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Halo 4


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[quote name='Herman The German' timestamp='1307474182' post='5264160']
i hate companies that makes like 5 squels to either a game and or movies

like i wanna go see fast and the furious 5

and halo 4

people just get too "darn" greedy

they shoulded ended with halo osdt
The worst is when a company decides a Game is going to be a "Trilogy" from the start or episodic.
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[quote name='Darkstorm9' timestamp='1307473531' post='5264127']
you may wanna read my post at the end of the last page.

Okay, just watched it on teh TV. I thought it was just gonna like the God of War 1 and 2 re-release, but no. This is great ;D
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[quote name='ADHD-Guitar' timestamp='1307474846' post='5264190']
It should have ended with Reach. There, I said it.

i agreed with adhd guitar hero

[quote name='Herman The German' timestamp='1307482018' post='5264616']
i agreed with adhd guitar hero

when he says guitar i have to say hero

so i fuse A.D.H.D. Guitar with Elemental Anti HERO Hiro to make A.D.H.D. Guitar Hero !!!
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see my last post before this one Rei IV

they shouldve re name halo 4 halo 6 because its really the 6th installment in thge seires

i hate shooter games in general but all the nonsense and or popularity behind shooter games is quite amusing its like im the only intelligent person left on earth

which is even more amusing because calling me intelligent is being very very generous.
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[quote name='Herman The German' timestamp='1307516070' post='5266205']
see my last post before this one Rei IV

they shouldve re name halo 4 halo 6 because its really the 6th installment in thge seires

[b]i hate shooter games in general but all the nonsense and or popularity behind shooter games is quite amusing its like im the only intelligent person left on earth[/b]

which is even more amusing because calling me intelligent is being very very generous.

That's why I play Dragon Age. :3
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