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Kingdoms of Arestaria [PG- 15]

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Name of Kingdom: Lucario
King of Kingdom: Open
Location of Kingdom: 4
History: Lucario is a country started by merchants and it has flourished under comers, the have remained neutral in the war.
Biography: Lucario is a country made up of many cultures as it started as a trading port and grew into one of the richest countries in the world. It employs a slavery system that allows the ownership of other humans but it is strictly regulated and the slaves have rights and can only be owned for certain amounts of time and their children are born free. They are one of the few places that allows pirates in their port and will by and sell goods to them, they also have the best ship yards and produce the best ships.
Appearance: Lucario has many ports and shows a blended architecture from the other countries. they have the largest shipyards in the world and produce the best ships in the world, they have both official ports which look nicer and are for other countries and unofficial ports which are normally used for traders and pirates.
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[spoiler='Kyng of Ice (Psaro)']
Name: Psaro (Surname unknown)
Age: 26
Biography: Psaro hates and is in turn reviled by humans, but revered by demons. When his lover was attacked by humans for the ruby tears she sheds as an elf, he protected her by concealing her in a small fortress he built far away from human settlements. Psaro paid frequent visits to the fortress in order to see his lover; he told her of his plans to destroy humanity to free the world for demons, and continued on with righteousness in spite of her pleas to stop and try for coexistence. Soon afterwards she died by an assasination by human hand, and this caused Psaro to feel pain he was unaware of feeling. But he honours he death by coezisting with the humans he despised so much. By bottling up this rage he became a famous Duelist. He vows to hunt and kill the one who took her from him.

He had lived in Hōyō for many years and then he travelled across the many islands in the seas and this caused him to stumble upon the Kingdom of Tenebrae, but being a demon he was shunned. Untill he started rising up the ranks with his skills. He soon became named Psaro the Manslayer, likely to have derived from his stance on human presence. Because he wasn't a Tenebaeian, he didn't have respect for the King. He saw him as yet another human, another being to be crushed. He didn't stay in Tenebrae for long, believing the opponents where too weak. Despite the change since the Dark Kings arrival, he doesn't believe anyone there can challenge him, so he left towards Pax, because he felt he would be accepted there and enjoyed different cultures. Ad this was partly true, he had equal rights, but was hated regardless. He is a Wandering Warrior, but has become a master assailant, and when he is hired, there will be a funeral shortly afterwards.

He constantly awaits challenges, but his notorious hatred for humans has driven away all those who dare duel him. Despite being the Manslayer, he rarely does death duels and wants to live a humble and peaceful life.

Personality: Psaro loathes humans, his Manslayer title likely derived from his stance on human presence. Unlike most Hōyōeans his hatred outburns any other. Despite this intense hatred, Psaro is remarkably kind to all other beings, notably animals. He is arogant, cold hearted, sadistic, ruthless and shows little emotion. He is also quite friendly and generous, except to humans. He tries to change this though.
Hair Colour: Silver
Hair Style: Long and Straight, uses a Red Headband to cover the line where it meets his forehead.
Eye Colour: Red
Complexion: Pale
Clothes: Psaro wears a dark outfit with a single distinct shoulder pad, spiked and appearing to be made of bone, and a long fur cape.
[spoiler='Appearance Picture']
[spoiler='Kingdom Roles']
Kingdom: Hōyō
Job in Kingdom: n/a
[spoiler='Dueling Equipment']
Duel Disk: He uses dark powers to create the cards on the fields. However, they are still holograms.
Duel Runner: He rides a Skeletal Horse and Duels the same way on land, using Dark Magic.
Deck: Brutal Fiend's Bark (A Fiend Beatdown Deck which aims to bring out either the Wicked Dreadroot or the King of the Asylum.
Ace Cards:
The Wicked Dreadroot
[spoiler='King of the Asylum (Custom)']
Lore: A monster destroyed by this card as a result of battle becomes an Equip Card at the end of the Battle Phase. You can send a monster equipped to this card to the Graveyard, and based on the monster's attribute apply the proper effect: ● DARK: Destroy 1 card on each player's side of the field. ● LIGHT: Increase your Life Points by 200 points. ● FIRE: Inflict 500 points of damage to your opponent's Life Points ● WATER: Change the battle position of 1 monster your opponent controls. ● WIND: This card can attack twice during the turn you activate this effect. ● EARTH: Neither player can activate Trap Cards during the Battle Phase.

