of the more memorable ones being when he was eight. A fire started from the cigarette of a less than diligent, as well as drunk, sitter and the house was soon engulfed. The sitter managed to get out with only a few burns, but little Rafe was still inside. His parents realized just how lucky he was when he managed to wander out with nothing more than smoky clothes, some ash in his hair and tear streaked eyes. Being the opportunistic and entrepreneuring parents they were, he was soon whisked off to stores and gas stations to play a little game called lotto, to the tracks to watch the horses race and to sporting events to see who would win. Of course, they got a better house in California, and a he got toys and games, so what was wrong with it? It wasn't until he turned thirteen and his powers awoke fully that he realized he was being used. It all came from the plane ticket to Vegas for a trip his parent's were planning that he touched and read it's soul, realizing how far in the red his parents were. He still went and helped them win, but he refused to co-operate with them after that, though his parents tended to win those arguments. He distanced himself when he was 17 and moved out of the house to a smaller apartment in a building they owned as well as their silence on his abilities (at the cost of three gambling events per month) and has set himself up a part time job assisting a private investigator, reasoning that he needed to do something good with his powers, to balance the karma. His employer is aware of his abilities, but is somewhat open minded about it, and agreed to keep it a secret (that and the fact that Raje has pushed his success rate up almost 50%.) Since then, he has made plans to take classes in criminal justice and forensic Science so he can be an accredited PI. He doesn't really like it (the souls of some of the things he has to associate with leave him feeling sickened), but he needs it. Of course, he doesn't want the stigma of his parent's history on him, so he had his name changed to Shaw a year ago, for not other reason than he liked the sound of Rafe Shaw, PI. A few days after applying to the universities of choice, a man came to visit his work place with his applications in hand and, smirking, he asked "What school would want mutant in it?" The man showed Rafe three documents, each one a letter telling of his powers; each one signed by his parents and his own boss. Faced with a choice of his abilities going public or joining the program, he made the hard (and only sensible) choice. The pain he felt in that pen's souls, from the countless others that were roped in, almost made him gag. It has been almost a year since the one he believed in and the two he trusted betrayed him. Several months of endless tests and examinations. Too many days of being subjected to the wills of those with the corrupt souls. While he has found some solace in relations with other mutants (what an ugly word) around him, he still has his goals, and he loathes those that have taken it from him. Of course, there isn't much he can do about it in his current situation. But, something tells him that may change soon. [center][b]Mutation[/b][/center] [b]POWER:[/b] Psychometry- He can read the history (or memory, depending on which term you prefer), present and, in rare cases, the future (or fate) of objects or people as well as the interconnect traces of their souls. It works best with contact, but proximity alone is often enough, much to his annoyance, especially in places where strong emotions linger. It allows him to collect information from the inanimate and, in other not so common cases, read the minds of those he touches. His ability gives him several traits such as inhumane accuracy, uncommon luck, high intuition and a few other traits. It even gives him some ability to predict probability (the future prediction part). His predictions range up to five minutes generally, as the future is a web of interactions between souls and intentions and he needs to read them all to make accurate predictions. He can also enhance features of the objects for his benefit such as strengths, weaknesses, properties etc. [b]TECHNICALITIES:[/b] How it's produced: His soul is often more open than the average persons and can read other souls, especially if they are open as well. His powers normally require contact, but some me As such, he can read the souls of objects to get the past and purpose they possess. His power tend to be a bit glitchy (he can't always read the souls and more powerful memories or events or intentions are more easy to understand) and he cannot read more than powerful thoughts or memories from people. He can also promote and enhance certain purposes (hardness, flexibility, etc) of the item's soul that are then manifested physically. What it affects: It is spiritual, as he reads and interacts with the souls of the object. There is some mental as his luck is sub-conscious soul reading. Where does it come from: His powers come from his soul, but are facilitated by the souls around him. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shradow Posted June 10, 2011 Report Share Posted June 10, 2011 Reserve me a spot, please. