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[center]One day, there was a place.

This place was dubbed territory YCM for no particular reason. In it were many, many unclaimed planets with various resources. It wasn't a surprise that upon discovery of this territory, various Organizations began to flood the area, each attempting to claim their planet(s). Unfortunately, it wasn't easy. The various fauna, natural planetary defenses, and newly found space pirates didn't help their cause at all.

At least until they got their hands on a few mechas.

During one particular exploration of a moon, a large metallic container was found. Inside were several robots.

The organization that found them (Club Pikachu) used the f*** out of them.

...Until they disbanded.

Several organizations afterwards also found similar metallic containers. With each organization having their own personal army, inter organization wars began.


[color="#FFFFFF"]/shittyhalfassedplot[/color] [/center]

As you can see, this is a YCM RP [i]vaguely[/i] concerning Mechas. I'm also not taking the plot seriously, or well, what very little plot I have.

I. Thou shalt not flame, unless thy flame with aye flamethrower.
II. Thou shalt not godmod, unless thy is god*.
III. Thou shalt not disobey thy orders of thy commanders.
IV. Thou shalt not argue with his honorable tyranny.
V. Thou shalt only finish thy opponent with my approval.
[spoiler=Organization Application]
[code][b]Organization Name:[/b]
[b]Leader of Organization:[/b]
[b]Co-Leader of Organization:[/b]
[b]Positions:[/b] (add the people in your organization that fit the roles)
Captain of Carrier:
Vice Captain of Carrier:
[b]Combat Roles:[/b]
Lead: (leads battles)
Ranged: (specializes in ranged weaponry, but is more mobile)
Assault: (close to medium combat specialist)
Artillery: (long ranged/bombarding specialist)
Ace: (flying/space pilot specialist)
[b]Appearance:[/b] (picture/description. preferably both.)
[b]Living Quarters:[/b] (what it has inside for members to use.)
[b]Storage Threshold:[/b] (how much mechas it can hold.)
[b]Capabilities:[/b] (is it very fast, warp drive, excels in water combat, etc.)
[spoiler=Regular Application]
[b]Brief History in Organization:[/b]
[b]Appearance:[/b] (pictures/description, both is preferable)
[b]Capabilities:[/b] (can it transform, how fast does it go, etc.)
[b]Size:[/b] (give a good estimate.)

[size="1"]* Kamina

Organization Leaders MUST fill out a Organization Application, AND Regular Application.

I will ban mechas accordingly.

brb pasting this thread in clubs.

Disclaimer: No Super Robots allowed. Super Robots are basically very large mechas. Megazords from Power Rangers is a good example. Also nothing from TTGL. [/size]
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Reserving for my character and Mecha. First Form Gallahad. Second form Shinkiro. Third form Tensa, which is a combination of both with SOME Zangetsu and Lancelot wings thrown in, except it will be a black frame with purple wings.


No, I will not be wielding a Geass, I am not THAT f***ing broken. =_=

[b]Name:[/b] Sazuku Kiribashi
[b]Organization:[/b] To be determined
[b]Appearance:[/b] Black Hair, five feet eight inches, wears different colored clothing, usually blie or black jeans with a blue black or red shirt. Green eyes, athletic build, doesn't wear glasses or contacts.
[b]Gender:[/b] Male
[b]Call-sign:[/b] Ebon
[b]Position:[/b] To be determined
[b]Brief History in Organization:[/b]
[b]Name:[/b] Tensa.
[b]Weaponry:[/b] Two energy cannons mounted at the shoulders. They are modified to have a certain amount of swing room, and can fire varying sizes of energy beams and blasts instead of only a continuous stream of destructive energy. It has also been modified to run off of specific crystalline fuels instead of the original intended fuel source.
The fingers can be fired of at enemies so as to ensnare them and/or pierce the exterior layers of other mechas.
[b]Capabilities:[/b] It has two transformations that can be unlocked and become permanent when they occur. The first is Shinkiro. The second is its namesake, Tensa. It's starting form is that of Gawain.
Not sure how to describe its speed and power. help pl0x?
[b]Size:[/b] Approximately six times the height of a normal human with the body being proportionate to a human build for its size.
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[quote name='Shadow Zero' timestamp='1307386628' post='5261125']
No, I will not be wielding a Geass, I am not THAT f***ing broken. =_=

Only thing that should come from other Anime/Manga are the mechas themselves.

