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Pokemon Roxol Region!

Grunt Issun

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OOC: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/251812-pokemon-roxol-region-not-startedaccepting/

Jacob looked over the front of the boat and saw what looked like a little fishing village in the distance, "That must be the town were docking in, eh Ruta?" Jacob said in awe, "To-to DIYLE" Totodile replied happily. Jacob sighed with happiness, he was finaly going to be happy, not like he was back in that retched goldenrod city. Jacob realized that he hadn't actually socialized with any of the people on board the ship, he just now promised himself that he would go strike up conversation with the first person he saw, he turned around and saw someone in elegent cloathing, she had really long blonde hair and was very thin (that would be Linda) and groaned, "Ah come on! I hate people like that!" Jacob whined, "Toto, totoDILE!" Totodile yelled at him, "Oh fine! I'll go talk to her, but JUST because I made a promise to you, Ruta!" Jacob said angrilly. He walked over to her, grumbling, but tried to put on his nicest face, and switched to his friendliest tone of voice and said, "Hey there! How's it going?" even though on the inside he was hating every moment of this.
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Joseph was in a chair on the deck, stroking Absol's fur. "So, your fur is so soft, you're honestly a loving animal, It's a wonder they say you bring disaster, you just warn them." Joseph said. "Ab-sol!" Absol replied. "So tooth-check, Got to make sure they are good for your Bite attack." Joseph said. Absol grinned. "Nice job!" Joseph said. He rose up and looked at the island, "There, Absol, that is where our adventure starts." Joseph said. Absol Kept grinning. He then saw a Boy with a totodile. "Should we say Hi-oh wait, no, not a good idea, he's talking to a girl." Joseph said. "Ab-sol." Absol replied. "Absol, where are your manners? ...Okay that was pretty funny." Joseph chuckled.
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Hanbei walked out of his room onto the deck of the ship, and right in front of him was the region of Roxol, "Wow... Amazing..." he said to himself, elbows against the railing and his overcoat fluttering in the wind, he enjoyed it and said, "Slowpoke look, isn't it..." Hanbei then turned his head to see... no slowpoke. "Sl-Slowpoke? Where the heck-" This would happen from time to time when slowpoke was out of his pokeball for an extended period of time. So Hanbei looked around to see his slowpoke slowly trotting up to an absol and his trainer. The slowpoke looked at the absol with his lazy eyes and slowly began to say "Sloooooowwwwwwppoookkke." Hanbei chuckled and ran over to see the Absol's trainer "Sorry about that, my slowpoke is a little... adventurous." He said looking back at the slowpoke who was on his back and playing with Absol's paw. "Umm... Yeah..." Hanbei shook his head back into his previous conversation, "So anyway, my name is Hanbei Mitsu, I come from the Johto region in Azalea Town. You?" Hanbei asked politely as his Slowpoke continuously played.
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"It's no problem, My name is Joseph, I'm from Slateport City, in the Hoenn region, This my Absol, my pride and joy." He said motioning to the Absol that was playing with the slowpoke. "My sister found him when he was just an egg, he hatched and I've been raising him ever since. He can be a handful at times, he doesn't like pokeballs and one time we got lost in Castelia City in the Unova Region, BIG city. So, ummm, how's your Slowpoke, it's obviously playful." Joseph said, looking at Absol who was smiling at the Slowpoke messing with his paw.

At the Pokemon League, the Elite four were discussing the new arrivals. "So I hear there arre trainers coming to the Roxol region. I've been sharpening my skills recently, Steel can rust and I'm making sure that doesn't happen...But I've recently become somewhat depressed, there haven't been many trainers that give us a good battle anymore." Brent said.
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"Well then I guess its a good thing, hmm Brent?" Ray asked, comming out of the shadows to greet the elite four. He was still wearing his silvery-white full body cloak, even though he was addressing the elite four, "Though mabye I should have just called Zozin over for tea" Ray offered sarchasticly, "He may have given you a challenge. Anyway, its my duty as the Champion to go greet the new arrivals, so make sure that nothing happens to the base while I'm gone! Come on Skarmory!" Ray shouted as he threw a pokeball into the air, from out which popped a big metal bird, "Lets go! I'll be back in an hour or two" Ray called to them as he took off.
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Brent couldn't say a word before Skarmory carried him off. "Zozin, I don't like him, but I don't have to. However watching this place Is a piece of cake, It's as safe as Forretress's body in his shell." Brent said. He then walked back into his room of battle, it was mainy electronic and cold steel, the walls had many designs, one was a Beldum, a Registeel, and a Skarmory. "This room, it reminds me of home, minus the work." Brent said throwing a pokeball in the air releasing Metagross. "Hey there Metagross, How's it going." Brent asked. "Meta!" Metagross said. "That's nice." Brent said.
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Christian arrived at the Island, on a small Cruise Boat. His Happiny, Terra, Was nestled in his arm. "Happ-iny!" In it's little Pouch was an Oval Stone, which he had put in there a while ago. "It's alright, Happiny. Soon, you'll be a Chancey, and I can teach you awesome moves, then Blissey, and you'll be the Highest HP in the Region. Terra, let's go far." He smiled, adjusting his Breeder Uniform, and setting Terra down to toddle around, learning to walk, and meeting new trainers. Terra stumbled on a Totodile, one owned by Jacob.