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Da Icarus ATK Posted June 10, 2011 Report Share Posted June 10, 2011 Name: Sun (Nickname, he is unable to pronounce his real name, often calls himself "The Handsome Sun", "The Great Sage that is Heaven's Equal," or "The Victorious Fighting Buddha") Age: 21 Height: 6 foot 2 Weight: 180 pounds Build: Semi-muscular build Appearance: Sun has very tan skin, brown eyes, spiky black hair, and wears a blue training gi with a yellow sash around the waist, and carries a 6 foot tall iron-titanium alloy Bo staff with him, which he calls Emperor. He doesn't wear shoes, prefering to go barefoot or wear straw sandals. He also has 81 scars, all very deep and permanent, each with its own story. 20 on his left arm, 20 on his right, 20 on his left leg, 20 on his right. and 1 across his nose. (Also has a monkey tail, will be explained in mutation section) Personality: Sun is a very happy-go-lucky, fly by the seat of his pants kind of guy. He is also quite arrogant, with a flair for theatrics and the cliche, often trying to make extravagant performances out of the most basic of tasks. Despite his quite silly demeanor, he will become very serious when he believes his way of life is threatened, and is actually quite wise beyond his years, often having a witty or famous quote for every situation. Sun is also very mischevious, pulling pranks left and right out of nowhere or performing shows for others merriment. He often jokes about being Enlightened, caring not for many things people give their life for, which comes across to others as uncaring. He will be very polite even to people who attack him, often apologizing after every hit he gives. Biography: Sun was born in China, to two non mutant American parents during their anniversary vacation. When they noticed their son was born with a tail, they took him to several temples in eastern China and Tibet hoping the local monks would know the reason for this. Once they realized there was nothing that could be done, the parents gave him to the monks in a buddhist temple on the outskirts of China. He merely lived with the monks at first, but then he discovered his abilities. He was swift, agile, strong, and had an amazing aptitude for the martial arts. So they raised him like he was one of their own, and taught him the ways of the monk, and the warrior. Over the years, he gained knowledge and wisdom, and due to his arrogance and happy personality as well as his tail, they nicknamed him Sun, after the legendary monkey king. At the age of 18 he wanted to find out where his birth parents were so he emigrated to America, but due to his refusal to hide his tail, he was found out as a mutant and ostracized by his peers, though he fought off any and all attackers trying to "Kill that monkey thing" as he was often called. He willingly went to the government in order to train his abilities, which grew as time went on. This came at a price, his time in there was brutal, he got a scar for each experiment they tried, for every fight he got into, for every time the guards were especially sadistic. He had to clear his mind and focus on surviving, which somehow gave him a minor mental mutation due to a chemical imbalance combined with hormones and enzymes that were synthetically altered. He had to kill several guards in order to escape. So now he wanders the country, giving up the search for his parents. Instead he hopes to become truly Enlightened, and live forever. Mutation: He was born with a monkey's tail due to a mysterious gene that affected the development of his tailbone, as well as enhanced strength, flexibility, and balance. This was accompanied by his prodigious skill in Xingzhemen and the Tall Monkey style from his time in the temple. His government given abilities include a reaction time superior to that of any Olympic athlete ,and they had enhanced all of his bodily functions to the peak of human efficiency. Most notably, his body eliminates the excessive build-up of fatigue-producing poisons in his muscles, granting him phenomenal endurance. However his abilities are a far cry from the "Average" mutant with super strength, and if his tail is stepped on or pulled it causes his extreme pain. Due to the mental focus he had to achieve in order to survive the experiments, he developed a new minor mutation. If he were to focus hard enough, he could pluck a hair off of his head and turn it into anything he wanted. However, this ability is not even close to almost battle ready, at best the hair would become whatever he wished for about 5 minutes. Where it comes from: His strength, martial arts prowess, flexibility, and balance comes from his birth and being raised in a temple his whole life. His reaction time, agility, and endurance were given by numerous enzyme combinations being injected into his body. His tail is very sensitive, pulling it pre-govenment injections was equal to a kick to the groin. Now the pain is extreme due to it becoming hyper sensitive. His staff "Emperor", was a gift from the monks, an iron staff that was enchanted with Talismans, meant to create a mental bond with its wielder and meant to be a ceremonial staff, not battle ready. The U.S government however added a layer of Titanium alloy to make it more than battle worthy, and they tested it on numerous occasions on Sun himself. The effect of the talismans remain, he has a mental connection with his staff, and now he is able to make it move at will without holding it. The hair- based mental mutation came from a combination of synthetic hormones and a form of temporary pseudo-Enlightenment he acheived after focusing his mind 100 percent. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spartan919 Posted June 10, 2011 Report Share Posted June 10, 2011 @Quiksilver: Makes perfect sense. It's done. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shradow Posted June 10, 2011 Report Share Posted June 10, 2011 [center][b]Nathaniel Aiden[/b][/center] [b]AGE:[/b] 14 [b]GENDER:[/b] Male [b]APPEARANCE:[/b] - Height: 5'0" - Weight: 105 lbs - Body Shape: slim - Hair Style & Color: Worn down to just above shoulder length, black with a slight navy blue tinge - Eye Color: Cloudy blue - Complexion: Pale [b]PERSONALITY:[/b] Deep within the confines of Nathaniel's mind lies a timid boy who's not very sociable but very protective of those he cares about. However, this personality is so far hidden that it's nearly nonexistent. In order to escape the suffering from the experiments as much as possible, Nathaniel's true self closed itself off inside his own mind, leaving naught but an empty husk behind. He rarely speaks, and even when he does it's usually but a few words, and usually to himself. No matter the situation, he shows no emotion, leaving almost everything down to concentration for his power. His eyes lie blank, almost as if they're looking at nothing at all. Although, there are times when the instability of his mind will catch up to him, leaving him a crying mess on the ground [b]BIOGRAPHY:[/b] Both of Nathaniel's parents were very normal. They lived normal, average American lives, worked normal blue-collar jobs, and nothing really exceptional about them existed. At least on the surface. While Nathaniel's father was pure human, his mother was unknowingly a mutant. She didn't have any special powers or particular signs of the gene. In fact, the only sign was a subtle tinge of blue in her hair, which many people merely assumed to be artificially colored. They eventually met, and a couple years later were "blessed" with a baby boy. For the first few years of his life, Nathaniel lived it, like his parents, exceptionally normal. However, during his 7th year, the mutant gene he had obtained from his mother manifested in a exceptionally abnormal way. In the middle of the night, hearing crashing coming from his room, his parents rushed in to find many pieces of furniture floating precariously in the air, Nathaniel still sound asleep. Terrified of what might become of their child if his powers went public, they kept Nathaniel indoors almost constantly. They tried to help Nathaniel control his powers, and while he began to gain some semblence of discipline over them, there were always time when things went awry. Another few years passed, and more and more mutants began showing up and banding together. The government was cracking down. Despite everything, Nathaniel's parents still loved him and wished for nothing to happen to him. However, one day things changed. A neighbor who had somehow learned of Nathaniel's true nature had released information to a local group of scientists who were rumored to be conducting experiments on mutants. On that fateful day they stormed Nathaniel's house, and kidnapped him. His parents were left in tears. After that day the experiments began, with Nathaniel at age 12. Day in and day out Nathaniel was poked and prodded with various injections and experimental devices in order to somehow draw out his power in a controlled environment. Try after try yielded nothing up until now, and so the scientists left him in solitary confinement until another, more advanced experiment could be conducted, the past several lonely days only furthering the decay of Nathaniel's mind. [center][b]Mutation[/b][/center] [b]POWER:[/b] Nathaniel has the power of telekinesis, the power to move objects with his mind. In order for him to use his it on an object, he either has to have direct eye contact, such as lifting an object clearly in front of him, or have or vague sense of an unseen object, such as uprooting a tree by raising the underground roots. Due to the experiments done upon his mind, he has little control when he exerts his power too much. [b]TECHNICALITIES:[/b] How it's produced: Nathaniel uses electromagnetic pulses from his mind and sends them out towards objects, manipulating either the item's atoms directly or the gravity and/or air currents around an object to move it. What it affects: It affects his mental capacities. Should he overexert his power he could either become physically weak, be left unconscious, or even fall into a small, temporary coma shoud things become too serious. Where does it come from: Nathaniel utilizes all of his brain power, coupled with the mutation granting him free control over his brain's electromagnetic pulses. With enough concentration, how much depending on the extent he's using his power, Nathaniel can use it whenever he feels. However, his mind can be unstable at times and his powers can sometimes become just as unstable. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Naimo Posted June 10, 2011 Report Share Posted June 10, 2011 [quote name='Quiksilver' timestamp='1307648772' post='5269920'] (I was originally planning to not accept characters with a "copy" power, given they tend to be OPed, but I like how you constructed the power, so I'll take it) [/quote] Yeah ... I really struggled with powers, caus everything seemed so ... cliched, predictable and typical. Not to mention my mind is currently heavily infected with Psychology knowledge caus of revision Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Niv-Mizzet Posted June 10, 2011 Report Share Posted June 10, 2011 Please reserve. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Quiksilver Posted June 11, 2011 Author Report Share Posted June 11, 2011 [b]GreyCat[/b]: Fantastic character, I liked reading about Raje. However, I'll need you to take off the enhancement power- I have a special thing planned for something like that, and I'm afraid I must ask you to remove it. Other than that, you're golden. [b]Not accepted[/b], but I hope you shortly will be. [b]Da Icarus ATK[/b]: So your guy is a Buddhist monk, and a master of several fighting styles even though he's only 21? I don't think so. I want this to be realistic, and that doesn't seem like it. Also, even though mutants haven't appeared anywhere else in the world, such a obvious mutation would make him ostracized in most every other part of the world. The fact that's he's travelling around in a outfit like that, only makes it seem that much more unrealistic. Furthermore, you barely make a note of your power beyond that of "monkey tail". The mutation should be the main part of your character, not skills gained from a Buddhist temple. Also, I need you to be in the custody of the government when the RP starts- beyond the obvious story point, these places are very well guarded (some of these mutants have very destructive abilities, remember) and even a Buddhist monk would have a hard time escaping. [b]Not accepted[/b]. [b]Shradow[/b]: Like I said with Da Icarus, you need to start in the government lab. Even if they deemed a failure, the government would hardly just let him go. If anything, they'd just try harder. "Failure" is not in these people's books. Also, that part about "30% activity" is just a myth- humans use the full percent of their brain. I'm ok with the psychic power (it is a bit unoriginal, but I digress) but you'll need to change that part. Until then, [b]not accepted[/b]. [b]To all who reserve[/b]: You are reserved, but all reserves cease once the RP begins. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Da Icarus ATK Posted June 11, 2011 Report Share Posted June 11, 2011 I get you, was trying to go for a sorta kinda captain america but not a carbon copy. Lol abit of a newb to the whole RP thing, but thx for not being a douche about it like people on other forums. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shradow Posted June 11, 2011 Report Share Posted June 11, 2011 Actually, the myth is 15% is used during normal action. The Mythbusters tested it, and proved, humans use about 15% while asleep, and 30% during normal action, not even 1/3. Plus, despite how unoriginal it is, telekinesis is fun. :3 However, I will fix the rest of my app. EDIT: Fixed. Went with something simple, tell me if you still don't like it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Quiksilver Posted June 11, 2011 Author Report Share Posted June 11, 2011 I'll agree, telekinesis is fun. [url="http://brainconnection.positscience.com/topics/?main=fa/brain-myth3#A1"]However, I'm sorry, but I trust the scientists more than MythBusters.[/url] Also, having done a class on the nervous system, I am 100% sure humans as a whole use their entire brain. Icarus, don't sweat it. You have as many times until this RP starts to edit your app, so I'm sure if you try hard enough you'll get in. As long as you're willing and a good writer, you don't need much experience to be a good RPer. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spartan919 Posted June 11, 2011 Report Share Posted June 11, 2011 Can you look back over my character please? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Quiksilver Posted June 11, 2011 Author Report Share Posted June 11, 2011 I'm sorry, Spartan! I meant to say you're accepted now, but I forgot to put it in. My bad. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spartan919 Posted June 11, 2011 Report Share Posted June 11, 2011 It's no big deal. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GreyCat Posted June 12, 2011 Report Share Posted June 12, 2011 No problem. Power enhancement is stricken. Just to be clear, property enhancement of objects is cool, right? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hydra of Ages Posted June 12, 2011 Report Share Posted June 12, 2011 Warning: weird app. But I worked hard on it. [spoiler= Application] [center][b]Oliver "Oneiro" Stevenson[/b][/center] [b]AGE:[/b] 19 [b]GENDER:[/b] Technically genderless. Formerly male, and appears as such. [b]APPEARANCE:[/b] [i]- Height:[/i] Physical upright diameter is 7'3. His most common manifestation is 6'3. [i]- Weight:[/i] Physical body is 387.62 lbs exactly, with a variance of about 3% depending on how it's been since he absorbed nutrient. His manifestations, whenever they express actual weight, are variable and never exceed about 150 lbs and are frequently less than half that. [i]- Body Shape:[/i] Physical body is a tapered slab of crystalline material, smooth with only a few bulges and dips that suggest at the previous existence of limbs. It has no sharp edges and a wide, rounded base that is sloped as to prevent the structure from being knocked over. The tip of the spire is slightly nobbled and twisted, and has the tendency to slowly move in subtle directions over long periods of time. The silhouette may be best described as a stalactite with an oboe-like figure. Most common manifestation chooses a slender and sporty figure, cut with the new muscle of an enthusiastic teenager. Traces of fat, mostly from living a somewhat docile and upper class life compete with the results of dedicated work outs and numerous practice sessions, resulting in a healthy and sprightly sort of