Everything else should be original. :|

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Reserving a spot for my app.

Can the Mecha be original?


[b]Name:[/b] James Llondyi
[b]Organization:[/b] Fake Type Knight
[b]Appearance:[/b] Snow white Hair, Blue eyes, 6'2" and tends to wear an electronic eye patch around. Often wears a Blue shirt with a Black jacket over it as well as Blue Jeans and Tennis Shoes. He has a lean build and a chill attitude.
[b]Gender:[/b] Male
[b]Call-sign:[/b] Ghost/Tonberry-6
[b]Position:[/b] Last Survivor
[b]Brief History in Organization:[/b] James Llondyi was a member of the elite Tonberry force for the Fake Type Knights. At the time Club Pikachu had been waging an underground war against the Fake Type Knights due to the rich mineral fields the Knights had control of. When Club Pikachu found their machines, they immediately set them on the Knights to secure the resources. James was one of five people to hold off one of the new mecha for a longer duration than two minutes, but his Mobile Armor Dynames was useless against it. He manage to eject from his unit and had to watch his friends get slaughtered. As the last survivor he seeks to put an end to Club Pikachu for good.
[b]Relationships:[/b] Hatred towards Club Pikachu, remorse towards those who have lost friends and family.
[b]Name:[/b] GN-006L Lunar Cherudim Gundam
[b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://images.wikia.com/gundam/images/c/ca/GN-006_-_Cherudim_Gundam_-_Front_View.jpg]Picture Appearance[/url]

As Dynames' successor, Cherudim is another sniper mobile suit. Cherudim is equipped with a dedicated precision targeting camera located in its forehead (above the V-Fin) similar to Dynames. It executes sniper mode by exposing its forehead scope and lowering a gun module within the cockpit for pilot control. The cockpit is located in the chest area. It has been painted in shades of Blue.

[b]Weaponry:[/b] x2 MS Pistol II (Have a short range, and are capable of converting to blades. Minor damage).

MS Missiles (Long Range, strong vs Slow targets. Warps outer armor to weaken foe. Minor Damage).

x9 MS Shield Bits (Used to deflect projectiles, can take up to twelve hits before warping, then an additional seven before being destroyed. Capable of converting to mobile attack drones for Minor Damage).

MS Sniper Rifle (Long-Ranged Particle weapon, High damage. Capable of converting to Mid-Ranged Sub-Machine Gun for Moderate Damage).
[b]Capabilities:[/b] MoonStone Overdrive - Directly connects Sniper Rifle to MoonStone Drive for a Massive Beam attack for Extreme Damage. Has a Moderate Charge up time and leaves the Mecha in a weakened State.

Capable of High Speed Maneuvers and has an unlimited Operational time. The Drive needs to recycle it's particles after prolonged use to ensure maximum combat effectiveness. Can take a Moderate amount of damage before requiring a withdraw for repairs, thus the need for the Shield Bits.