Alex looked up and smiled at Ray on his Skarmory, and shouted, "I'm coming, too!" He walked to the PC, and took out a Pokemon from Kanto that knew Fly, his trusty Pidgeot. "Pidgeot, Fly through the Skies!" He yelled, jumping off a Balcony. A few seconds later, the Pidgeot was flying through the air, slicing through the winds, following Ray's Skarmory to Roxol's Port City, where his Pokemon would thrive. "WHOO HOO!" He yelled, the adrenaline rushing through him.
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"Oh, My slowpoke? I found him stuck under a rock in Slowpoke Well, its right outside Azalea town. Poor thing was left alone and its tail was cut off. Thankfully Slowpoke tails grow back, but he's been my side for a couple of years now, except when I'm not around him for a few seconds and then he wanders off." Hanbei said turning towards the Absol and Slowpoke, only to see... Slowpoke missing... again. "... Not again..." Hanbei then looked up to see his slowpoke walking across the railing of the boat, this of course made Hanbei panic. Hanbei ran over to the other side of the boat, where the slowpoke was, and quickly grabbed him off the railing, "What's the matter with you?" Hanbei asked, Slowpoke just replied with a big yawn and fell asleep in his arms. He then put Slowpoke on his back where Slowpoke, instinctively, grabbed onto his shoulders, and was asleep. He then walked back over to Joseph and sighed, "So... Hoenn huh? I went there on vacation once."
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Jericho is staring at the Ray's Skarmorry and Christian's Pidgeot from the distance at Roxol City. "So...trainers from other regions...hmm this better be interesting." As Jericho sits at the port waiting for their arrival. "I hope they better be good trainers.. I heard there are powerful trainers in those regions...especially Kanto..." -Turns to his Flygon- "Maybe we can find good competition" As Jericho finishes that sentence his Flygon gives a slight grin to it's Master.
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(It's Alex, not Christian.)
Alex returned his Pidgeot from 100 feet in the air. He pulled out his Dewgong, and hit the water with a loud splash, and when the short mist cleared, he was on his Dewgong, going fast in the water, getting to land, right after Ray's Skarmory(Trying not to PowerPlay, ~N~, but i'm just saying that your Skarmory would arrive a little before my Dewgong.), knocked off his Dewgong. "Alex Ryder, of the Elite Four-" Was all he said before he faceplanted into the sand, causin Christian to smile, and Terra to toddle over to him. Chris watched little Terra toddle over, thinking she knew what she was doing, trying to help. He smiled as Terra tried all she knew.

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"Yeah, it's a nice place, I live by the Dock in Slateport, It's the trade center of Hoenn, and it's always bright and sunny, but Absol and I usually go for a walk under the cycling road to Mauville, I've talked to Wattson, the GYm Leader there, I trained with him once for a week." Joseph said. "I like the place quite a bit. Say, you're a nice guy, and Absol and Slowpoke seem to get along, maybe we should form a team, if it's ok with you of course." Joseph asked hopefully. "And if it's okay with our pokemon, You like that idea Absol?" Joseph asked. "Ab-Sol!" Absol replied. "Okay, that is a yes from Absol." Joseph said.
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Near the entrance of the Sunset Cave, Wilhelm noticed a flash in the sky. He looks up and sees Ray flying on his Skarmory somewhere far in the sky. "So new trainers have arrived." He sighs expresionless, then turns around and enters the cave.

"Ms. Orlington! Word has reached us that new trainers have arrived, we'll have to prepare the Gym." A young man wearing a colbert said. "How many times do I have to tell you, call me Miranda!" Miranda replied. "Erm... Miranda. We really need to prepare the Gym for the new trainers." "Hahaha! Silly little guy, the gym's already ready." The young man looked at the piles of stained clothing, empty paint bottles and verious other items lying on piles spread through the Gym. "Whatever you say madam."
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Ray facepalmed at the display the he just witnessed, he sighed, "Alex, when will you ever learn?" He asked, though he knew the answer... never, he shook his head and looked at the boat of trainers comming to the region, "Hmm, these guys look like they have potention, eh Skarmory?" He asked, Skarmory just nodded, Ray looked back, scanning the deck, he could immediatly make out one guy in a chair, one guy trying to save his slowpoke, a guy who was smiling at Alex, presumably because he just crashed, and a boy talking to a girl... probably flirting, he presumed.


