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pokemon diamond and pearl


do you want it to keep going  

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  1. 1. do you want it to keep going

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here we go hope you enjoiy it! remember my poll!


episode 1 the start of the begining.



One day there was a boy called Ash and he wanted to win the finals of the elite 4

and he said "it's time to start my pokemon jouney!"

Now he ate is breakfast and asked his mum that he will be going away for a long time.

She said "here is your bag."

Ash said "thanks Mum!"

So he set of.

He said "i am going to meet Markus at his house."

He opened the door "THUD!"

Markus and Ash said "ouch!"



to be continued

i will triple post!
right did you like that!
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episode 2 the verity lake Diasaster! I want to speak to daj,darmaster and ycmaker please!


Markus said "let's go to lake verity!"

Ash said "ok."

So they set off to lake verity and saw saw Dawn and Professer Rowan!

Markus said who are they."

Ash said that is Proesser Rowan and my freind Dawn."

Markus said "freind! i am your freind!"

Ash said she is my second best freind!"

Markus said who is first best freind."

Ash said "you."

Markus said "really!"

Ash said yes."

Markus said hooray!"

Until Dawn and Rowan went back to rowan's lab.

Rowan said "excuase me."

Dawn said "by Ash."

leaving rowan's breif case behind.

Markus said "let's get our selfs a garados!"

Ash said"ok!"

Suddenly 2 starly's went to atack Ash and Markus!

Markus said "let's see whats in the breif case!"

Ash said "ok!"

there were 1 pokemon in a pokeball there were 3 pokemon altogether and three pokeballs.

Markus said "i choose you chimchar lvl 10!"

Ash said i choose you turtwig lvl 10!"

To Be Continued!

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episode 3 Markus and Ash get in to trouble!


Ash said "Turtwig razor leaf!"

Markus said "chimchar flame wheel!"

suddenley Dawn went to veritey lake!

She said "sigh some one's been in the

breif case."

Ash said "it was us see Turtwig and


Markus said yeah we were the one's

who did it."

Dawn said "well come with me."

Ash said "ok."

Markus said "ok."

So they went to professer rowan's


When they got there professer

rowan was unhappy

Ash and Markus said "here is your


Rowan said "no there your's now."

Markus said "really."

Ash said "really."

Rowan said "yes."

Ash said "cool."

Markus said "hooray."

Rowan said here is your

pokedex and pokeballs."

Ash obtained the

pokedex Ash

Also obtained the


Markus obtained

the pokedex Markus

also obtained the


So they went to tell there mum.

After that they went to

oreburgh city.

Suddenley "BUMP!"


to be continued

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episode 4 defeating roak.


Suddenley "BUMP!"

Ash said "ouch!"

Liam said "aghh!"

And Nathen said "god!"

Markus said "who are


Liam said "i am Liam."

Nathen said and i am


Ash said "do you want to come with us

on our journey."

Liam said "ok."

But Nathen said "No."

and he also said "

i am going on my own."

Liam,Ash and Markus said "that is


Until they went into oreburgh city.

roak said " i will battle Ash first!"

Ash said "ok!"

Both of them said "let us start the battle!"

Ash said "Go Turtwig!"

lvl 11 50 hp

Roak said "Go Onix"

lvl 15 80 hp

Ash said "Turtwig razor leaf!"

It took 40 hp!

onix 40hp

Turtwig 50hp

Roak said "defence curl!"

Ash said "razor leaf!"

Onix o hp

Turtwig 50 hp

Roak said "return onix and go


Ash said turtwig sythreisis!"

Geodude 80 hp

turtwg 90 hp

roak said "what the!"

Ash said "earthquarke!"

gedude and crandios ohp

Ash said yeh we got the

boulder badge!


the next 2 episodes will be out tomorrow.

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episode 5 ash starts to battle gardina.


Ash,Markus and Liam went to the pokemon

center in oreburgh city.

Nurse Joy said " have

you defeated the gym


All of them said "yes!"

Until they saw nathen!

Ash said "what are you

doing here."

Nathen said"i am having

a rest from my battle."

Markus said "you came with piplup."

Nathen said "i no."

Markus said "what are your


Nathen said "water gun,


and growl."

Nathen got up

and set off to

ertana city.

Nurse joy said

"here are your


Ash said "thank you."

When they got out side

they went through a cave

and they found a pokemon.

Also Ash captured a onix,

Markus captured medite

and Liam captured geodude.

After they went through

the cave they got

to jublife city.

They went to the TV


They went to

dress up there


After that they

went into a forest

and caputured a pokemon!

Ash captured bidoof

Marcus captured shinx

and liam captured starly.

In the mean time they got

to floroama town.

After floaroma town

Ertaner city!

They got in the gym.

gardner said"Ash challenge


Ash said "ok."

Ash said"Go starly"

lvl 10

gardner said "Go












































To be continued

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episode 6 a meeting in velingstone and liam leaves.


So Ash and his freinds

were in ertana city


So they continued the


Ash said"starly steel wing!"

starly 40 hp

roselia 40 hp.

gardner said"magical leaf!"

starly 10 hp

roselia 40hp.

Ash said "starly wing attack!"

starly 10 hp

roselia 0 hp.

Gardner said "return

great battle there Ash!"

Ash said "thanks!"

Gardner said "Go cherrybuie lvl 19!"

Ash said "starly steel wing!"

starly 10 hp

cherbuie 0 hp.

Gardner said "you have done it


Gardner said "for my last pokemon

is bilbareil lvl 20!"

Ash said "wing attack!"

Gardner said "dodge it!"

Ash said "earthquarke!"

Gardner said "no!"

Starly 10 hp

bilbareil 0 hp.

Ash said "i ot the forest badge!"

Until they came outside.

There was some stealers over there!

Ash said "who are you!"

unkown said "we are team galactic."

Ash said "let's have a battle!"

Grunt 1 said "ok!"

Grunt 2 said "ok!"

Liam said "Go chimchar lvl 17!"

Grunt 1 said "Go purley lvl 19!"

Ash said "Go Turtwig lvl 17!"

Grunt 2 said "Go wurmple lvl 10!"

Ash said "razor leaf!"

wurmple 0 hp

purley 0 hp

chimchar 60 hp

turtwig 60 hp.

Grunt 1 and 2 said "we are blasting

off again!"

So they went to velingstone

and Liam said "i am leavig!"

Ash said "ok!"



To Be Continued

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