Height: 18.5 Meters
Weight: 61.4 Metric Tons

Hope that works.
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Application in the process of editing:

[b]Name:[/b] Akaviri Xanthorrhoeaceae
[b]Organization:[/b] Former Club Pikachu Co-Leader, now mercenary for hire
[b]Appearance:[/b] About the height of 6' and a 156 lbs., his muscularity is somewhat lacking normality, but has some decent strength behind his fists otherwise. With onyx black and dull grey eyes bringing out the pale complexion of his skin, he's almost the human-form of his mecha Nirvash typeTheEND. He usually wears his pilot suit most of the time, always ready for action to the battlefield or for a job whenever needed. However, in some cases, he's usually seen with black denim and a grey sweatshirt with a opened black multi-purpose vest.
[b]Gender:[/b] Male
[b]Call-sign:[/b] theEND
[b]Position:[/b] Mercenary/Jack of all Trades
[b]Brief History in Organization:[/b] (I assume you're talking about CP)
[*]During the reign of the CP, or Club Pikachu (Kingdom of Pikachu), and his high-ranking position as Co-Leader (General), it's prosperity grew. He has fought alongside with the CP during the Club War, which the outcome has been erased from history and has become unclear even to most of the combatants of the war. However, when the Leader (King) of CP has left (fell to death's hand), the CP soon came crumbling, and eventually became a ruinous nation, whose remains have been left untouched except by the very few who remember the greatness.
[*]Since the fall of CP, Akaviri has been a mercenary, working mostly for the AP, but however has no significant ties to AP other than connections for work. Should help from another organization arise, and turns to be more profitable in the end than what AP offers, then he'll side with that organization till another job has risen that's more opportune and wealthy.
[b]Relationships:[/b] N/A
[b]Name:[/b] Nirvash typeTheEND (Cause typeZERO is broken)
[*]Retractable set of claws
[*]3 sets of Homing lasers, 2 on each shoulder and 1 located at the pelvis region
[*]Bascude/Vascud Crisis
-It is a directed energy attack that penetrates most metallic compounds to directly affect the pilot of the opposing LFOs (rather in this case, mecha). It is fired from the two plates located at the chest of the LFO.
[*]It's max output is "4000/ 120~ 150 9PS/bpm"
[*]Cannot transform
[*]Capability of self-operation w/out pilot
[*]Unique ref-board that has the ability to split into two skis for better maneuvering in combat
[b]Size:[/b] Humanoid mode: 15 m (Never seen in vehicle mode)
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Question. Is it all right if we use the X3 modus for Mecha Capabilities?

It would look like this.
Power: ???? RPS
Speed: ???? RPS

Something like that anyway.

Also, I don't think I'll be able to post a pic for the Tensa Mode. You'll just have to use your imagination for that according to what is in the description. :P

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[quote name='Shadow Zero' timestamp='1307392194' post='5261382']
Question. Is it all right if we use the X3 modus for Mecha Capabilities?

It would look like this.
Power: ???? RPS
Speed: ???? RPS

Something like that anyway.

Also, I don't think I'll be able to post a pic for the Tensa Mode. You'll just have to use your imagination for that according to what is in the description. :P

No need. I just need a rough estimate. :|

It's not like it matters that much anyways.

