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Yu-Gi-Oh! Kingdom Overdrive! Structer Deck 1: Blazing Ace

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This structer deck is based on Jack deck from Yugioh Kingdom Overdrive!

Including 43 cards
Total of 8 new cards (1 Ultra 2 Super)
40 main deck
3 Extra

YKS1 - EN001 Volcanic Cat
YKS1 - EN002 Volcanic Block
YKS1 - EN003 Volcanic Golem
YKS1 - EN004 Volcanic Shell x 3
YKS1 - EN005 Volcanic Slicer x 2
YKS1 - EN006 Volcanic Rocket x 2
YKS1 - EN007 Volcanic Blaster
YKS1 - EN008 Volcanic Hammer
YKS1 - EN009 Volcanic Queen
YKS1 - EN010 Volcanic Doomfire
YKS1 - EN011 Royal Firestorm Guards
YKS1 - EN012 UFO Turtle x 2
YKS1 - EN013 Solar Flare Dragon x 3
YKS1 - EN014 Volcanic Dual Cannon
YKS1 - EN015 Volcanic Buster Edge
YKS1 - EN016 Blaze Accelerator x 3
YKS1 - EN017 Tri-Blaze Accelerator
YKS1 - EN018 Pot of Avarice
YKS1 - EN019 Monster Reborn
YKS1 - EN020 Wild Fire
YKS1 - EN021 Monster Reincarnation
YKS1 - EN022 Soul of Fire x 2
YKS1 - EN023 Volcanic Guard
YKS1 - EN024 Volcanic Recharge
YKS1 - EN025 Dark Bribe
YKS1 - EN026 Spiritual Fire Art - Kurenai
YKS1 - EN027 Magic Cylinder
YKS1 - EN028 Backfire
YKS1 - EN029 Firewall
YKS1 - EN030 Final Attack Orders
YKS1 - EN031 Volcanic Dragon (Ultra)
YKS1 - EN032 Volcanic Archfeind (Super)
YKS1 - EN033 Blazing Archfeind Ifrit (Super)

Custom Cards

Volcanic Cat
Lv 4 Fire
Once per turn, You can reduce this cards ATK by Half til the End Phase so this card can attack directly this turn.
ATK/1400 DEF/500

Volcanic Golem
lv 6 Fire
You can special summoned this card if you control no monsters and your opponent controls two or more.
ATK/2000 DEF/2000

Volcanic Block
lv 1 Fire
When an opponents monster attacks you can discard this card from your hand to negate the attack and destroy the attacking monster.
ATK/0 DEF/1500

Volcanic Dual Cannon
Equip Spell
This card can only be equipped to "Volcanic Dragon". The Equipped Monster gains 1500 ATK points. During the End-Phase of the turn this card was activate, inflict damage to your life points equal to Volcanic Dragons ATK.

Volcanic Buster Edge
Equip Spell
This card can only be Equipped to a "Volcanic" monster. The Equipped Monster gains 500 ATK Points. When the Equipped card destroys an opponent monster by battle you can destroy 1 spell or trap your opponent controls.

Volcanic Guard
Activate this card when your opponent declares an attack. Remove 1 Volcanic monster in your hand from Play and summon Volcanic Guardna tokens (lv 2/Fire/Pyro/ATK/1000/DEF/1000) to your side of the field in deffence position for each 2 levels the monster removed by this card effect had.

Volcanic Dragon
lv 10 Fire
1 Fire Tuner + 1 or more "Volcanic" Non-Tuner Monsters
This card can only be summoned by Synchro Summon. When this card destroys a monster as a result of battle inflict 500 points of damage to your opponents life points.
ATK/3500 DEF/1500

Volcanic Archfiend
lv 8 Fire
1 Tuner + 1 or more "Volcanic" Non-Tuner Monster
Once per turn, discard 1 card to inflict 800 points of damage to your opponents life points.
ATK/2500 DEF/2100

Blazing Archfiend Ifrit
Rank 4 Fire
2 Level 4 Fire Attribute Pyro type Monsters
Once per turn, by detaching 1 XYZ matireal monster you can inflict damage to your opponents life points equal to this cards ATK, during the turn this effect is activated this card cannot attack.
ATK/2000 DEF/0
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On the set as a whole:
Structure decks don't usually include an extra deck, although since this one seems to be attacked to some other series it's not too much of a problem. They also don't usually include so many repeat cards - generally they only include 1, unless the card is vital to the deck and/or doesn't work without multiple copies (at all, like Volcanic Shell, not that it can't pull off the combo you want), and then it's two - the most recent one I can recall including three copies of a card (a searcher and a field spell that was key to the deck) was SD4. The numbers are often made up by cards that aren't in the base archetype, but work with them (so other FIRE monsters with decent effects).

I'm guessing you're trying to base it on your character, but actual structure decks tend to include a greater variety of cards.

As for your custom cards:

Volcanic Cat:
Reduce it's ATK by how much? As long as it's at least half, the card is fine.

Volcanic Golem:
Special Summon it from where, and if your opponent controls two or more what? It's fine, although I'd consider pushing it's ATK down to 2000, just to put it under Cyber Dragon.