Ruta, the totodile, followed the Happiny that she just met over the the man who had just face-planted into the sand, "To-toto DYILE!" Ruta encouraged the man, which was basicly Totodilian for, come on, get up! She looked at the Happiny and asked, "Toto, totodile?" Which agian, is Totodile for, "You think he's going to be alright?
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"I will. This has happened many times before. I know I should stop riding on Tailspin, my Dewgong, and start riding on Beauty, my Milotic." Alex then returned Tailspin. He pet Terra, who flinched and gave Alex a Oval Stone to the face. "Ow. And Hoenn, you say? Do you remember a foriegner from Kanto beating Wattson with a Water-Type team?" He asked Joseph. Christian then scoops Happiny back up. "Terra! Why'd you slap the crazy dude?" He scolds her. Alex speaks then. "No. I'm Alex Ryder, the 3rd Elite Four. That's Ray, the Champion." He tries to walk over towards the Skarmory.

(Hey, you forgot to Speak of Christian in the People.)
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"Umm really? Wow sure! That's sounds fine to me!" Hanbei said with a smile he then heard Slowpoke snoring in his ear, "Umm I think Slowpoke is up for it too." Hanbei said chuckling a bit, "Now that I think about it, I never really had a real friend since..." Hanbei shook his head, "It doesn't matter! I'll be happy to travel with you." Hanbei then nodded as he turned over towards the Roxol Region, "Wow, isn't it beautiful?"


Dmitri sat in his gym, alone, with his Alakazam, and a crystal ball... "Some newcomers eh?" Dmitri said to himself, "Looks like this new generation is gonna be fun! I can't wait."
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"Yeah it truly is, definately not as crowded as Slateport. Which reminds me, My mom gets her love of birds, from one her friends daughters, Winona, Winona gave me the TM for Aerial Ace, Which surprisingly worked on my Absol, so he isn't that bad against fighting types." Joseph said going completely off topic. Absol stared at him blankly. "Hey, don't look at me, you know the move...and when we One KO'ed Brakly's Makuhita for the knuckle badge." Joseph said. Absol indeed did remember. Absol proudly put on his most boastful smile to show off as well. "Oh Absol, you spend way too much time with me." Joseph said.
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"Wow, your pokemon is strong, I'm just starting out... my Slowpoke is only a Level six, and he's all I got. But One day, He's going to be a Slowking. Not a Slowbro, he will be smart, clever, and all that..." Hanbei said sighing, "Well... No matter right?" Hanbei then took out his compass, it was old-looking and the outer shell was made of wood. Top of the compass was engraved to resemble a pokeball, not colored of course. He opened it up and looked at the needle, it pointed straight to Roxol. "Indeed this place is truly special..." Hanbei said under his breath as he got lost in his compass.
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"I'm starting out as well, My Absol is around your Solwpoke's Level, I guess Brawly just let his gaurd down against a Dark Type. He should talk to Sidney." Joseph said. "When Slowpoke Turns into a Solwking, that will be cool, Phsycic and Dark Pokemon working together, that sounds awesome." Joseph said. Absol obviously like the idea.