As for the last... I would appreciate a rough picture. Very rough. >__>

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[b]Name:[/b] Josáline Harms
[b]Organization:[/b] None, but is looking for an organisation to hire him.
[b]Appearance:[/b] Josáline is around 5'11 and has charcoal black hair that reaches down to his waist area. He wears a pirate hat with a skull and crossbones on it, a pirate corset which is meant to "amplify" (but fails in his case) one's chest area and pantyhose. All of the aforementioned items, par the pantyhose, are colored with a bright red and tinted gold mix. To help supplement the entire pirate theme in which he had going on, he wears an eye-patch over his left eye. However, this doesn't tend to do him much good as his hair tends to cover it up entirely.
[b]Gender:[/b] Male
[b]Call-sign:[/b] Tidal
[b]Position:[/b] "Spoils of War" Pirate
[b]Brief History in Organization:[/b]
[b]Name:[/b] XXXG-01H Gundam Heavyarms
[b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://www.5inall.com/gundam/images/heavyarms.jpg]Picture appearance.[/url]
The XXXG-01H Gundam Heavyarms is a mech which is orange, red and white in coloration. It looks like a normal Gundam in it's frame design, with the sleekness being added from the first model. However, the shield has been designed to be fixed to it's left arm and instead of having a left hand it is replaced with 2 Gatling Guns. The cockpit for the Gundam Heavyarms is located inside of the chest area, behind the gatling mechanics.
2 x Machine Cannon (Within just above the shoulders of the Heavyarms. Moderately damaging.)
2 x Vulcan Cannon (Within the head of the Heavyarms. Used to intercept minor threats, but doesn't do much to most things with a standard mainframe.)
6 x Homing Missile (Located within the actual shoulders of the Heavyarms. Has a limited supply and has to restock before every battle, but these are powerful and never cease until they hit their target or their target's trace is lost.)
24 x Micro Missile - (Located on the pods on the legs of the Heavyarm. Has a limited supply and has to restock before every battle, but these rockets can be quite powerful when a few are used at the same time.)
[url=http://members.fortunecity.com/heero195/featthumb2_lg_heavy144.jpg]Chest Gatling Cannon[/url] - (Located within the chest area of the Heavyarms. Quite damaging up close, but not so much from afar. Good for evacuations.)
Beam Gatling (arm mounted) - (Can be switched out with the Gatling Cannons and shield on the Heavyarm's left arm before a battle. This is the most powerful piece of equipment the Heavyarms has, but often has a slow cooling time and makes the Heavyarm slower than before)
[b]Capabilities:[/b] The Gundam Heavyarms is a very slow, but exceedingly powerful mech. It was designed with this in mind, as it has quite an enduring mainframe to help it take damage in a firefight. However, it's also an ideal choice for such pirate characters. After heavily bombarding an enemy mecha, it will then finish up by thieving any kind of "spoilers" by ripping them from the mech with it's Army Knife for precision, afterwards evacuating.
[b]Size:[/b] 16.7 meters
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[quote name='Shadow Zero' timestamp='1307489654' post='5265190']
Is it just me or is this thread going through a dead phase?

Half and half. It just needs some better advertisement and needs to be passed around. [s]like a joint[/b]

PM'ing friends or putting it in your side might help a bit.
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[b]Name:[/b]Taisen Lagann
[b]Organization:[/b]Absolute Powerforce
[b]Appearance:[/b]Taisen stands at 6'3" tall with dark brown hair that he keeps cut at about 2 inches. He does this for the sole reason of running his fingers through his hair when exasperated. He has hazel coloured eyes that he keeps covered with glasses that have brown coloured frames to blend with his hair. He's got an average build and fair skin that he tends to keep covered with an ever-changing T shirt, his Gurren Lagann jacket and black jeans. He wears two belts. One that he keeps his weapons on and the other just to look cooler. He almost never wears shoes and wears socks even less. Around his neck he wears a necklace that has a silver Horus The Black Flame Dragon on it. This he nearly never takes off.
[b]Brief History in Organization:[/b]Taisen joined Absolute Powerforce after he saw that R.P.820. had fallen. He found that the new organization he had taken into was plagued with bouts of infighting. For this reason he feels no loyalty to the organization Absolute Powerforce but rather a few individuals within. And it is for these people that he fights
[b]Relationships:[/b]None. He does however enjoy the company of women (and men when he feels so inclined) nearly every time he goes drinking
[b]Weaponry:[/b]Harken Impulse Drive, Counter Spike Charge, Plasma Spiral Dive, Rising Meteo Inferno, and Jinrai.
[b]Capabilities:[/b]Is incredibly durable and can deal massive damage with his melee attacks greater than most other mecha can using guns. Furthermore he can fly at speeds greater than that of most Gundams
[b]Size:[/b]53.8 Meters tall
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[quote name='Battle Fenrir' timestamp='1307559446' post='5267224']
@Taisen: ...No.

Not only is it the Dai Lioh, which in itself is a decline, but it's an upgraded version of a Mech. I want first versions only. :|

Fine. I should've half expected this considering DaiRaioh is the absolutekillanythingeverevilisabouttogetrapedintheass of the mecha world...

Can i use just Rai-Oh?

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