[spoiler='Kingdom of Hōyō']
Name of Kingdom: Hōyō
King of Kingdom: Roland Hōyō
Location of Kingdom: 5
History: The Hōyō Kingdom is a very unique kingdom; it has very little human inhabitants, rather other species live here, such as elves, demons, etc. This kingdom has a legend of how it came to be, which Hōyōean Scholar's claim to go something like this:

"Ages beyond ages beyond ages. Tyrant cometh fourth by the call of Nangoglautun rules the land of beauty which be ancient Hōyō. The skies wept and bled as they became darkend by thine heart corrupted by Tyrant. His reign be harsh and his rule possesed and fist of adamantium. This stayed the same, nothing will change. 'Till the morn of the mourn. An unnamed hero rose from the shadows to slay Nangoglautun and endeth thy reign. A war did comence and bloody it was, no-one was visible without stains of stolen life. The unnamed hero tricked Nangoglautun, creating Harmony. This device stored magic behind comprehensible levels, which the unnamed hero attechedeth to thy body. He slayed Nangoglautun and restored power to the people."

"The unnamed ruler sat upon his throne and became corrupt. Harmony fed him power, which continued its eternal growth. The hero was driven mad, he had become what he fought so hard agaisnt, a Tyrant. This evil shattered ancient Hōyō, 'till the ruler could take no more. As he passed, Harmony continued it's growth. It became unstable and, lo, it erupted. Thy magic energy destroyed the old remains of Hōyō, replacing with a new, greener sanctum. These beings of old may not set foot beyond."

The Scholars believe these old beings were human, thus expelling them to remain on the Embrace Peninsula, a place where anyone may exist, and humanity's only haven on Hōyō.

Biography: Hōyō is an ancient society and has many species living in it. The creatures all care for nature and the inhabitants of Hōyō greatly, but most dislike huamns because of their history. The King of Hōyō, Roland Hōyō, believes humans can inhabit and coexist with the great variety of species in Hōyō, but due to the history of the kingdom, he can only allow them access to the Embrace Peninsla, where very little number of Human inhabitants live. The main island of Hōyō is said to be beautiful beyond wildest dreams, as the water's are clear, the forest's are green and there is very little pollution. Hōyō has very little trade, only at Embrace Peninsula. Because of this, the main island relies on farming, fishing, etc, to provide food. The amount of farmers are uncountable, though there are also fishers, harvesters, etc. The richest part of the island is obviously the Embrace Peninsula, having the most interactions with the rest of the world.

Appearance: The majority of Hōyō is unseen to human eye, but is described in old books and tales that it is very green, with collosal forests and little settlements between them. The plants in the forest are unknown to humans, and so the people do not know of their possible medical powers. Embrace Peninsula, however, has more open plains than forests and most plant life is similar to most of the rest of the world. Also, Embrace Peninsula has many hot springs near the rocky coast.