shape. [i]- Hair Style & Color:[/i] On the physical shape, none. The most common manifestation boasts shortish, bright unbleached blond hair cut casually. Since light won't reflect off of it, lighting priority is always given to the left side no matter how much or where directed light is actually in the area, making his left locks shine almost golden. His hair is always slightly mussed up, as if having just came out of a practice session or particularly difficult task; in periods of emotional turmoil, the hair tends to either darken or lighten to various extents. [i]- Eye Color:[/i] The physical shape has no eyes, though a pair of reddish blotches towards the front end might be the remains of them. The most common manifestation has a pair of dark forest-green irises, though the shade seems to drift the more Oneiro is distracted. If the manifestation is interrupted, the eyes are the first feature to disappear or distort, usually by turning into a far brighter shade of green or all the way to white. [i]- Complexion:[/i] The physical shape is colored an off-pinkish beige, with a thin outer shell of light indigo. Red is spider-webbed across the entire thing, though it becomes more obvious towards the top; the tip is dark pink, tending to scarlet. The most common manifestation has a common Caucasian complexion, fair though tanned slightly from years of outdoor sports. His face and hands occasionally gain a sickly greenish hue, due to that being the last he remembered them being like before he fully metamorphosised. [b]PERSONALITY:[/b] Oliver was originally a very optimistic child. Respected for both his excellent grades and skills in sports, he was popular enough in his school to become Student Body president. A man who got on well with just about everyone, even people who envied his popularity had to admit he was a good person, the first to laugh at himself and the first to rise to someone else's defense. His weakness was only a little more transparent at home. Oliver's crippling stress issues, including chronic migraine, led him to having a very short fuse when speaking to people close to him while at a bad time. When things piled up and started going against him, his thoughts would become very dark- he gained more than a healthy amount of cynicism that he turned to in those times. Depressed thoughts would later turn to insanity as he approached his university days and the time of his metamorphosis, appearing in the shape of various mental disorders. His mind increasingly got away from him, leaving him gibbering senselessly or spouting wicked lies and swears at anyone that passed by him; he eventually would degenerate into little more than a hissing animal, occasionally yelling an incoherent word at a shadow he lashed out in his paranoia. In his days post metamorphosis, Oneiro is a lot more quiet and tries to exist out of sight, if not out of mind. In order to shake off the increasing feeling of senselessness, he tries to stick near to people at all times and eliminate the possibility of not being able to manifest. He loves being a passive listener and absorbing the details of other's lives, but hates giving up his own story- partially due to strange holes in his memory, and partially because he doesn't want to remember what he was like before his metamorphosis. He likes to cling onto emotions that he feels are particularly 'human', as if to assure himself that he isn't becoming a nonliving object, often to the confusion of others. He is poor at remembering names, having lost most of his interest in recalling dry facts as much as he prefers to learn less concrete things that he doesn't have stored away. Despite all this, he's somehow retained a notion of wit, and uses this as much as he possibly can. He doesn't quite recall exactly what the purpose of humor is, but its a more natural reaction to him now than it ever was before, so he keeps it. Being emotionally detached, however, tends to make it more difficult for him to know if a joke is uncalled for or not. Indeed, sometimes he'll target people specifically to make them feel bad, so he can observe what sort of emotions that will elicit, almost in the manner of a scientist. [b]BIOGRAPHY:[/b] Oliver was born to Henry and Ophelia Stevenson, the former having only recently finished his doctorate in English Literature at the time. Oliver grew up in Connecticut, in the household of a Yale University Professor, and was given high expectations even at a young age. Oliver grew up while getting straight As on every report card, and took up sports as a form of recreation from the straight academics. His father, naturally, approved and told him to do as he had always done- give everything he did a hundred and ten percent, because God favors only those who beat their own path. His former recreation being turned into yet another test of worth taught Oliver various lessons. While Henry was by no means a bad father, his impassioned speeches and lack of tolerance for losing instilled a sense of necessity. Oliver needed to strive to be perfect in everything, because that's the only way that life works. Time wasted was life wasted, and spending time dreaming was time not spent achieving things. Oliver's first medical issue came at age 10, when he developed insomnia. Though he was given medication for it, it rarely worked and Oliver eventually spent the time studying for school the next day, or by heading into his back yard to practice soccer shots. His body, though tired, adapted until he rarely