At the Pokemon League Brent looked through a scope and saw the boat. "I may as well greet them. Metagross return....GO Skarmory! BOat landing, make it fast." Brent said, and in moments he made it beside Ray and Alex. "Hey guys." Brent.
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Flying high above the water, a Pelipper carrying a camera in its mouth is taking pictures. Coincidentally, it manages to snap a picture of the boat. After a few minutes, it turns around and heads towards Roxol. Meanwhile, in Tropicannis Town, Cliff and his pokemon are working to get his gym in working condition. His Blaziken is cutting down trees for wood, while his Aggron carries boulders into the gym. Futher away, his Mightyena is trying to find a Diglett that had been annoying him for about a week. Serperior is slithering between them all, trying to make sure they all are doing their work. Inside the gym, Cliff is working on the electrical systems when his Gengar tackles him from behind. "What do you want now Gengar?" The Gengar looks at him, replying with "Gar, Gengar!" "So you want another staring contest, eh? Well I won't lose to you this time." The two immediately lock eyes, and they remain this way for 5 minutes, at which point Gengar uses Hypnosis and forces Cliff to blink to stay awake. "Well its nice to see you still obey the rules. Why don't you go and see if Pelipper is back yet. I can't wait to see what he got pictures of this time." The Gengar walks off to fulfill his leaders orders.
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Hanbei chuckled at the idea, "Heh, that's going to be cool, he may be psychic type now, but he doesn't do much with it." Hanbei said reaching back and scratching slowpoke's head, "But he's my pal, ya' know?" He leaned on the Railing as he put his compass back in his pocket. "But no matter. A new adventure awaits us." Hanbei looked over to the side of the ship to see wailords blowing water into the air.
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"Yeah, I know, Absol has been beside me when nobody else has." Joseph said. "Without pokemon my family and I would be cooped up in the house playing Monopoly all day." Joseph joked. Absol pretended like he threw up. "Absol doesn't like the idea of no pokemon either." Joseph said. Absol shook his head. "But there is a new journey between You, I, and our pokemon. A whole new world and I've already made a friend." Joseph said with a smile, hands over the rail of the deck.
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"Hey let's get going then, the bridge extended to the bridge." Hanbei said looking over to the other side of the deck, with a bridge connected to the docks. Hanbei began walking across the deck, realizing that the second he'd step off, he wouldn't be returning home... But he knew he had to move on, and find out who took his parents and pokemon away from him... He walked across the bridge as Slowpoke was snoring louder, and louder... "Man Slowpoke, how lazy are you?" he whispered. "C'mon Joseph!" he yelled as he jumped off the bridge onto the docks, and into Roxol...
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"Without Pokemon, seriously, my family are all Pokemon Breeders. What would we do? Try to mate Plants?" Christian joked, and got smacked in the back of the head with the Oval Stone for it by Terra. He proceeds to fall over. "OW! Terra, will you stop that?" Terra tried to cross her arms, but since they were so stubby, they couldn't. "Oh, you want to be bossy, huh?" Which earned another smack to the head with the stone, knocking him out cold. "The first step to Pokemon Breeding is... uggghhhhh...." He moaned in pain in his unconscious state. Terra smiled and stood on Christian, triumphant.
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Dmitri sat in his gym, weary of a lack of visitors, until he was finally alerted through a silent alarm that a Trainer has entered the gym, he was very excited as this didn't happen too often now days. He prepared his pokemon and backed away into a hidden door and all the lights in the room went off. The trainer then burst into Dmitri's private room, suddenly the lights flashed on and smoke came out of the ground, suddenly something fell from the ceiling, it swung right past the trainer, then back, then the object leaped off onto the other side of the room. It was Dmitri hanging from a rope using his hands. He gave a loud laugh and announced, "So laddy, Chico, little man! Are you ready!?" He said with eccentric movements as spotlights covered the arena in the middle of his room. "Let's go boyo!" Dmitri said with a wide smirk as he tipped his caviler hat.

PkMn Trainer Joey Vs. Gym Leader Dmitri:
Dmitri sent out a Sigilyph!
Joey sent out a Solrock!
Dmitri glared at his opponent as he suddenly got serious. He extended his hand and his Sigilyph sent out a Psywave, which the Solrock quickly dodged and used Rock tomb, seemingly crushing Sigilyph, however he missed entirely and Sigilyph surprised Joey with Icebeam and froze Solrock. Sigilyph then used another Psybeam when Dmitri tipped his hat again. However the Solrock unfroze and used rock throw, hitting Sigilyph directly. Sigilyph got back up and used safeguard, thats when Solrock used another Rock Tomb, knocking Sigilyph unconscious.
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"Alright Absol, out Journey starts here!" Joseph said to Absol, who followed him off the ship. "The Roxol Region, 8 Gym leaders, the Elite four, and the current champion and we will be phenominal!" Joseph said. "Ab-Sol!" Absol shouted. "You know it Absol!" Joseph replied.

Far away, a Team Phoenix Member was strolling around confiedently. She found a trainer. "Hey, what's up." Nora said to an Aimlessly strolling Trainer. "M-me?" The Trainer asked nervously. "No, the tree behind you, we go way back...yes you, our eyes met so we got to battle, and after that, maybe you too could understand what it's like to be alone." She said. "Alone?" The trainer asked. Nora smiled and sent out a pokemon.

Team Phoenix Commander Nora sent out Staraptor!
PKMN Trainer Brandon Sent out Beartic!
"Nice call, too bad you don't know something I do! Staraptor use Close Combat!" Nora shouted. The Staraptor did as told and rushed in sending out a flurry of attacks. "Gah! A fighting Type move!" Brandom shouted. Beartic fell over.
PKMN Trainer Brandon sent out Cacturn!
"Staraptor use Wing Attack!" Nora shouted, and Staraptor did, One hit KO'ing the Cacturn. "That was my last pokemon!" Brandon gasped. "See you round kid." Nora said, as she took off on her Pokemon back to the Team Phoenix base.
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