[spoiler='Roland Hōyō']
Name: Roland Hōyō
Age: 60
Biography: Roland Hōyō is the elf monarch of Hōyō. However, unlike most rulers of the civilisation he believes that the history of deceit should be forgiven, and so he lives in Embrace Peninsula. He makes vast contributions to the entire island and has been known to hate violence as all it causes is more violence. He was once a Scholar of Hōyō's history, ironically he was once a strong believer and he used to disrespect humanity. However, after his ascension to the title of King of Hōyō he became wise and more compassionate, believing that rather than human's it was Harmony's fault for destroying ancient Hōyō. Because of this he gives everyone second chances, even to the assassin of his father.
Personality: Roland is known to be the most generous and forgiving ruler to exist. He refuses to believe the ancient history that once tainted his mind, but he respects the decision of his people and thus will not allow a human beyond Embrace Peninsula.
Hair Colour: Blonde
Hair Style: Long and wavy.
Eye Colour: Cyan
Complexion: Slightly tanned and clear. Looksqite young due to being an elf.
Clothes: Wear's royal robes of nature.
[spoiler='Image of Roland']
[spoiler='Kingdom Roles']
Kingdom: Hōyō
Job in Kingdom: King, Scholar
Duel Disk: He uses a plant-like duel disk.
Duel Runner: Duel Chariot
Deck: Power of the Beasts (Uses a Slayer Deck, a powerful deck of warrior animals (in sig))
Ace Cards:
Slayer - Tigris Nova
Slayer - Tigris Blanka
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Well I won all that junk fair and square, and I've made a system for some of the classes we've seen, Knight-can summon monsters into battle with them; Mage-can use spell and prepare traps; Paladin- can summon monsters and use spells, it is a lost skill currently the only known one is Seiyu and he technically cheats at it his duel disk is an alien organism that can make cards and there effects real thought Seiyu himself has a secret even bigger then the fact he is from the future.
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Name: Tetsu Dobei
Biography (detailed please): Tetsu was a young farm boy with the game of "Duel Monsters" became popular in his little village, the common trade routes re-routed to go past it, so many people began stopping there. They had heard of the game in the past, but never before had they actually seen it in action. Powerful duelests sprang up over night, dropping their swords and shields and picking up a duel disk. To Tetsu, the game was the greatest thing the world had to offer and he wanted nothing more then to be a part of it, get his own deck. But alas, dueling was a sport for the rich. The seemingly magical cards worth hundreds, let alone the disks and anyways, his family was sick. Being the only one in his community who was apparently immune to the strange new disease, he had to do everything he could to help provide for them. If they had left the village themselves, they would be killed to keep the infection from spreading. He couldn't allow that. After months of hard work and caring for the people dearest to him, something suddenly changed. On his way out to collect the special medicine keeping his little sister alive, he grew lost and wandered past the boundries of his part of the country and ended up on a strange beach at the edge of the island. There, he discovered a large group of rebells siding with the Tembraens and was instantly attacked so that their base could remain a secret. Armed with nothing but a small knife, he was quickly overpowered by the older, more muscular men. Set onto his knees, it looked as if he was about to be beheaded when suddenly a brilliant explosion erupted across the sky, a duel monster charging into the battle field and in a brilliant display of magic, he began attacking the group around him, as its owner was ordering. In reply, the rebells pulled out duel disks of their own and quickly destroyed the creature. Calling out to the card's owner, they prepared their own monsters to completely destroy the area if they had to to find him. They didn't like being double crossed. Out from behind the trees at the edge of the beach, an old man appeared, a relatively beaten up duel disk on his arm. Before he could say anything, an arrow was instantly launched into his heart and he dropped to the ground. Tetsu was horrified. The man who had just saved his life was killed in a second by the overwhelming force. Knocking away his captors for a momment, he rushes over to the corpse, getting down on his knees to look at him up close. The face was recognizeable. His sick grandfather had come looking for him after being away for so long and payed the price for it. Enraged at his grandfather's death, he picks up the dueldisk with whatever deck it had inside and began throwing down monster cards crazily, fighting off the murderers with all his might. Monster after monster appeared on the battle field and one by one, the rebells fell. His rage was pushing him on. After defeating every last one of them, he quickly rushes back to his farm with the body only to find it was all destroyed. Catching the glimpse of summoned scull disappearing, a Tembraen flag on its shoulder. After burying his grandfather and other relatives, he went to join the resistence against the Dark King, hoping to find the holder of the monster that destroyed his home.
Personality (Again, detailed): Tetsu is the kind of guy that would give up everything for others. Even his own life. He helps out where he can. Whenever he sees anyone affiliated with the Dark King, he goes into a rage, sometimes even going so far as to attack them if they bore the mark of a soldier.

Hair Colour: Black
Hair Style: Long and Raggedy
Eye Colour: Blue
Complexion:(Not exactly sure what this is XD)
Clothes (Make it suitable. If you are a knight, you won't be wearing magician robes will you?): When at normal, he wears a crude leather farmers outfit with a sword at his side, and when doing his duties as a soldier, he wears Steel armor with the Paxian Crest on his helmet and chest.

Duel Disk: A beaten down duel disk made out of cheap metal that often has a lag when summoning monsters.
Duel Runner (Yes, the past has gone tech):None
Deck (Try to make it suit your role in the kingdom. So maybe a magician has a spellcaster deck. This is completely optional however):Fiend-Spellcaster
Ace Cards:Chaos Sorcerer, Raviel Lord of the Phantasms.

Job in Kingdom (eg. Knight, Magician, Advisor, average citizen etc.):Solider
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