slept four hours a night. The notion of sleeping in, or even getting a good night sleep began to lose meaning for him before he was even 12, leading him to taking on even more duties and challenges in order to fill in his spare time. Though his parents at first discourage his nightly excursions, they eventually stopped going to the doctor for help. After all, he was using the time wisely, so what was the issue? Things only started to fall apart when he was 15 and his parents separated after a particularly messy divorce. Though in emotional turmoil, he refused to let any of his grades fall, or indeed, let it intrude in his life in any way. He began to develop painful migraines, which worried doctors especially considering his apparent young age. He was given more medication and advised to get more sleep, advice he proceeded to ignore. When medication after medication failed to suppress his painful headaches, he was eventually given potent painkillers, which he took with perhaps more regularity than normal. His father becoming an increasingly reclusive, brooding man who snapped at the simplest provocation only fueled his need to succeed and make him proud, even if that goal was becoming increasingly impossible. Oliver could feel his life starting to crumble away, and tried to hold it together by trying to do more, even more, to become more than the normal person and surpass the masses. Year 18 of his life was the tipping point. In preparation for attending York next year, the various graduation ceremonies and last minutes of his graduating year and the final championship he would attend in high school soccer, Oliver had been forgoing sleep altogether. He his his mania as best he could from the people watching, but it began to bleed over -his migraines erupted during class, he snapped at people in public, he yelled and swore at his father without reservation- until it eventually hit a boiling point at his Valedictorian speech, in front of the student body. His exhaustion, meds and anxiety rolled over and crushed him, and he collapsed into a dead faint he wouldn't awaken from until weeks later. Though physically fit, Oliver wasn't the same when he woke up from his coma. As doctors had explained to him, not only had his brainwave patterns seemingly changed into bizarre contortion, but his skin had developed a certain leathery toughness that made it difficult to walk in. Unable to find any medical reasoning for these changes, he was discharged eventually and sent home. Oliver didn't attend Yale that semester, nor the next one. As the days passed, he found himself sleeping more and more often, and walking becoming increasingly difficult. There was no chance of him playing sports, and his ambition had become quashed. His father, who had started to awaken to what he had done to his son, tried all manner of things to rouse him again, but to little avail- Oliver was losing lucidity daily, jumping at nonexistent sounds and yelling at any and all visitors, content to drift in and out of sleep on his bed. Henry spared no expense in trying to find out what was wrong with his child, and eventually got a non-answer: Oliver's blood had tested positive for the Mutant Gene. For once without an idea about what to do, Henry appealed to all sources to help heal his child, both mutant-friendly and mutant-opposed, in finding a cure. None had any answers, and Oliver's condition only worsened, his skin producing fine, crystal-like fibers that had begun to coat him like fur. Oliver had ceased movement almost entirely and closed his eyes, now only communicating though rare verbal outbursts. Henry had himself started suffering from migraines, and feared he was going insane when he noticed his son recurring in every dream, every time melting into a jagged rock from his sickly state. Private doctors hired to attend to him at all times, the last symptom of Oliver's activated mutant genes happened suddenly and shockingly. His skin rippled and contorted, his bones collapsed in on themselves and his entire body reshaped itself like a bizarre sea creature, curling up into itself like a fleshy pocket. To all observers, he was dead; not even a human any more, the abomination became an obsession for Henry, who lashed out at any suggestions of assisted suicide for the poor creature. Henry's dreams had crystallized further as the creature had, images of his son screaming for his father to help him. Henry wept his eyes out each night, quit his job as a professor and chased off the media to attend to his son, but his efforts were all futile. The poor man had been driven mad by the time the government arrived to take possession of what had been Oliver, and he was committed to a nearby asylum. The object Oliver had become was a thick pillar of crystallized flesh, a unique organic substance covered in a thin layer of a silica-based shell. Amazingly, the thing was alive- brainwaves being clearly detected from it, and blood pushed through by a modified heart- despite having no source of nutrients. They later determined that the skin of the object could derive energy from almost any source, absorbing nutrient-rich and oxygen material from the ground and air, synthesizing food through sunlight and drinking water as it was covered with it. To mutant labs, it was a strange curiosity- a mutant who had become little more than a strange plant. As the year progressed, however, the true mysteries of the flesh-pillar started to rear their heads. An illusion appeared at the back of their heads, and in their dreams. An image of a child appeared, never speaking, quiet and observational, was fitted before all of them like an illusion- and then, shockingly, it was real. A teenager appeared by the rock, the same one that had once been Oliver, appeared with physical presence and form. It could touch and manipulate objects, if not well, and made attempts to speak. Whenever the scientists were too rough with it, however, or attempted to move it as it objected, it disappeared into thin air once more. They observed the brain wave patterns of the stone, and the mystery of the phantom child was solved. 