Volcanic Block:
Interesting variant on Honest/Kalut. It's a bit too generally useful though - perhaps require the attack to be against a Volcanic/FIRE/Pyro-type monster. Also, maybe lower the defence to about 1000 or so - 1500 is a lot for a level 1, and it's effect doesn't need it to be on the field anyway.

Volcanic Buster Edge:
Nice. The ATK bonus may be a little much (I'm not sure what Volcanics are like for ATK), but it's an Equip Spell so it shouldn't be a problem.

Volcanic Guard:
Seems fair. You'll probably only get 1-2 tokens most of the time anyway. Perhaps add a continuation that they can only be tributed for Volcanic Monsters, although it's probably not really necessary.

Volcanic Dragon:
Not bad - the materials are specific enough to limit it to specific decks but general enough that those decks can get it out without too much work. In terms of power it's fair enough for a level 10, and the burn is simple but makes sense. However...

Volcanic Dual Cannon:
...this is a bad idea. Volcanic Dragon doesn't need more attack points. If anything it needs protection from effects. Taking damage back makes up for it to an extent, but that's only one turn, whilst this in theory puts Volcanic Dragon up to 5000 ATK for the rest of the duel.

Volcanic Archfiend:
Not a bad card. Actually quite weak in terms of ATK, but it's effect is a bit cheap. Perhaps have to discard a FIRE monster or something as a cost, and then make it a level 6 or 7.

Blazing Archfiend Ifrit:
The effect is OP'd. The drawbacks won't matter because no-one will use this until their opponent has less than 4000 life points left. You're better off letting it detach 1 material per turn for a 1000-1500 burn, and then destroy it when it has no materials left. At the very least have using the effect stop you having a battle phase at all.
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[quote name='Time Psyduck' timestamp='1307464839' post='5263743']
On the set as a whole:
Structure decks don't usually include an extra deck, although since this one seems to be attacked to some other series it's not too much of a problem. They also don't usually include so many repeat cards - generally they only include 1, unless the card is vital to the deck and/or doesn't work without multiple copies (at all, like Volcanic Shell, not that it can't pull off the combo you want), and then it's two - the most recent one I can recall including three copies of a card (a searcher and a field spell that was key to the deck) was SD4. The numbers are often made up by cards that aren't in the base archetype, but work with them (so other FIRE monsters with decent effects).

I'm guessing you're trying to base it on your character, but actual structure decks tend to include a greater variety of cards.

As for your custom cards:

Volcanic Cat:
Reduce it's ATK by how much? As long as it's at least half, the card is fine.

Volcanic Golem:
Special Summon it from where, and if your opponent controls two or more what? It's fine, although I'd consider pushing it's ATK down to 2000, just to put it under Cyber Dragon.

Volcanic Block:
Interesting variant on Honest/Kalut. It's a bit too generally useful though - perhaps require the attack to be against a Volcanic/FIRE/Pyro-type monster. Also, maybe lower the defence to about 1000 or so - 1500 is a lot for a level 1, and it's effect doesn't need it to be on the field anyway.

Volcanic Buster Edge:
Nice. The ATK bonus may be a little much (I'm not sure what Volcanics are like for ATK), but it's an Equip Spell so it shouldn't be a problem.

Volcanic Guard:
Seems fair. You'll probably only get 1-2 tokens most of the time anyway. Perhaps add a continuation that they can only be tributed for Volcanic Monsters, although it's probably not really necessary.

Volcanic Dragon:
Not bad - the materials are specific enough to limit it to specific decks but general enough that those decks can get it out without too much work. In terms of power it's fair enough for a level 10, and the burn is simple but makes sense. However...

Volcanic Dual Cannon:
...this is a bad idea. Volcanic Dragon doesn't need more attack points. If anything it needs protection from effects. Taking damage back makes up for it to an extent, but that's only one turn, whilst this in theory puts Volcanic Dragon up to 5000 ATK for the rest of the duel.

Volcanic Archfiend:
Not a bad card. Actually quite weak in terms of ATK, but it's effect is a bit cheap. Perhaps have to discard a FIRE monster or something as a cost, and then make it a level 6 or 7.

Blazing Archfiend Ifrit:
The effect is OP'd. The drawbacks won't matter because no-one will use this until their opponent has less than 4000 life points left. You're better off letting it detach 1 material per turn for a 1000-1500 burn, and then destroy it when it has no materials left. At the very least have using the effect stop you having a battle phase at all.

@Volcanic Cat: It was half error was fixed
@Volcanic Golem: Made it 2000 ATK and DEF
@Volcanic Block: Its effect is still a one off when its been discard and its DEF can be taken down easily if on the feild by most monsters.
@Volcanic Buster Edge: I don't Think the ATK part is much but more so making Volcanic's more than just burn in away.
@Volcanic Dragon: Thanks
@Volcanic Duel Cannon: Well it is a card that only works for a certain card but I made it have a power bond effect where it deals you damage by its ATK which is 5000 with the card.
@Volcanic Archfiend:Made it a discard cost
@Blazing Archfiend Ifrit: Made it by its own ATK but can do it twice

Also on a side note Kingdom Overdrive is a series which as a strong focus on its Extra deck cards and extream duels so the build was made in form of a semi skilled form
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