'Oneiro', as he preferred to be called, was Oliver- or a dream of Oliver, projected from the minds of others so it could take on physical space. It fed on the dreams and thoughts of others, existing for the sake of existing, as human as anyone else- to the point where humans were forced to concede that it was a sapient, thinking subject in the same magnitude as all the other mutant subjects. [center][b]Mutation[/b][/center] [b]POWER:[/b] Oneiro's power is one of manifestation, attributing physical shape and form to notions that only exist in the mind. To be more specific, Oneiro can take a symbol from someone's mind -be it an image, or a memory, or a thought- and create a physical construct in the image of that symbol. If someone were to hold a particular memory with their family dear, for example, Oneiro could generate a picture for that event even if one didn't exist. Likewise, if one held a deep and visual terror of mice, then he could summon mice into existence by pulling that attribute from the person. Theoretically, he could replicate an entire person from a detailed enough mental account of that person. In practice, however, this is very limited. Oneiro's mind reading abilities are limited to sensing the visuals that cross them as they happen, most of which just being objects that they look at; only very strong thoughts or memories come across suddenly as pictures vivid enough to shape. Manifestations can exist only as long as the person whose' mind they sprung from pays them mind, and will disappear if they're forgotten about or ignored. Likewise, manifestations never have the same weight or functionality as they originally did- the bullet of a manifested gun, for example, would not be solid enough to pierce skin (though it might be able to cause pain)- being only semi-corporal. In many cases, the objects appear only as illusions to the person in question, and don't have any effect on the physical world around them. Oneiro can create illusionary objects with far less effort than corporeal ones. While active thoughts have few images that Oneiro can manifest, dreams are far more apt for his use. Everything dreamed is a vivid image, and thus can be summoned for use; the issue, however, is that dreamed items exist only until the dreamer wakes and forgets their dream. Oneiro is able to read the dreams of sleepers with ease, as dreams are structured in images rather than in thoughts. One major scruple of Oneiro's powers is that he is not able to use his own images in order to form items, because he is already using an image in order to manifest a body. Even this has to be through the mind of another- Oneiro's manifested body would disappear if it was ever left alone without a mind to project itself through. [b]TECHNICALITIES:[/b] [i]How it's produced:[/i] Oneiro is constantly using his power, as he otherwise has no bodily functions. Whenever a mind comes within five meters of his true body, he can manifest his bodily avatar through that mind's window. The manifestation, from that point on, can walk any distance from the main body so long as it's still within five meters of a conscious (or dreaming) mind. Oneiro can call one separate manifestation (as an object) other mind within that radius- that is, if there were two people in the room, he could manifest one image from one of their minds, if there were three he could manifest two, etc. [i]What it affects:[/i] Oneiro's mutations ride the line between physical and mental. In original application, the effect is mental- it synchronizes certain brainwave patterns with those nearby in order to draw from those minds and use them as part of a network. The physical element, however, comes into play when those brainwaves are capable of shaping the individual components of atoms in the area and form them into new, temporary molecules held into place only by those wave patterns. When the wave patterns disappear, the atoms instantly snap back into their previous positions. This has the effect of looking like physical objects are formed from nothing, when they are really materialized by atoms in the area being forced to a mold made by a brainwave pattern. [i]Where does it come from:[/i] The power originates in the core of Oneiro's crystalline body, from a brain-like organ. All the energy from the body, what would usually be used in keeping the human form body alive, is instead put towards this massive superorgan that can produce force a strange harmony of brainwave patterns. It does this through radiation waves expelled by breaking down absorbed nutrients of the body into raw energy, and releasing that energy outward. All wavelengths synchronized to its unique pattern function identically, so the main core is aware of everything happening around those minds at all times. [/spoiler] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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